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Title:Menedžment v kulturnih organizacijah : Kulturni dom Krško
Authors:ID Vukič, Tinka (Author)
ID Prijon, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Vukic_Tinka_i2015.pdf (1,73 MB)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi se osredotočamo na menedžment v kulturnih organizacijah, s posebnim poudarkom na javnem zavodu Kulturni dom Krško. V prvem delu naloge predstavljamo teoretično-pojmovna izhodišča, ki zadevajo raziskovalno področje kulture, menedžmenta in organizacij. Izhajamo iz predpostavke, da je za delovanje kulturnih organizacij, ki delujejo znotraj neprofitnega sektorja, nujno poznavanje in uporaba kulturnega in projektnega menedžmenta. V empiričnem delu preučujemo delovanje Kulturnega doma Krško, kot javnega zavoda, ki mora imeti jasno opredeljeno vizijo in dobro strategijo, s katero oblikuje politiko organizacije ter uspešno opravlja svoje poslanstvo. Izdatki za kulturo se radikalno zmanjšujejo na vseh ravneh, zato je v ekonomsko nestabilnih časih ogroženo financiranje vseh javnih zavodov, predvsem tistih, ki delujejo na področju kulture, zato je za uspešno opravljanje poslanstva pomembna trženjska usmerjenost. Zavodi so primorani pridobivati lastna sredstva za delovanje s profitnim marketingom. Pomemben del menedžmenta v kulturnih ustanovah je tudi upravljanje s človeškimi viri, ki predstavljajo ključen kapital za organizacijo, ki se v kulturnih organizacijah srečuje s številnimi izzivi in ovirami. Poleg tega se v magistrski nalogi ukvarjamo tudi z vplivom državne in občinske kulturne politike na delovanje javnih zavodov v Sloveniji. V empiričnem delu naloge so teoretično-pojmovna izhodišča konkretizirana s študijo primera, v smislu preučevanja delovanja javnega zavoda Kulturnega doma Krško.
Keywords:kulturni menedžment, projektni menedžment, kulturni marketing, javni zavodi, kulturni dom, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Brežice
Place of performance:Brežice
Publisher:[T. Vukič]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:75 str., [17] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7950 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4502011 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:27.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:This Master's thesis focuses on the management in cultural organizations, with special emphasis on the Kulturni Dom Krško Public Institute. In the first part of the thesis a theoretical and conceptual framework is presented regarding research areas of culture, management and organizations. The assumption is that the functioning of the cultural organizations that function in the non-profit sector is contingent on the knowledge and use of the cultural and project management. In the empirical part the thesis studies the functioning of the Krško Culture Centre as a public institute, which has to have a clearly defined vision and a good strategy for shaping the organization's politics and successfully carrying out its mission. Expenditure on culture is being radically reduced on all levels so in times of economic instability the funding of all public institutions is in jeopardy, especially those that operate in the field of culture. Market orientation is therefore of paramount importance in order for the mission to be successfully carried out. Institutes are forced to obtain their own funds and to rely on profit marketing. Human resource management is another important part of management in cultural institutions. Human resources are key capital for an organization that faces numerous challenges and obstacles. Apart from that this thesis deals with the influence of the national and municipal cultural policy on the functioning of the Slovene public institutions. In the empirical part of the thesis the theoretical and conceptual framework is concretised with a case study, i.e. with a study of how the Kulturni Dom Krško Public Institute functions.
