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Title:Varstvo kulturne dediščine - sedanja ureditev in izoblikovana sodna praksa o izdaji kulturnovarstvenega soglasja
Authors:Kodre, Tanja (Author)
Letnar Černič, Jernej (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Tipology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Kulturna dediščina predstavlja temeljni del identitete posameznega naroda, družbene skupnosti in človeštva kot celote. Je raznoliko področje in vsebuje več različnih vidikov človekovega ustvarjanja, dela in navad, ki skupaj tvorijo pojem dediščine, kot ga poznamo danes. Pomemben del področja predstavlja nepremična kulturna dediščina, ki je vpeta v človekovo okolje bivanja in se tako njeno urejanje prepleta s področjema gradbenega in prostorskega urejanja. Tu je razvidna potreba po skladnosti prostorske in gradbene zakonodaje z režimom varstva kulturne dediščine. Leta 2017 sta bila sprejeta nov Gradbeni zakon (GZ) in Zakon o urejanju prostora (ZUreP-2), ki segata tudi na področje urejanja Zakona o varstvu kulturne dediščine (ZVKD-1). Do prepleta med ZVKD-1 in GZ prihaja, ko želi lastnik nepremične kulturne dediščine na njej opraviti določen poseg, za katerega mora pridobiti kulturnovarstvene pogoje in na podlagi teh kulturnovarstveno soglasje. Postopek se razlikuje glede na to, ali je v konkretnem primeru za poseg določena izdaja gradbenega dovoljenja ali ne. O izdaji kulturnovarstvenega soglasja odloča Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, ki mora posamezno izdajo ali zavrnitev izdaje soglasja ustrezno utemeljiti. Tudi pri urejanju prostora prihaja do vprašanj o uporabi ustreznih določb zakonov, kjer gre za območja, ki so del režima varstva kulturne dediščine. Tu je potrebna natančna opredelitev razmerja med ZVKD-1 in ZUreP-2 ter njunih določb, saj mora biti pri aktih prostorskega urejanja dosledno in natančno preverjena skladnost s področjem varstva kulturne dediščine.
Year of publishing:2019
Publisher:[T. Kodre]
COBISS_ID:2048021476 Link is opened in a new window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 4. 11. 2019;
Files:.pdf RAZ_Kodre_Tanja_i2019.pdf (1,08 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Varstvo kulturne dediščine
Abstract:Cultural heritage represents an essential part of the nation's or society's identity and is also a part of the general identity of the humankind. Cultural heritage itself is a diverse area and encompasses many different aspects of a person's work, creations and habits, which all together make a concept of heritage, as we know it now. An important part of it is architectural heritage, which is embedded in the environment of human habitation and its legal regulation is interlaced with construction and spatial management legislation. Here, the need for harmony of the spatial planning legislation is shown and with that the need for correspondence of spatial management and construction legislation with the system of protection of cultural heritage. In year 2017, the new Building Act (GZ) and Spatial Management Act (ZUreP-2) were adopted, which extend to area of regulation of Cultural Heritage Protection Act (ZVKD-1). GZ and ZVKD-1 are intertwined in the instances, when the owner of the architectural heritage wishes to do an intervention on his building or property, for which he must obtain the cultural protection requirements and on its basis the cultural protection approval. The procedure differs depending on whether a building permit is required for the specific action or not. For issuing the cultural protection approval, the competent authority is Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, whose decision must be duly justified. Within spatial management area in the case of overlap with system of cultural heritage protection, the questions about the usage of relevant statute's clauses are posed. The precise definition of the relation between ZVKD-1 and ZUreP-2 and their provisions is needed, as the acts of spatial planning have to be consistent and carefully examined in accordance to the area of the protection of cultural heritage.
Keywords:Spomeniško varstvo
