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Title:Samomorilnost med mladimi : diplomska naloga
Authors:ID Kržišnik, Maja (Author)
ID Podgornik, Nevenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Krzisnik_Maja_i2018.pdf (920,95 KB)
MD5: E28C6A571D1E62CD378F5EEC35A6747F
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Samomoru so podvržene vse generacijske skupine. V svoji diplomski nalogi bom pozornost namenila predvsem raziskovanju samomora mladih, ki poleg drugih nesreč ostaja vodilni razlog smrti med mladostniki. V Sloveniji se letno zanj odloči okoli 20 posameznikov. Zanimanje vzbuja tudi dejstvo, da kljub preventivnim ukrepom stopnja samomorilnosti mladostnikov za enkrat ostaja nespremenjena. Namen diplomske naloge ni v iskanju novih razsežnosti s področja samomora ali samomorilnosti mladih, temveč predstaviti samomor kot neprekinjeno vprašljivi etični in moralno-družbeni fenomen, ki so ga poskušale razložiti in ga še vedno raziskujejo razne znanstvene stroke. Skozi pisanje želim bralcu osvetliti kritično pojavnost samomora med mladimi, kompleksno prepletenost dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na razvoj samomorilnega vedenja, in postopke za ravnanje v primeru pojavnosti samomorilnega vedenja pri mladostniku. Del namenim tudi vlogi staršev in njihovemu ključnemu prispevku pri oblikovanju prvih zametkov samomora in mladostnikovega odnosa do življenja. Predstavim tudi primere pomoči za posameznike v stiski in preventivne ukrepe, ki jih izvajamo na področju Slovenije. Čeprav do samomora kot družba in kot posamezniki zavzemamo različna stališča, ostaja vpet v človekovo kulturo, filozofijo in religijo. Razmišljanje o tem, da ga lahko iztrebimo, je iluzorno. Z diplomsko nalogo osvetljujem področja, ki lahko vplivajo na razvoj samomorilnega vedenja, vse z namenom, da s posedovanjem znanja lahko prispevamo k njegovi preventivi.
Keywords:samomori, samomorilno vedenje, avtoagresivno vedenje, adolescenca, mladostniški samomori, preventiva, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Kržišnik]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:51 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-7993 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21430019 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:28.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:Suicide is the subject of all generational groups. In my thesis I will be focusing primarily on researching suicide among young people, which in addition to other accidents remains the leading cause of death among adolescents. Approximately 20 young people execute suicide in Slovenia annually. The fact is, that despite the preventive measures suicide rate of young people remains unchanged for the time being. The purpose of my thesis is not in the search of new dimensions in the area of suicide or youth suicidal behaviour, but to present suicide as a continually questionable ethical and moral social phenomenon that has tried to be explained and is still being researched by various scientific disciplines. Through writing I want to highlight the critical incidence of suicide among young people, the complex interplay of factors that influence the development of suicidal behavior and the procedures for dealing with the incidence of suicidal behavior in adolescents. In my thesis I also focus on the role of parents and their key contribution to the formation of the first culminations of suicide and their part in the development of adolescent's attitude towards life. I also present examples of help available for individuals in distress and preventive measures that are being carried out in Slovenia. Even thought we, as a society and as individuals, look upon suicide from various perspectives, it nevertheless remains embedded in human culture, philosophy and religion. The thought of absolute prevention is illusory. With my thesis I am highlighting the areas that can influence the development of suicidal behavior, all with the intention of passing on the necessary knowledge for prevention.
