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Title:Aleksitimija in regulacija čustev pri posameznicah obolelih za rakom dojk
Authors:Završnik, Polona (Author)
Stepišnik Perdih, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi raziskujemo izraženost aleksitimije in prisotnost težav z regulacijo čustev pri posameznicah obolelih za rakom dojk v primerjavi z zdravimi posameznicami. Psihologija človeka se v zadnjem času precej usmerja v raziskovanje povezanosti uma in telesa. Vedno več znanstveno podprtih dokazov je, da človekov um vpliva tudi na splošno stanje telesa in s tem tudi na pojav ali odsotnost bolezni. Bolezen, ki dandanes predstavlja glavni vzrok smrti po svetu, je rak. Pri posameznikih, ki imajo težave s prepoznavanjem in opisovanjem lastnih čustev, govorimo o izraženi višji stopnji aleksitimije, poleg tega imajo običajno taki posamezniki težave tudi z uravnavanjem čustev. Ker čustva predstavljajo in vplivajo na precejšen del naše duševnosti in s tem tudi na naše telo, smo želeli v nalogi raziskati, ali obstaja povezava med višjo stopnjo aleksitimije in težavami s čustveno regulacijo pri posameznicah, ki so prebolele raka dojk. V ta namen smo uporabili dva anketna vprašalnika za merjenje aleksitimije in čustvene regulacije, rezultate smo statistično obdelali in interpretirali. Ugotovili smo, da se pri ženskah z višjo stopnjo aleksitimije pojavlja tudi več težav z regulacijo čustev. Pri posameznicah z izkušnjo raka dojk nismo potrdili višje stopnje aleksitimije v primerjavi s posameznicami brez te izkušnje. Med sodelujočimi ženskami se v rezultatih niso izkazale statistično pomembne razlike v težavah pri opisovanju in prepoznavanju čustev ter v prisotnosti navzven usmerjenega mišljenja, prav tako nismo potrdili razlik pri regulaciji negativnih oziroma pozitivnih čustev. Za prihodnje raziskave na tem področju bi bilo zagotovo dobro vključiti večji vzorec sodelujočih. Poleg vprašalnika bi bilo smiselno izvesti tudi polstrukturirane intervjuje, s katerimi bi dobili bolj poglobljen vpogled v posameznikovo dojemanje in razumevanje bolezni, ki jo doživlja.
Keywords:čustva, aleksitimija, regulacija čustev, rak dojk, vpliv čustev na telo
Year of publishing:2023
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Secondary language

Title:Alexithymia and emotion regulation in women with breast cancer
Abstract:In the master's thesis, we are investigating the expression of alexithymia and the presence of difficulties in emotion regulation in individuals diagnosed with breast cancer compared to healthy individuals. In recent times, human psychology has been increasingly focused on exploring the connection between the mind and the body. There is a growing body of scientifically supported evidence that a person's mind also affects the overall condition of the body and thus the occurrence or absence of illness. Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide. Individuals who have difficulty recognizing and describing their own emotions are said to have a high degree of alexithymia. Additionally, such individuals typically have difficulty regulating their emotions. Since emotions represent and influence a considerable part of our psyche and therefore our body, we wanted to investigate whether there is a connection between a higher degree of alexithymia and emotional regulation problems in women who have survived breast cancer. For this purpose, we used two questionnaires to measure alexithymia and emotional regulation, and the results were statistically processed and interpreted. We found that women with a higher degree of alexithymia also experience more emotional regulation problems. Among women who have experienced breast cancer, we did not confirm a higher degree of alexithymia compared to women without this experience. Among the participating women, there were no differences in the results regarding describing and recognizing emotions, as well as the presence of outwardly directed thinking. Similarly, we did not confirm any differences in the regulation of negative or positive emotions. For future research in this field, it would undoubtedly be good to include a larger sample of participants. In addition to the questionnaire, conducting semi-structured interviews would make sense to gain a more in-depth insight into an individual's emotions and emotional regulation.
Keywords:emotions, alexythimia, emotion regulation, breast cancer, impact of emotions on the body
