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Title:Vodne pravice - nadomestitev koncesije za rabo vode z vodnim dovoljenjem : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Ćulibrk, Boro (Author)
Files:.pdf RAZ_Culibrk_Boro_i2018.pdf (1,05 MB)
MD5: 3DE634EAC4B62EB2CFE9127F22DB13C7
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Sladka oziroma pitna voda je nujen pogoj za preživetje vseh živih bitij. Voda je načeloma obnovljiv vir, vendar ni neomejen in je ranljiv, zato je pomembno, da z vodo in vodnim okoljem ravnamo na trajnostni način, da si lahko zagotovimo gospodarske in družbene koristi, ne da bi pri tem prikrajšali prihodnje generacije. Preveč vode povzroča poplave, premalo vode povzroča sušo in pomanjkanje pitne vode, oba pojava pa človeštvu in življenjskemu okolju povzročata težave. S celovitim upravljanjem na področju voda, ki vključuje tudi odločanje o rabi vode, lahko do neke mere vplivamo na škodljivo delovanje in količinsko ter kakovostno stanje voda. Dostop do pitne vode je osnovna človekova potreba, zato je prav, da je pravica do pitne vode pripoznana kot človekova pravica, družba pa mora biti organizirana tako, da je zmožna prioritetno zagotoviti dostop do vode za osnovne potrebe ljudi, kot so pitje, kuhanje in higiena. Ko zadostimo osnovnim potrebam po vodi, moramo spoštovati potrebe naravnega vodnega in drugega okolja, ki ravno tako potrebuje določeno količino vode in druge pogoje za ohranitev dobrega stanja. Od tu naprej lahko razpoložljivo vodo namenimo za druge namene, npr. za namakanje, industrijo ali energetiko.Vodna pravica je v svojem bistvu pravni institut, ki imetniku za določen čas in namen dovoljuje odvzem, preusmeritev, shranjevanje ali rabo določene količine vode. V Sloveniji glede rabe vode velja koncept javnega dobra. Za splošno rabo voda ni potrebno dovoljenje države, za posebno rabo vode pa je treba pridobiti vodno pravico na podlagi vodnega dovoljenja, koncesije oziroma posebno rabo vode evidentirati. Vodno pravico je med drugim treba pridobiti za proizvodnjo električne energije v hidroelektrarni.Za hidroelektrarno z instalirano močjo, manjšo od 10 MW,ki jo pogovorno imenujemo mala hidroelektrarna ali, krajše, MHE, je treba pridobiti vodno dovoljenje, za hidroelektrarno z enako ali večjo močjo od 10MW pa je potrebna koncesija.Zakon o vodah (ZV-1) je ob uveljavitvi določal, da je koncesijo za proizvodnjo električne energije v hidroelektrarni treba pridobiti, če je priključena na javno električno omrežje. Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o vodah (ZV-1B) je določil, da je za MHE treba pridobiti vodno dovoljenje, za večje hidroelektrarne pa je ohranil koncesijo. Določil je še, da z dnem uveljavitve zakona prenehajo veljati koncesijski akti za MHE indase uporabljajo, dokler ministrstvo koncesij ne nadomesti z vodnim dovoljenjem, v katerem se določi izvajanje vodne pravice za čas, v obsegu in pod pogoji, določenimi v koncesijskih aktih in koncesijskih pogodbah. Imetniki koncesij za MHE menijo,da sodoločbe 25. člena ZV-1B protiustavne, ker se z nadomestitvijo koncesije z vodnim dovoljenjem posega v pridobljene pravice, ne da bi bili izpolnjeni pogoji, ki so se za tak poseg izoblikovali v praksi Ustavnega sodišča RS.
Keywords:vodne pravice, pravica do vode, koncesije za rabo vode, vodno dovoljenje, male hidroelektrarne
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Ćulibrk]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:X, 96 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-4110 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053157046 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:24.07.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:Fresh water or drinking water is essential for the survival of all living beings.Water is in principle a renewable resource, but it is not unlimited and it is vulnerable, so it's important to manage the water and the aquatic environment in a sustainable way so that we can provide economic and social benefits without depriving future generations. Too much water causes floods, too little water causes drought and lack of drinking water, and both phenomena cause problems to humanity and the environment. With the integrated management of the water sector, which includes decision-making on the water use, we can to some extent influence the detrimental effects and quantity and quality of water. Access to drinking water is a basic human need, and it is correct that the right to drinking water is recognized as a human right, and the society must be organized in such a way that it is able to give priority to accessto water for the basic needs of people, such as drinking, cooking and hygiene. When the basic needs for water are met, it is necessary to respect the needs of the natural aquatic and other type of environment which also needs a certain amount of water andother conditions for maintaining a good state. From here on, the available water can be used for other purposes, for example, for irrigation, industry or energy. Water right is essentially a legal institute that allows the holder to take away, divert, store or use a certain amount of water for a certain period of time and purpose. In Slovenia, the concept of the public good applies in water usage. No water permission is required for general water use. For special use of water, water rights on the basis of a water permit, concession or special use of water record must be obtained. Water rights, among others, must be obtained for the production of electricity in hydroelectric power plants. For a hydroelectric power plant with an installed capacity of less than 10 MW, which we call a small hydroelectric power plant or SHP, it is necessary to obtain a water permit, and for a hydroelectric power plant with the same or higher power of 10 MW concession is maintained. At the time of entry into force, the Water Act stipulated that the concession should be obtained for the production of electricity in the hydroelectric power plant if it is connected to a public power grid. The Act Amending the Water Act (ZV-1B) stipulates that SHP needs to obtain water permit, while for the larger a concession remains. It was also stipulated that on the day of the entry into force of the Act, the concession acts for SHP were terminated and that they were applied until the Ministry replaced concession by a water permit in which the determined implementation of water rights for the duration, extent and under the conditionsin the concession acts and concession contracts. Holders of concessions for SHP consider that the provisions of Article 25 of the ZV-1B are unconstitutional, because thereplacement of the concession with a water permit interferes with acquired rights without fulfilling the conditions which were created for the intervention in the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia.
