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Authors:Bajda, Anja (Author)
Kresal, Friderika (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:V Sloveniji in tudi drugod po svetu predstavlja zelo velik problem vse večji odstotek prisotnosti BvK pri aktivni populaciji. Bolečina ne izbira spola ali starosti, saj prizadene tako mladostnike, kot starejšo populacijo, prav tako prizadene športnika ali fizičnega delavca, kot tistega, ki opravlja stoječe delo. Pred desetletjem še nismo razumeli, kako lahko gibalna sposobnost pri mladostnikih v ZDA vse bolj upada, danes pa podobno težavo opažamo tudi pri nas. Prevalenca BvK pri mladostnikih strmo narašča. Pojavlja se tudi vse več dejavnikov tveganja, ki vplivajo na nastanek BvK. Odločili smo se podrobneje proučiti najpogostejše dejavnike tveganja, ki vplivajo na nastanek BvK pri mladostnikih in ugotoviti pomen terapevtske vadbe, kot preventive za preprečevanje BvK. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika na populaciji 100 mladostnikov, v starostnem obdobju od 15. do 20. leta. Raziskavo smo opravili pri naključno izbranih mladostnikih. Iz opravljene raziskave in zgoraj navedenih podatkov smo ugotovili, da so najpogostejši dejavniki za nastanek BvK pri mladostnikih starost, spol, okolje, dolgotrajno sedenje, uporaba elektronskih naprav, športna aktivnost in športna neaktivnost ter dednost. Ugotavljamo, da večina mladostnikov ne izvaja terapevtske vadbe, kot preventive za preprečevanje BvK. Terapevtska vadba s poudarkom na individualno prilagojenih programih vadbe, ki vključujejo raztezne vaje in vaje za moč, je učinkovita oblika terapije proti BvK. Potrebna bi bila večja ozaveščenost mladostnikov o pravilni skrbi za hrbtenico, telesna vadba, učenje pravilnih tehnik dvigovanja in sprememba dejavnikov tveganja za pojav BvK. Do sedaj izvedeni intervencijski programi so temeljili na izobraževanju otrok in mladostnikov o pravilni skrbi za hrbtenico, vključevanju telesne aktivnosti ali kombinaciji obojega. Potrebno bi bilo razviti in preizkusiti preventivne programe, ki bodo bolj učinkoviti pri preprečevanju BvK pri mladostnikih. Pomembno bi se bilo osredotočiti na zgodnje odkrivanje pojava BvK pri otrocih in mladostnikih in s tem posledično zmanjšati pojavnost BvK pri odrasli populaciji. Za nadaljnje raziskave opisane problematike bi bila potrebna natančnejša definicija BvK pri mladostnikih, ki bo omogočila boljšo primerjavo med raziskavami.
Keywords:mladostnik, BvK pri mladostnikih, biopsihosocialni dejavniki, terapevtska vadba, preventiva
Year of publishing:2021
COBISS_ID:70939139 Link is opened in a new window
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Secondary language

Abstract:The increasing rate of low back pain (LBP) incidence among the active population is becoming an ever-increasing problem, not only in Slovenia but around the globe as well. Pain is ubiquitous; it is not gender or age-dependent since it can affect adolescents as well as elders, athletes and physical workers as well as office workers. If we did not understand the reason behind the steady loss of motor skills in adolescents in the USA a decade ago, we are now facing a similar phenomenon. The prevalence of LBP in adolescents in Slovenia is experiencing a sharp increase. We have decided to further examine the most common risk factors leading to the onset of LBP in adolescents and to find out how therapeutic exercise can be used to prevent LBP. We have gathered our data based on the answers of 100 adolescents, aged between 15 and 20, who took part in our survey questionnaire. Our survey was based on a randomly selected set of adolescents. The results of the questionnaire show that the most common risk factors for the development of LBP in adolescents are age, gender, environment, a sedentary lifestyle, the use of electronic devices, sports, inactivity as well as heritability. We found that the majority of adolescents does not resort to therapeutic exercises as a measure to prevent LBP. Therapeutic exercise programs based on an individual approach and encompassing stretching as well as strengthening exercises are an effective way of preventing the development of LBP. An increase of awareness in the adolescent population on how to care for spinal health and the importance of physical exercise, proper lifting techniques and the surrounding environment is needed in order to reduce the risk factors related to LBP. Intervention programs in the past have been based on educating youngsters and adolescents on how to care for their spinal health and introducing more regular physical activity, or a combination of both. New preventative programs should be developed and tested to determine a more effective method of preventing the development of LBP in adolescents. More emphasis should be put on early detection of LBP in the young and adolescent population, which would subsequently lower the incidence rate of LBP in the adult population. A more accurate definition of LBP in adolescents, which would offer a better point of comparison between the research literatures available, would be necessary in order to further research this issue.
Keywords:adolescents, LBP in adolescents, biopsychosocial factors, therapeutic exercise, preventive care
