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Title:Psihosocialne posledice zaprtja šol in spremljevalnih ukrepov na šoloobvezne otroke v času epidemije covid-19 v Sloveniji
Authors:ID Pečnik, Pascale Emily (Author)
ID Podgornik, Nevenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 2870$$zakljucno_delo.pdf (2,58 MB)
MD5: 2477D964C701CC816D1FF1EB785096DA
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Epidemija covid-19 je odprla številna družbena vprašanja tako iz konteksta obstoječih družbenih razmerij kot iz državnih, družbenih in psihosocialnih posledic. V pričujoči magistrski nalogi osvetljujemo vidik psihosocialnih posledic epidemije na šoloobvezne otroke v Sloveniji in jih postavljamo v širši družbeni okvir. V teoretičnem delu naloge raziskujemo globalizacijo kot pomemben družbeni vidik epidemije, kapitalistični sistem in razredno diferenciacijo. Temu sledi raziskovanje šole kot pomembnega člena v procesu socializacije znotraj obstoječih ideoloških razmerij. Posebno pozornost posvečamo socialno-ekonomskemu statusu in vplivu le-tega ob zaprtju šol v času prvega in drugega vala epidemije. V empiričnem delu naloge skozi sekundardno analizo Mednarodne raziskave motenj izobraževanja v času epidemije in intervjuje s svetovalnimi delavkami analiziramo psihosocialne posledice epidemije na šoloobvezne otroke. Zanima nas tudi vloga svetovalnih delavk v času epidemije in ključni izzivi, s katerimi so se srečevale. Metodološko se naloge lotevamo skozi morfogenetski pristop in ugotavljamo razmerje država-šola-posameznik. Ugotovili smo, da je eden pomembnejših dejavnikov, ki vpliva na psihosocialne posledice otrok in mladostnikov, socialno-ekonomski status. Psihosocialne stiske, s katerimi se soočajo otroci in mladostniki, se razlikujejo glede na starost šoloobveznih otrok, govorimo pa o samoti, anksioznosti, depresiji, apatičnosti in nasilju.
Keywords:epidemija, psihosocialne posledice, otroci in mladostniki, socialno-ekonomski status, ideologija
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9733 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:10.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Psychosocial Impact of school closure and accompanying measures on school-age children during the covid-19 epidemic in Slovenia
Abstract:The Covid-19 epidemic deep-seated many social issues from the perspective of current social relations and state, social and psychosocial consequences. In the following master's thesis, we illuminate psychosocial consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic on school-age children in Slovenia and place them into a wider social framework. In the theoretical framework, we research globalization as an important social aspect of the Covid-19 epidemic, capitalist system, and class differentiation. This is followed by the research of school as an important agent of socialisation within the existing ideological relations. We focus on the socio-economic status and its impact during school closure in first and second wave of the epidemic. In the empirical part of the assignment, we analysed the psychosocial consequences of epidemic on school-aged children. We performed secondary analysis of the Responses to Educational Disruption Survey and interview questions for educational consultants. We also made a view in the role of education counsellors and key challenges they were faced with. Methodologically we use morphogenetic approach to determine the relations between state, school and individual. We found out that one of the most important factors affecting the psychosocial consequences of children and adolescents is the socio-economic status. Psychosocial difficulties faced by children and adolescents vary, depending on the age of the school-age children, and mostly we are talking about loneliness, anxiety, depression, apathy, and violence.
Keywords:epidemic, psychosocial consequences, children and adolescents, socio-economic status, ideology
