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Title:Mobbing v organizaciji
Authors:Pristov, Zorica (Author)
Kovačič, Andrej (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Tipology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Mobbing je področje medsebojnega komuniciranja, ki kaže negativne trende v ožji in širši družbi. Zaradi dokazano škodljivih posledic na zdravje zaposlenih in posledično tudi na delovanje podjetij je mobbing pomembno področje tudi akademskega raziskovanja. Večina raziskav se ukvarja s proučevanjem mobbinga na večjih vzorcih in v splošni populaciji. Če želimo resnično uvajati pozitivne spremembe v podjetjih, pa je smiselno pojav mobbinga raziskovati tudi znotraj posameznih podjetij in iz ugotovitev raziskovanj narediti načrt ukrepov za preprečevanje mobbinga v točno določenem podjetju. S tem omogočimo tudi aplikativni prispevek raziskovalnega dela. V pričujoči magistrski nalogi se bomo poglobili v pojavljanje in zaznavanje mobbinga v enem proučevanem podjetju na primarnem nivoju zdravstvenega varstva. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni ključni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na poslovanje podjetja kot so organizacijska kultura in klima, pa tudi komunikacija med zaposlenimi vključno s konflikti in mobbingom. Glavno raziskovalno vprašanje je bilo ali je v podjetju prisoten mobbing. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave o pojavu mobbinga v proučevanem podjetju. V zadnjem delu naloge je predstavljenih nekaj pristopov k preprečevanju mobbinga iz domače in tuje literature, v nadaljevanju pa tudi predlagane rešitve za proučevano podjetje. Naloga je uporabna tako v akademskem kot aplikativnem smislu, saj je bil pripravljen lasten vprašalnik, izvedena raziskava in pripravljeni predlogi ukrepov za preprečevanje mobbinga v podjetju.
Keywords:komunikacija, konflikti, mobbing, organizacijska kultura, organizacijska klima, magistrske naloge
Year of publishing:2015
Publisher:[Z. Pristov]
COBISS_ID:4499963 Link is opened in a new window
Note:Besedilo v slov.;
Files:.pdf RAZ_Pristov_Zorica_i2015.pdf (1,58 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Mobbing in organization
Abstract:Mobbing is an area of mutual communication, which shows negative trends in the narrower and wider society. Due to the proven harmful effects on the health of employees and, consequently, the functioning of companies mobbing is also an important area of academic research. Most research deals with the study of mobbing in larger samples and in the general population. If we really want to introduce positive changes in business, it makes sense to explore the phenomenon of mobbing within the individual companies of the findings of the surveys and make a plan of measures to prevent mobbing in a specific company. This enables application of research into practice. In the present thesis, we will delve into the occurrence and perception of mobbing within the company in one of the primary health care level. The theoretical part presents the key factors affecting the business such as organizational culture and climate, as well as communication between employees including conflicts and mobbing. The main research question was whether the company is present mobbing . In the empirical part presents the results of research on the phenomenon of mobbing in the company . In the last part of the paper presents some approaches to the prevention of mobbing from domestic and foreign literature , hereinafter also suggested solutions for the studied company . The task is useful in both academic and applicative sense because he was willing to own questionnaire , conducted the survey and prepared proposals for measures for the prevention of mobbing within the company.
