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Title:Lastninsko preoblikovanje družbenih podjetij in upravljanje kapitalskih naložb Republike Slovenije
Authors:Uršič Krulej, Vesna (Author)
Aver, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:GeaCol - GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship
Abstract:Republika Slovenija (v nadaljevanju RS) je prva država, v kateri Slovenci živimo samostojno. Slovenci smo se 23. decembra 1990 s plebiscitom z veliko večino odločili za samostojnost, nato pa sprejeli še ustavo in deklaracijo o neodvisnosti ter 25. junija 1991 razglasili samostojnost (Petnajst let slovenske države, b. l. c). Proces lastninskega preoblikovanja podjetij kot del gospodarske tranzicije samostojne RS se je pričel že v letu 1990 in končal v letu 1998. V procesu lastninskega preoblikovanja družbenih podjetij je RS oktobra 1993 2.000.900 prebivalcem RS razdelila lastniške certifikate v nominalni vrednosti preko 567 mrd SIT (9,40 mrd nemških mark) z veljavnostjo do julija 1997 (Berdnik, 1998, str. 11–12; Poročilo o lastninskem preoblikovanju podjetij, 1997, str. 14). K lastninskemu preoblikovanju je pristopilo 1.592 podjetij z družbenim kapitalom, potrjenih je bilo 1.432 programov lastninskega preoblikovanja, po zaključku lastninskega preoblikovanja se je v sodni register vpisalo 1.315 podjetij (Bukovec, 1998, str. 65–67). Revizijski organi lastninskega preoblikovanja podjetij so v obdobju od junija 1993 do 31. 7. 2004 skupaj zaključili 1.106 postopkov revizije lastninskega preoblikovanja podjetij. Skupna revalorizirana vrednost oškodovanega družbenega premoženja po stanju na dan 31. 7. 2004 je 23. 1. 2019 znašala najmanj 1.528.051.352,02 EUR (Zadnje poročilo Agencije za revidiranje lastninskega preoblikovanja, 2004, str. 8–13; SURS, b. l. b). Z lastninskim preoblikovanjem družbenih podjetij je RS postala največji lastnik kapitalskih naložb. Upravljanje kapitalskih naložb RS danes izvajajo Slovenski državni holding (v nadaljevanju SDH), Kapitalska družba, d. d. (v nadaljevanju KAD) in D.S.U., Družba za svetovanje in upravljanje, d. o. o. (v nadaljevanju DSU). SDH je krovni upravljavec kapitalskih naložb RS. Na dan 31. 12. 2017 je skupna vrednost vseh kapitalskih naložb SDH (v lasti SDH ali RS) znašala 10,90 mrd EUR (Letno poročilo o upravljanju kapitalskih naložb RS in SDH za leto 2017, 2018, str. 20). KAD je pravna oseba, organizirana kot delniška družbe, katere edini delničar in ustanovitelj je RS. Na dan 31. 12. 2017 je skupna vrednost vseh sredstev KAD znašala 1.109.551.000 EUR (Letno poročilo KAD 2017, 2018, str. 76, 77). DSU je gospodarska družba, ki je bila ustanovljena leta 2001. Ustanovitelj družbe in edini družbenik je RS. Na dan 31. 12. 2017 je skupna vrednost vseh sredstev DSU znašala 134.765.341 EUR (Letno poročilo DSU 2017, 2018, str. 41, 42). Skupna vrednost portfelja kapitalskih naložb RS, v njeni neposredni in posredni lasti, je preko 12,10 mrd EUR.
Keywords:osamosvojitev, družbeno podjetje, tranzicija, lastninsko preoblikovanje, lastniški certifikat, kapitalske naložbe, interna razdelitev delnic, notranji odkup, javna prodaja podjetja, upravljanje, SDH, KAD, DSU
Year of publishing:2019
Publisher:[V. Uršič Krulej]
COBISS_ID:513786242 Link is opened in a new window
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Secondary language

Title:Ownership transformation of social entreprises and management of capital investment of RS
Abstract:The Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as the RS) is the first country in which Slovenians live independently. First the Slovenians have opted for independence on 23. December 1990, followed by adoptation of the Constitution and Declaration of Idependence and finaly formally declared the autonomy on 25 June 1991 (15 Years of the RS, b. l. c). The process of the transformation of the ownership of enterprises, as part of the economic transition of a separation, began in the year 1990 and ended in 1998. The purpose of the company's ownership transformation was double : transforming social property companies into companies with known owners and restructuring firms in an efficiently managed market-oriented and international competitive companies. In the process of ownership transformation of social enterprises, RS distributed the total number of 2,000,900 proprietary certificates to all its inhabitants in October 1993. The nominal value of the certificates was over 567 mrd SIT (9.40 mrd German mark), with effect until July 1997 (Berdnik, 1998, p. 11-12; The Report on property restructuring, 1997, p. 14). 1,592 companies with social capital started the proprietary restructuring, 1,432 proprietary transformation programmes have been confirmed and after completion of transformation 1,315 companies was registered in the Register (Bukovec, 1998, p. 65-67). The audit bodies of the proprietary transformation of enterprises have, in the period from June 1993 to 31.7.2004, together completed the 1,106 procedures of the audit of proprietary transformation firms. Total revaluation value of the injured social property, by state at the date of 31.07.2004, is dated 23.01.2019 amounted to at least 1,528,051,352.02 EUR (Latest report of the Agency for the review of proprietary transformation, 2004, p. 8-13; SURS, b. l. b). With the ownership transformation of social enterprises, RS became the largest owner of capital investment. Management of capital investment RS today is performed by Slovenian National Holding Company (SDH), Capital Company d.d. (KAD) and D.S.U., Consulting And Management Company, d.o.o. (DSU). SDH is an umbrella operator of capital investment RS. On the day 31.12.2017, the total value of all capital investments of SDH (owned by SDH or RS) amounted to 10.90 Billion EUR (Annual report on the management of the capital investment of RS and SDH for the year 2017, 2018, p. 20). KAD is a legal entity organised as a stock company whose sole shareholder and founder is RS. On the day 31.12.2017, the total value of all the sources of the KAD amounted to 1,109,551,000 EUR (Annual Report KAD 2017, 2018, p. 76, 77). DSU is an economic company that was founded in 2001. Founder of the company and the only shareholder is RS. On the day 31.12.2017 the total value of all DSU funds amounted to 134,765,341 EUR (Annual report DSU 2017, 2018, p. 41, 42). Total value of capital investment owned by RS on 31.12.2017 was over 10,20 mrd EUR.
Keywords:independence, social business, transition, proprietary transformation, proprietary cerifier, capital investment, internal distribution of shares, internal purchase, public sales of enterprises, management, SDH, KAD, DSU
