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Title:Komunikacija - izziv ali ovira pri rehabilitaciji pacienta
Authors:Pintar, Urša (Author)
Veljić, Irma (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Uvod in namen: Komunikacija ima poleg strokovne usposobljenosti izjemno pomembno vlogo tudi na področju zdravstva. Pacienti so še občutljivejši in potrebujejo asertivne zdravstvene delavce. Namen diplomske naloge je ugotoviti, ali se fizioterapevtom zdi komunikacija pomembna, ali menijo, da imajo usvojenih dovolj komunikacijskih veščin ter ali bi bilo zanje potrebno organizirati izobraževanja s področja komunikacije. Metode: Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je obsegal dvajset vprašanj. Rešenih je bilo 56 vprašalnikov, obdelani so bili s pomočjo programa Excel. Rezultati: Anketirancem se zdi komunikacija s pacientom v procesu rehabilitacije zelo pomembna. Menijo, da imajo dovolj usvojenih komunikacijskih veščin, želeli bi več izobraževanj na temo komunikacije. Paciente naslavljajo z gospod/gospa in priimkom, za motivacijo uporabljajo pohvalo. S pacienti ne govorijo o svoji zasebnosti. O pacientih se pogosto posvetujejo s svojimi sodelavci. Uporabnost: Kakovostna komunikacija pripomore k uspešnejši rehabilitaciji. Tako se med pacientom in fizioterapevtom v času fizioterapevtske obravnave razvije pristnejši odnos, ima fizioterapevt na pacienta večji vpliv, pacient mu bolj zaupa. Zato je pomembno, da se fizioterapevti poleg strokovnih izobraževanj udeležujejo tudi izobraževanj in delavnic s področja komunikacije. Omejitve: Vprašalnik je izpolnilo majhno število anketirancev, zato ugotovitev ne moremo posplošiti na celotno populacijo.
Keywords:komunikacija, fizioterapija, pacient, rehabilitacija, empatija
Year of publishing:2018
COBISS_ID:2048012403 Link is opened in a new window
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Secondary language

Title:Communication - issue or obstacle for rehabilitation
Abstract:Introduction and purpose: Alongside professional qualification, communication also holds a very important role in healthcare. Patients are even more sensitive and need assertive health workers. The purpose of this dissertation is to establish if physiotherapists find communication important, if they believe to have enough communication skills and if education from the field of communication for them needs to be implemented. Methods: Data was collected through a survey questionnaire with twenty questions. There were 56 surveys filled out, processed with Microsoft Excel. Results: Respondents believe that communication in the process of rehabilitation is very important. They stated that they poses enough communication skills and that more education from the field of communication for physiotherapists should be organized. Physiotherapists always address patients as sir or madam and their surname. Respondents use praise to motivate patients. Physiotherapists do not like to discuss their private life with patients. Most of the physiotherapists consult their co-workers about their patients. Usability: Quality communication is the foundation of a successful rehabilitation. During this process more genuine relationship is formed between a patient and a physiotherapist, therefore the physiotherapist has more influence over the patient, more trust from the patient. Therefore, besides their professional education, it is also very important for physiotherapists to attend workshops for improving their communication skills. Limitations: Because of small sample results can not be generalized to whole population.
Keywords:communication, physiotherapy, patient, rehabilitation, empathy
