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Title:Poznavanje biološko-dinamičnega kmetovanja na Gorenjskem
Authors:Karničar, Žiga (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.04 - Professional Article
Organization:Not in organisation
Abstract:S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki sem ga opravljal od februarja do aprila 2011 v okolici Kranja, Škofja Loke, Radovljice, Tržiča in Jesenic, sem želel ugotoviti splošno poznavanje biološko-dinamičnega načina kmetovanja na Gorenjskem. Na anketni vprašalnik je odgovorilo 106 žensk in 93 moških, od tega jih je za biološko-dinamični način kmetovanja slišalo 27 vprašanih. Največje število anketiranih je bilo vrtičkarjev, starih od 30 do 50 let s srednješolsko izobrazbo. Prvič so slišali za biološko-dinamično kmetovanje od znancev, iz revij, medijev in v vzgojno-izobraževalnih institucijah. Izraz biodinamika najpogosteje povezujejo z naravo in z biološko pridelavo. Bistvo biodinamike veliki večini anketiranih ni poznano ali pa ga zamenjujejo, saj sole trije anketiranci odgovor zapisali pravilno. 37,1 % anketiranih meni, da je ta način zamudnejši v primerjavi z ostalimi načini kmetovanja, le 48,1 % jih meni nasprotno. To pravzaprav nakazuje, da velika večina tovrstnega pridelovanja v zadostni meri ne pozna. Skoraj polovica vprašanih (48,1 %) bi se vključila v društvo Ajda, le nekaj (14,8 %) jih za vključitev nima dovolj časa ali pa še niso odločeni. S tovrstnim načinom kmetovanja je seznanjen le majhen del anketiranih na Gorenjskem, vendar pa z željo po vključitvi v društvo Ajda lahko sklepamo, da se bo delež informiranih povečeval, kar lahko prinese samo pozitivno in trajno varovanje narave.
Keywords:biološko-dinamično kmetovanje, biodinamika, društvo Ajda
Year of publishing:2011
COBISS_ID:1024196970 Link is opened in a new window
ISSN on article:1855-9204
OceCobissID:251473408 Link is opened in a new window
Note:Besedilo v slov.;
Files:This document has no files. This document may have a phisical copy in the library of the organization, check the status via COBISS. Link is opened in a new window
Journal:Moje podeželje
Biotehniški center Naklo, Višja strokovna šola
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Secondary language

Title:Knowledge of biological-dynamic farming in Gorenjska region
Abstract:In order to find out the scale of the knowledge of the bio-dynamic farming practice in Gorenjska region a questionnaire was carried out in the area of Kranj, Škofja Loka, Radovljica, Tržič and Jesenice, from February to April 2011. The survey questionnaire was answered by 106 women and 93 men, among which 27 respondents had heard of the bio-dynamic farming practices before. The highest number of respondents were gardeners, aged from 30 to 50 years andwith a secondary education. For the first time they had heard about the bio-dynamic farming from acquaintances, from magazines and other media and in educational institutions. Most of them connected the term biodynamic with the nature and the biological production. The vast majority of respondents did notknow or replaced the essence of bio-dynamic, since only three of all respondents gave the correct answer. Many respondents (37.1%) believed that this method was time-consuming in comparison to other farming practices, and only 48.1 % thought the opposite. Namely, this fact indicates that the vast majority is not sufficiently familiar with such type of production. Almost a half of respondents (48.1 %) would be ready to affiliate to the Ajda Society, and only a few (14.8 %) do not have enough time for the affiliation, do not have their own land or have not yet been determined. Only a small proportion of the respondents in the Gorenjska region is aware of this type of farming method, however, their desire to join the Ajda Society, leads to, a conclusionthat the proportion of the informed might increase in the future , which can only bring positive results and a lasting protection of the nature (Karničar, 2011).
