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Title:Doživljanje spletne pornografije skozi prizmo navezanosti v odraslosti : magistrska naloga študijskega programa druge stopnje
Authors:ID Žerovc, Mitja (Author)
ID Kristovič, Sebastjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Zerovc_Mitja_i2017.pdf (2,17 MB)
MD5: 300FDDD93F66A021164585D1854CBCDD
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali doživljanje pornografije skozi prizmo navezanosti v odraslosti, kar bi lahko pripomoglo k boljšemu razumevanju zanimanja za seksualnost in seksualno vedenje preko interneta. Živimo v kulturi, kjer sta seks in pornografija vedno bolj prisotna v življenju ljudi. Pri trženju spolne industrije igra internet nedvomno pomembno vlogo, saj predstavlja način povezovanja posameznikov med seboj in hkrati vpliva na meje svobode seksualnih aktivnosti. Sama seksualnost in seksualno vedenje prek interneta sta tako v zadnjih desetletjih postala nekakšen problem sodobne družbe, saj na posameznika vplivata tako s psihološkega kot tudi s sociološkega vidika. Dostopanje do pornografije deluje kot epidemija, ki lahko izolira posamezne družinske člane in zabriše mejo med resničnim spolnim odnosom in iluzijo. Kaj je tisto, kar dela internetno pornografijo tako privlačno? Različni strokovnjaki, poleg organskih iščejo vzroke tudi v psiholoških dejavnikih. Ti so pogosto v navzkrižju med tem, kar je v družbi splošno zakoreninjeno in med tem, kar posameznik tudi zares čuti oziroma doživlja. Cilj raziskave ni usmerjen v raziskovanje kdaj je nekdo seksualno zasvojen. Pridobljeni odgovori nam bodo v pomoč k oceni razumevanja povezav med stili navezanosti in uporabo pornografije. Z izborom takšnega vedenja lahko sklepamo, da negotova ali odklonilna navezanost služi kot pomoč pri zadovoljevanju temeljnih psihičnih potreb. Predvidevali smo, da bodo anketiranci imeli v visokem odstotku razviti varen stil navezanosti. Iskanje pornografije je pri njih drugotnega pomena. Primarna je potreba po spolni stimulaciji z namenom doseganja izpolnitve, zadovoljstva, fantazij in iskanja novosti.
Keywords:seksualnost, psihoseksualni razvoj, stili navezanosti, virtualna pornografija, seksualni skript, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Žerovc]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:74 str., [4] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8023 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5579771 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:28.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:In this Master's thesis, we study the way in which consumers experience pornography through the prism of attachment in adulthood, which we believe could bring about a clearer understanding of the interest in internet sexuality and sexual behavior. We live in a culture where sex and pornography are increasingly present in our lives. Unquestionably, the internet plays an important role in the sex industry marketing business. It is a liaison between individuals and has a profound effect on the boundaries of sexual liberty. In the past decades, sexuality and sexual behavior on the internet have become the quandary of modern – day society because of their impact which they exert on the psychological as well as the sociological aspect of our everyday lives. Access to pornography acts as an epidemic that can isolate individual family members and blur the boundary between true sexual intercourse and illusion. What makes Internet pornography so appealing? Various experts, in addition to organic, also look for causes in psychological factors. They are often in a conflict between what is widely rooted in society and what an individual really feels or experiences. The aim of the research is not to explore when someone is sexually addicted. The answers we receive will help us assess the understanding of the links between the style of attachment and the use of pornography. By choosing such behavior we can conclude that uncertainty or refusal attachment serves as a help in meeting the basic psychic needs. We anticipated that respondents would have a high level of attachment in a high percentage. Finding pornography is secondary to them. The primary need is sexual stimulation in order to achieve fulfillment, satisfaction, fantasy and search for novelties.
