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Title:Fizioterapevtska obravnava pacientov z akutnim in kroničnim zvinom gležnja
Authors:Maučec, Saša (Author)
Omejec, Gregor (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Zvin gležnja (ZG) je ena pogostejših poškodb lokomotornega sistema, ki lahko prizadene tako splošno kot športno populacijo. Pri ZG obstaja velika stopnja tveganja za ponovitev poškodbe, neustrezna rehabilitacija pa lahko vodi v kronični ZG ali kronično nestabilnost gležnja (KNG). Za postavitev diagnoze sta potrebna anamneza in klinični pregled, potrdimo pa jo s pomočjo slikovne diagnostike. Pri kliničnem pregledu opazujemo posameznikov vzorec hoje, telesne asimetrije, prisotnost otekline in hematoma ter morebitne deformacije. Ocenimo aktivno in pasivno gibljivost sklepa, testiranja mišične moči pa v akutni fazi ne izvajamo. Z namenom izključitve morebitnega zloma v klinični pregled vključimo vprašalnik Ottawa. Pri fizioterapevtski obravnavi ZG se v akutni fazi osredotočimo na zmanjšanje bolečine in otekline, izboljšanje obsega gibljivosti ter ohranjanje mišične moči in funkcije. V kronični fazi pa je glavni cilj rehabilitacije izboljšanje obsega gibljivosti in funkcije sklepa ter zmanjšanje nestabilnosti. V prvi vrsti se odločamo za konzervativno zdravljenje, ki vključuje zgodnjo mobilizacijo, nesteroidna protivnetna zdravila za lajšanje bolečin in izvajanje fizioterapije. Operativno zdravljenje je indicirano ob kontinuiranih simptomih in hudi nestabilnosti gležnja. Zaradi heterogenih smernic za fizioterapevtsko obravnavo ZG smo se odločili raziskati učinkovitost fizioterapevtskih metod in tehnik. Ugotovili smo, da nimamo visokokakovostnih študij, ki bi natančno potrdile učinkovitost fizioterapevtskih metod in tehnik pri obravnavi ZG. V klinični praksi se še vedno uporabljajo metode in tehnike, ki niso znanstveno podprte, med katere spadajo imobilizacija, laserska terapija, ultrazvok in električna stimulacija. Na osnovi predstavljenih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da so učinkovite fizioterapevtske metode in tehnike za zdravljenje ZG kinezioterapija, uporaba zunanje opore, manualna terapija in metoda RICE, kot podporna metoda ostalim. Pri zdravljenju kroničnih ZG pa sta to kinezioterapija in manualna terapija. Glavni namen diplomske naloge je predstavitev kakovostnih smernic za fizioterapevtsko obravnavo pacientov z akutnim in kroničnim ZG.
Keywords:Akutni zvin gležnja, kronični zvin gležnja, anatomija gležnja, biomehanika gležnja, fizioterapija.
Year of publishing:2022
COBISS_ID:116731139 Link is opened in a new window
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Title:Physiotherapeutic treatment of patients with acute and chronic ankle sprain
Abstract:Ankle sprain (AS) is one of the most common injury of locomotor system which can affect population on general as well as sports population. AS has a high risk of reoccurance and inappropriate rehabilitation leads to chronic AS or chronic ankle instability (CAI). Diagnosis is made by clinical examination and, if needed, confirm with RTG, US or MR. At clinical examination we observe the patients type of walking, body asymmetry, presence of swollen areas and hematomas and possible deformations. We estimate active and passive range of motion, however muscle testing is not used in acute phase. With the purpose of excluding the possible fracture we performe Ottawa questionnaire into the clinical examination. At physiotherapeutic treatment of acute AS we focus on lowering the pain and swollen areas, improving the range of movement and preservance of muscle strength and function. The aim in chronic phase of rehabilitation is improving the range of movement and joint function and lessen the instability. Firstly we decide on conservative treatment which includes early mobilization, non steroid anti inflammatory drugs for lowering the pain and proceed with physiotherapy. Surgery is used at continuing symptoms and severe instability of the ankle. Because of heterogenic points for physiotherapeutic dealing with AS we have decided to research the efficency of physiotherapeutic methods and techniques. We have realized that we do not have high quality studies which would confirm the efficency of physiotherapeutic methods and techniques at treating AS. In clinical practice there are still used methods and techniques that are not scientifically proved: immobilization, laser therapy, ultra sound and electical stimulation. Based on introduced results we claim that efficient physiotherapeutic methods and techniques at AS are: kinesiotherapy, using the external support, manual therapy and RICE method as support to all the others. The main aim of the graduation thesis is introducing quality points for physiotherapeutic treating patients with acute and chronic AS.
Keywords:Acute ankle sprain, chronic ankle sprain, ankle anatomy, ankle biomechanics, physiotherapy.
