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Title:Institucionalno varstvo kot podjetniški izziv : poslovni načrt za ustanovitev Doma starejših v Občini Slovenska Bistrica
Authors:ID Brglez, Robi (Author)
ID Jelovac, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Brglez_Robi_i2011.pdf (1022,32 KB)
MD5: 589137E2C0A4F46789C635816F367063
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V diplomskem delu sta podrobneje predstavljena vidika podjetništvo in institucionalno varstvo. V kontekstu podjetništva je podrobneje izpostavljen ključni poslovni dokument – poslovni načrt. Gre za opredelitev ključnih strukturnih elementov, ki omogočajo zaznavanje trţnih priloţnosti, vključevanje bistvenih deleţnikov, pripravljenost na tveganje ter končno izpeljavo dejavnosti na trgu. Za ta namen je bil oblikovan poslovni načrt za konstituiranje novega Doma starejših v občini Slovenska Bistrica, največji nemestni občini v Sloveniji, ki doma ne premore, in tako poslovno posega na področje institucionalnega varstva starejših. Varstvo starejših v Sloveniji je danes v sodobni druţbi 21. stoletja povsem zastarelo in neprimerno. Od »hotelske« obravnave do prilagajanja starostnika sistemu varstva, namesto obratno, je stanje, ki postaja ob trendih daljšanja ţivljenjske dobe starostnikov in pojava številnih bolezenskih stanj, kot so depresija, demenca, osteoporoza, srčno-ţilne bolezni, vse bolj problematično in neprimerno za drţavo, ki je ţe sedem let v EU. Rezultati raziskave, ki je bila opravljena na primeru občine Slovenska Bistrica, so pokazali dve ključni ugotovitvi. Prvič, urejenost institucionalnega področja v občini postaja vse pomembnejša, čemur so zlasti pritrjevali mladi do 30 let. Drugič, dom starejših je investicija, ki jo bo treba v občini izpeljati in realizirati v čim krajšem času oz. v naslednjih treh letih. Kot tretje pa celotno sliko dopolnjuje splošno znano dejstvo, katerega posledic se vsi ključni druţbeni akterji, ljudje, drţava in njene pooblaščene institucije in sistem, ki je posledica njihovega delovanja, še ne zavedajo prav dobro, in sicer krhanje solidarnostnih vezi med mlajšo in starejšo generacijo, daljšanje ţivljenjske dobe in pojav novih bolezni, kar bo v prihodnje zahtevalo drugačno politiko, vodenje in obravnavo starejših v institucionalnem okviru ter jasno definiranje vlog mlajših pri vzdrţevanju medgeneracijske solidarnosti.
Keywords:podjetništvo, institucionalno varstvo, starejši, dom starejših, poslovni načrt
Place of publishing:Laporje
Place of performance:Laporje
Publisher:[R. Brglez]
Year of publishing:2011
Year of performance:2011
Number of pages:64 str., [17] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8097 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:1024296257 New window
Note:Na ov.: Diplomska naloga : visokošolskeg univerzitetnega študijskega programa prve stopnje;
Publication date in ReVIS:29.07.2021
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis is presented in detail view entrepreneurship and istitutional care. In the context of entrepreneurship is further exposed to the key business document, business plan. They identify key structural elements that provide the perception of market opportunities, the involvement of relevant stakeholders, willingness to take risks and ultimately carrying out activities in the market. For this purpose it was designed a business plan for the constitution of the new Home for the aged in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica, the largest non-urban municipalities in Slovenia, which lacks at home, which in this business within the sphere of institutional care for the elderly. Care for the elderly in Slovenia in now in a modern world of the 21st century completely outdated and inappropriate. From the »hotel« treatment to match the aged care system, rather than vice versa, a condition which is becoming the trend life expectancy of the elderly and the emergence of numerous disease conditions such as depression, dementia, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease is increasingly problematic and inappropriate for a country that is already seven years in the EU. The results of the survey was conducted in the case of municipalities Slovenska Bistrica, has identified two key findings. First, the institutional arrangement of areas in the municipality area is becoming more important, what is supported, in particular young people up to 30 years. Second, older home is an investment that will be needed in the municipality to carry out and implement as soon as possible or. over the next three years. Third, the whole picture to well known, the consequences are not yet very well aware of all the key social actors, people, country and its authorized institution and the system as a result of their action, namely abrasion bonds of solidarity between younger and older generations, lengthening periods of retirement and the emergence of new diseases, which will in future require a different policy, management and treatment of the elderly in the institutional framework and to clearly define the roles of age in the maintenance of intergenerational solidarity.
Keywords:enterpreneurship, institutional care, older, older home, business plan
