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Title:Analiza rasti podjetja Mali-e-tiko, d. o. o. in možnosti za nadaljnjo rast
Authors:ID Mali, Miha (Author)
ID Vadnjal, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 69$$miha_mali_final(1).pdf (1,31 MB)
MD5: 9EE5C7B48669323A74CBBDA1089DD19C
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:GeaCol - GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship
Abstract:POVZETEK V diplomskem delu sem predstavil podjetje MALI-E-TIKO d. o. o., ki želi postati renomirano podjetje na evropski ravni, ki bo izdelovalo in razvijalo najzahtevnejše izdelke za moderne elektronske in druge naprave. Moji poglavitni nalogi sta bili opraviti analizo in vodstvu predstaviti možnost za nadaljnjo rast podjetja. Podjetje Mali elektronika, Mali Marjan, s. p., je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1988. Do združitve s podjetjem Tiko, d. o. o., je bilo v njem redno zaposlenih 23 ljudi. Podjetje je bilo in je še vedno vodilno podjetje v Sloveniji, za izdelavo in predelavo hladilnih reber, ki jih kupci nadalje vgrajujejo v elektronske komponente. Podjetje Tiko, d. o. o., pa je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1964. V letu 2012 sta se podjetji združili in nastalo je podjetje MALI-E-TIKO d. o. o. Predstavil sem slovensko kovinsko industrijo, ki se uvršča v vrh nosilnih dejavnosti predelovalne industrije tako po prihodku kot po izvozu. Navedel sem letno poročilo Združenja kovinske industrije 2015. Z opravljeno SWOT analizo sem ugotavljal prednosti in priložnosti trga, na katerem podjetje posluje, hkrati pa opozoril na slabosti in nevarnosti, ki se jih je dobro zavedati. Z grafičnimi prikazi sem predstavil strukturo prodaje na trgu, kamor podjetje plasira svoje izdelke. Pripravil sem tudi analizo prodaje po segmentih podjetja za obdobje preteklih štirih let. Podjetje je v štirih letih po združitvi beležilo visoko rast. Prihodke od prodaje je povečalo za skoraj 50 %. Danes ima podjetje 66 redno zaposlenih delavcev, kar je 37,5 % več kot v letu 2012, ko sta se podjetji združili. Podjetje je vlagalo tudi v izobraževanje zaposlenih, s tem je pridobilo nekaj visoko usposobljenega kadra. V prihodnjih treh letih podjetje načrtuje 10- do 15-odstotno rast na letni ravni. Leta 2015 je imelo 3.817.626 EUR čistih prihodkov od prodaje, v letu 2018 pa načrtuje 5.361.779 EUR čistih prihodkov od prodaje. Podrobneje sem preučil finančno stanje podjetja ter s kazalnikom poslovanja pridobil boljši vpogled v samo podjetje. Skozi odkritje določenih napak sem opredelil strategijo nadaljnje rasti in ciljev podjetja. Naredil sem finančno projekcijo za prihajajoče triletno obdobje. Ocenjujem, da ima podjetje realne možnosti za dobro poslovanje in doseganje dobička z generično rastjo. Prodaja se bo po segmentih povečevala, saj sem z analizo trga dokazal, da podjetje plasira svoje izdelke na rastoče trge. Z argumenti sem podal rešitve za morebitne težave oziroma ovire. V zaključku diplomskega dela sem ugotovil, da ima podjetje še veliko možnosti za dobro poslovanje in doseganje čim večjega dobička. To sta vizija in obenem tudi cilj vsakega podjetja ter najpomembnejša pogoja za obstoj na trgu in pomembna koraka pred konkurenco. Pričujoče diplomsko delo bom z veseljem predstavil lastniku Marjanu Maliju ter mu s svojim znanjem pomagal podjetje popeljati v nadaljnjo rast.
Keywords:analiza, rast podjetja, kovinska industrija, SWOT – analiza, finančno stanje, kazalnik poslovanja, strategija nadaljnje rasti, finančna projekcija
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Mali]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-1570 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:513610114 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:10.08.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the diploma thesis I presented the company MALI-E-TIKO d.o.o., which wishes to become a renowned company on the European level, and which will produce the most demanding products for the modern electronic and other devices. My principal tasks were to perform an analysis and to present the opportunity of further growth of the company to the management. The company Mali elektronika, Mali Marjan, s.p., was established in 1988. Until the merger with the company Tiko, d.o.o., there were 23 regular employees in the company. The company has been the leading company for the production and processing of cooling fins in Slovenia, which are then further installed into the electronic components by the purchasers. The company Tiko d.o.o. was established in 1964. In 2012 the two companies merged and the company MALI-E-TIKO d.o.o. was established. I presented Slovene metal industry, which ranks in the top of the support industries of manufacturing industry with respect to the income and with respect to the export. I stated the annual report of the Metal Processing Association 2015. By means of the SWOT analysis, I was ascertaining strengths and opportunities of the market where the company conducts business. At the same time, I warned about the weaknesses and threats, which are good to be aware of. By means of graphic displays, I presented the structure of the sales in the market, where the company places its products. I also prepared a sales analysis according to the segments of the company for the period of the recent four years. In the four years after the merger, the company has recorded a high growth. It has increased the revenues from the sales for almost 50%. Today, the company has 66 regular employees, which is 37.5% more than in 2012 when the two companies merged. The company has also invested in the education of the employees. Thus, it has gained some highly skilled personnel. In the following three years the company plans 10 to 15% of annual growth. In 2015, it had 3,817,626 EUR of net revenues from the sales. In 2018 it is planning 5,361,779 net revenues from the sales. I studied the financial condition of the company in detail. By means of business performance indicator, I gained a better insight into the company. Through the discovery of certain mistakes, I defined the strategy of further growth and objectives of the company. I produced a financial projection for the forthcoming three-year period. I estimate that the company has the reasonable prospects for a good business conduct and gaining the profits by means of the generic growth. By segments, the sales will grow, for I have proven, by means of the analysis of the market, that the company places its products to the growing markets. I have reasonably offered the solutions for the potential problems or obstacles. In the conclusion of the thesis, I ascertained that the company still has a lot of opportunities for a good conduct of business and maximizing the profits. The latter two are the vision and, at the same time, the goal of every company, and the most important conditions of the existence in the market, and the important steps ahead of the competition. I will gladly present the diploma thesis to the owner of the company Marjan Mali. I will help him lead the company in the direction of further growth, by means of my knowledge.
Keywords:analysis, company’s growth, metal industry, SWOT – analysis, financial condition, business performance indicator, strategy of further growth, financial projection.
