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Authors:Avbelj, Petra (Author)
Omejec, Gregor (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Sindrom zapestnega prehoda (SZP) je najpogostejša utesnitvena nevropatija, saj predstavlja kar 90 odstotkov utesnitvenih nevropatij. Ponavljajoči se gibi dlani in zapestja povzročajo povečanje pritiska znotraj zapestnega prehoda, kar povzroči zadebelitev kit in ovojnice. Simptomi obsegajo nočno ali jutranje mravljinčenje v vsaj dveh od prvih štirih prstih roke (od palca do prstanca). Simptome lahko izzoveta tudi dolgotrajnejše stiskanje pesti ali ročno delo. Otresanje rok ali sprememba položaja roke težave običajno ublažita. Simptomi močno vplivajo na upad kakovosti pacientovega življenja in povzročajo materialno škodo (zmanjšanje produktivnosti, bolniška odsotnost z dela, stroški zdravljenja idr.). Poznamo štiri stopnje SZP. Raziskave so običajno narejene na vzorcu pacientov z blago ali zmerno stopnjo SZP. Nevrofiziološke meritve prevajanja po perifernem živčevju so pomembne za diferenciacijo vzrokov od podobnih diagnoz. V zadnjem času se uveljavlja tudi ultrasonografska (US) preiskava. Možnosti za lajšanje simptomov je več (opornice, fizioterapevtska obravnava, analgetiki ipd.). V svetu se kot učinkovit način zdravljenja SZP čedalje pogosteje uporabljajo različne metode infiltracije. Na podlagi vključenih raziskav ugotavljamo, da kortikosteroidi in s trombociti bogata plazma kažejo kratkoročno učinkovitost pri zdravljenju SZP, dekstroza pa učinkuje kratkoročno in srednjeročno. Operacija zaenkrat ostaja najučinkovitejša metoda zdravljenja. Do sedaj je bilo namreč izvedenih premalo raziskav, ki bi neposredno primerjale posamezne metode infiltracije z operativno sprostitvijo zapestnega prehoda (ZP) in bi lahko pripeljale do drugačnih izsledkov. Zaradi pozitivnih učinkov metod infiltracije lahko vseeno povzamemo, da uporaba metod infiltracije pri zdravljenju SZP prehoda obeta vsaj odložitev operativne sprostitve ZP, če ne izogib slednji.
Keywords:sindrom zapestnega prehoda, kortikosteroidi, s trombociti bogata plazma, dekstroza
Year of publishing:2019
COBISS_ID:2048022387 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf 202$$avbelj_p_diplomsko_delo.pdf (1,38 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of different infiltration methods on the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome
Abstract:Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common compression neuropathy, representing 90% of all compression neuropathies. Repeated movements of the fingers and wrist cause tendons thickening and increase in pressure within the carpal tunnel, resulting in median nerve compression. The symptoms include tingling during the night or in the morning in at least two of the first four fingers of the hand. Symptoms can also be caused by prolonged fist clenching or manual work. Shaking or changing the position of the hands usually eases the problems. Symptoms have a strong impact on the decline in the quality of life of the patient and cause economic damage, such as reduced productivity, absence from work, treatment costs, etc.). Studies are usually done on a sample of patients with mild or moderate CTS. Neurophysiological studies are very important for diagnosis conformation and differentiating CTS from similar diagnoses. Recently, ultrasonographic examination has also been established in CTS diagnosis. There are several options for symptoms relieve, from wrist braces and splints, physiotherapeutic procedures to analgesics treatment. However, various infiltration methods are increasingly used as an effective treatment for CTS. Based on the included studies, we concluded that corticosteroids and platelet-rich plasma show only short-term effectiveness in the treatment of CTS, and dextrose has short-term and medium-term effects. At the moment, surgery remains the most effective treatment method. Up to the present day, too little studies have been carried out that directly compares individual infiltration methods with the operational release of carpal tunnel (CT) and could lead to different results. However, due to the positive effects of infiltration methods, it can be summarized that the use of infiltration methods in the treatment of CTS promises at least a delay, if not an avoidance, in the operative release of the CT.
Keywords:carpal tunnel syndrome, corticosteroids, platelet-rich plasma, dextrose
