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Title:Vloga svojcev pri izboljšanju kakovosti življenja dementnega starostnika : diplomska naloga visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa prve stopnje
Authors:ID Sirk, Nena (Author)
ID Podgornik, Nevenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 494495CBE8E6FD779FA30C8078F86B45
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Demenca je zelo pogosta duševna motnja v starosti. Ko se pojavi, močno prizadene vso družino. Svojci se znajdejo v težki situaciji, ki se za marsikoga zdi tudi brezizhodna. Z vsemi strahotami se je veliko lažje spopadati, če smo ozaveščeni, če vemo, s čim imamo opravka. Bolj ozaveščeni svojci pomenijo manjši strah in manjšo stisko. Diplomska naloga se osredotoča predvsem na svojce, ki imajo v družini starostnika, ki je zbolel za demenco. Razkriva njihove težave, stiske in strahove, s katerimi se spopadajo. S pomočjo dveh polstrukturiranih vprašalnikov, od katerih je bil en uporabljen v dveh fokusnih skupinah s svojci, drugi pa v intervjuju s strokovno delavko, zaposleno v domu za ostarele, smo pridobili odgovore, ki ponujajo vpogled v to obširno problematiko. Pojav demence močno vpliva na celotno družino oziroma na vse, ki so vpleteni v skrb za starostnika. Slednja je iz dneva v dan zahtevnejša. Predvsem zaradi tega so se v obeh družinah, ki sta bili udeleženi v raziskavi, odločili za nastanitev sorodnika v dom za ostarele. Ugotavljali smo, kako dobra je ozaveščenost ljudi o demenci, in ugotovili, da je premajhna. O tem je spregovorila tudi strokovna delavka, ki se vsakodnevno srečuje s težavami, ki nastajajo prav zaradi neznanja in nerazumevanja svojcev. Zanimalo nas je še, ali se svojci vključujejo v domsko oskrbo svojega sorodnika in če se, kakšni so njihovi načini. Sodeč po odgovorih, je zavedanje, da je zagotavljanje kakovosti življenja dementnega starostnika pomembno, precej dobro. Gre pa za težko dosegljiv cilj, pri katerem so pomembni sodelovanje, znanje in velika mera razumevanja. Delo s starostnikom z demenco ni lahko. Za svojce je vse še toliko huje. Diplomska naloga s pomočjo teorije in empiričnega dela ponuja le del odgovorov za boljšo predstavo vseh tistih, ki s tem nimajo veliko izkušenj, in za podporo vsem tistim, ki se osebno spopadajo s pastmi demence.
Keywords:demenca, starostniki, svojci, ozaveščenost, kakovost življenja, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Tolmin
Place of performance:Tolmin
Publisher:[N. Sirk]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:65 str., [21] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7990 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5580795 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:28.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:Dementia is a very common mental disorder, associated with old age, and it greatly affects the patient’s entire family. Relatives find themselves in a difficult situation that some even find hopeless. However, this illness is much easier to cope with if we know what we're dealing with. Raising awareness among family members helps them ease their fear and distress. This thesis focuses mainly on families with elderly people suffering from dementia. It reveals the problems, struggles and fears they face when dealing with the illness. The answers received with the help of two semi-structured questionnaires, of which one was used in two focus groups with family members and the other in an interview with a professional employed in a nursing home, provided insight into this wide-ranging issue. Dementia significantly impacts the entire family and all involved in the patient’s care, which gets more and more demanding every day. This is the main reason that both families involved in the study decided to accommodate the relative in a nursing home. We also focused on their awareness about dementia, which has shown to be inadequate. The professional, who is faced with problems arising from the lack of knowledge and understanding on a daily basis, also talked about this issue. Another point of interest was the family's involvement in the care of their elderly relative, particularly the way they are involved. Their answers show that they are quite qell aware of the importance of providing the relative with good quality of life. However, this goal is hard to achieve, since it requires cooperation, knowledge and a great deal of understanding. Working with the elderly with dementia is not easy. And it's all the worse for their families. The thesis, comprising of a theoretical and empirical part, only offers some insight for the people that don't have a lot of experience as well as support to those dealing with the difficulties of dementia.
