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Title:Pravni, politični in medijski odzivi na odločitve Ustavnega sodišča v zadevi "Patria" : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Matešič, Melita (Author)
ID Petrič, Ernest (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:Nakup finskih vojaških oklepnikov 8 x 8 (patrij) preko javnega razpisa za potrebe slovenske vojske, velja za eno največjih gospodarsko-politično-pravnih afer v zgodovini samostojne Slovenije. Sprva gospodarska in politična afera je prerasla v mednarodno afero o sumih podkupovanj v več državah. Eden od obdolženih za kazniva dejanja dajanja obljub in sprejema nagrad za nezakonito posredovanje je bil tudi Janez Janša, nekdanji predsednik vlade in vodja politične opozicije v državi, zato ima zadeva ves čas močno politično konotacijo in se javno problematizira. Ideološka in politična razdvojenost Slovencev ima svoje korenine v pretekli in polpretekli zgodovini. V postopku odločanja o ustavnih pritožbah pritožnikov Janše, Črnkoviča in Krkoviča zoper obsodilne sodbe nižjih sodišč, Ustavno sodišče kot najvišja in zadnja sodna instanca v državi ugotovi kršitve Ustave in odloči, da se vse sodbe nižjih sodišč razveljavijo in da se zadeva dodeli drugemu sodniku Okrajnega sodišča v Ljubljani v novo odločanje. Odločitve Ustavno sodišče sprejme soglasno. V magistrski nalogi se ob predstavitvah odločitev Ustavnega sodišča in stališč ustavnih sodnikov v zadevi Patria osredotočimo na pravne, politične in medijske odzive na te odločitve. Preučujemo njihovo prepričljivost, strokovno težo in morebitno podvrženost vplivom ideološke ali politične pripadnosti. Ob tem se sprašujemo glede dopustnost kritike delovanja sodišč in podajanja kritike sodnih odločitev. Izpostavimo medijsko in politično instrumentalizacijo preteklosti in poskuse njene implementacije na dogodke in življenje v sedanjosti. S prikazom mednarodnih korupcijskih afer ugotavljamo, da gre pri (politični) korupciji za globalni sistemski pojav.
Keywords:Patria, medijski odzivi, pravni odzivi, politični odzivi
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Matešič]
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
Number of pages:VIII, 99 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-6223 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048040164 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 10. 12. 2019;
Publication date in ReVIS:11.12.2019
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Secondary language

Abstract:The purchase of Finnish military armor 8 x 8 (patria) for the Slovenian army through a public tender is considered to be one of the largest economic-political-legal affairs in the history of independent Slovenia. Initially, an economic and political affair grew into an international affair of suspected bribery- corruption. Since one od charged with the crime of promising to spread the reward for illegal intervention was Janez Janša, a former prime minister and the country's political opposition leader, the matter has a strong political connotation and is noticeably problematized in the public as well. The political and social separation of Slovenes has its roots and reasons in the past. The Constitutional Court, as the highest and last instance in the country, in the process of deciding the constitutional appeals of Janša, Črnkovič and Krkovič against convictions of the District Court, the High Court and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia, found violations of the Constitution and decided to set aside all judgments of lower courts and refer the case to another judge of the Ljubljana District Court for a new ruling. Constitutional Court decide unanimously. In the thesis, while presenting the Constitutional Court's decisions and the positions of the Constitutional Court judges, we focus on legal, political and media responses to the Constitutional Court's decisions in the Patria case. We examine their persuasiveness, professional weight, and possible subordination to the influence of ideological or political affiliation. We reflect and investigate the admissibility of criticism of the actions of the courts and criticism of the decisions of the courts. We look at how it is with the media and political instrumentalization of the past and attempts to implement it on events and life in the present. The presentation of international corruption scams shows that (political) corruption is a global systemic phenomenon.
Keywords:Ustavna sodišča
