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Title:Oblikovanje vrednot slovenske vojske pri kandidatih v programu TVSU
Authors:ID Lisjak, Iztok (Author)
ID Tomšič, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: A26B0811A5F4BF6DDA7033471D10A1B7
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Vrednote so za posameznika in družbo zelo pomembne, ali se tega zavedamo ali ne. Vrednote so gibalo našega ravnanja in pomembna kategorija naše motivacije ravnanja. Z vrednotami razumemo, kaj nam je pomembno – vredno. Pri svojem ravnanju vedno zavedno ali nezavedno tehtamo in se odločamo. Odločimo se za tisto, kar nam je pomembnejše – vredno. Slovenska vojska se zaveda pomena vrednot, zato je tudi sprejela svoje vrednote in jih na neki način institucionalizirala. Slovenska vojska od svojih pripadnikov pričakuje, ne samo, da poznajo vrednote Slovenske vojske, ampak tudi, da jih pripadnik sprejme za svoje ter v skladu z njimi živi in deluje. Vrednote so razmeroma trajna kategorija, ki se skozi časovno obdobje sicer spreminja, vendar potrebuje močnejše zunanje dražljaje. Slovenska vojska, tako kot druge tuje vojaške organizacije, skozi programe usposabljanja skuša indoktrinirati svoje pripadnike, da ponotranjijo vrednote organizacije za svoje. Program temeljnega vojaško strokovnega usposabljanja (program TVSU) je začetno vstopno usposabljanje za vse, ki želijo služiti Slovenski vojski. Eden od temeljnih ciljev programa TVSU je razviti visoko raven domoljubja in vojaških vrednot. Diplomska naloga je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni teorija vrednot, vrednote Slovenske vojske in program TVSU. V empiričnem delu smo skozi dva vprašalnika, na začetku in koncu usposabljanja, ugotovili, ali pride v času usposabljanja pri programu TVSU do spremembe hierarhije vrednot Slovenske vojske. Ugotovitev je, da se vrednote v času usposabljanja spremenijo, nekatere napredujejo po lestvici, druge so po lestvici nazadovale. Program TVSU neposredno ne vpliva na spremembo vrednot. Vrednote se spremenijo posredno zaradi narave in načina vojaškega življenja, ki so ga kandidati na usposabljanju deležni 24 ur na dan.
Keywords:vrednote, Slovenska vojska, usposabljanje, program TVSU, sprememba vrednot.
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-9841 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:15.07.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Formation of the values of the Slovenian army among the candidates in the TVSU program
Abstract:Values are extremely important for individuals and for society, whether we are aware of it or not. Values are the driving force behind our actions and play an important role in motivating our behaviour. Through values we understand why something is important to us, why it is worthwhile. In our actions, we always consciously or unconsciously weigh and make decision. We choose what is more important to us – more valuable. The Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) recognises the importance of values and that is why it has adopted its own set of values and in some way institutionalised them. The SAF expects its members not only to be familiar with its values but also to embrace them as their own and live and act accordingly. Values are a relatively permanent category that may change over time but require stronger external stimuli. Like other armed forces, the SAF also tries to indoctrinate its members through different training programmes hoping they internalise its values as their own. The Basic Military Training Programme is the entry training point for those who wish to serve in the SAF. One of the Programme’s fundamental goals is to develop a high level of patriotism and military values. The thesis consists of a theoretical and an empirical part. In the theoretical part, it deals with the theory of values, the values of the Slovenian Armed Forces and Basic Military Training Programme. The empirical part, through two questionnaires administered at the beginning and end of training, establishes whether the hierarchy of values of the SAF change during the training programme. The findings indicate that values do change during training, with some values progressing in the hierarchy while others regressing. The Basic Military Training Programme does not directly influence the change in values. Values change indirectly based on the nature and way of military life that candidates experience 24 hours a day during training.
Keywords:values, Slovenian Armed Forces, training, Basic Military Training Programme, change in values
