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Title:Facebook kot orodje pridobivanja udeležencev v mrežnem marketingu
Authors:Halilagić, Martina (Author)
Pompe, Andrej (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:GeaCol - GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship
Abstract:Na trgu je vedno več podjetij, ki svoje izdelke tržijo prek zastopnikov po sistemu mrežnega marketinga. Za tak način dela običajno ne potrebujejo predznanja oziroma posebne izobrazbe, lastniki podjetij ne postavljajo pogojev, saj je njihov cilj pridobiti čim več oseb, ki bodo svoje izkušnje z nekim izdelkom predstavile svojim prijateljem, znancem in drugim. S takim načinom prodaje se informacije o izdelku zelo hitro širijo. Zastopnikov cilj je poleg prodaje tudi pridobivanje novih zastopnikov, saj je tako nagrajen z višjo provizijo. S tem lastnik podjetja doseže cilj prepoznavnosti in prodaje, zastopnik pa je za to finančno nagrajen. Z mrežnim marketingom se je v današnjih časih srečal že skoraj vsak, zaradi načina poslovanja in preteklih prevar pa so ljudje do tega sistema zelo nezaupljivi. Zaradi nezaupanja so potencialne stranke večinoma težko dostopne. Tudi iskanje novih zastopnikov ni vedno preprosto. Zaradi nezaupljivosti ljudi trkanje na vrata ne prinese večjega uspeha, prijateljev in znancev, ki še ne vedo za izdelek, ki ga predstavljamo, pa tudi zmanjka. Prek spleta pa je marsikdo lažje dosegljiv kot osebno. Glede na popularnost družbenih omrežij, predvsem Facebooka, sem v diplomskem delu preverila, kakšne so možnosti za uspeh z oglaševanjem na tem družbenem omrežju. V diplomskem delu predstavljam mrežni marketing in ga primerjam s podobnimi načini prodaje. Raziskala sem, kakšen način dela bi bil za zastopnike lažji in ali oglaševanje prek Facebooka prinaša želene rezultate. Za raziskavo v diplomskem delu sem si postavila naslednjo hipotezo: Facebook je orodje, ki udeležencem v mrežnem marketingu pomaga pri enostavnejšem iskanju kupcev in zastopnikov.
Keywords:mrežni marketing, družbena omrežja, Facebook, tržno komuniciranje, marketinški sistem pridobivanja strank, oglaševanje
Year of publishing:2017
Publisher:[M. Halilagić]
COBISS_ID:513624194 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf 186$$martina_halilagic_diplomsko_delo.pdf (1,52 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Facebook as a tool for acquiring participants in network marketing
Abstract:A growing number of companies are marketing their products via agents using multi-level marketing. No prior knowledge or special educaiton is necessary for this type of work. Business owners do not set out any conditions because their main objective is to attract as many people as possible who would be willing to share their experience with a product with their friends, acquaintances and others. Such a marketing strategy enables rapid diffusion of information about a product. The agent also wishes to recruit new agents in order to increase his or her revenue. As a result, the business achieves greater visibility and better sales, which in turn brings a financial advantage to the agent. Almost every person has already had some kind of experience with multi-level marketing. However, due to the way it functions and frauds happening in the past, people are rather distrustful of the system, which is why potential clients are usually hard to reach. Attracting new agents is also quite difficult. Knocking on people's doors yields no visible success and there is only a limited number of friends and acquaintance who do not know about the product yet. But reaching people via the internet is easier, especially because of the popularity of Facebook and other social media. This thesis thus explores the possibility of success through Facebook marketing. This thesis presents multi-level marketing and compares it to other similar marketing strategies. It aims to determine the easiest work strategy for the agents and see whether Facebook marketing brings the desired results. The thesis is based on the following hypothesis: Facebook is a tool that helps the participants in multi-level marketing seek new customers and agents.
Keywords:multi-level marketing, social media, Facebook, marketing communications, marketing, customer acquisition system, advertising
