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Title:Podpora partnerja v poporodnem obdobju
Authors:Krkovič, Maša (Author)
Stepišnik Perdih, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi najprej opišemo poporodno obdobje ter hormonske, telesne in psihološke spremembe, ki se dogajajo v telesu mater, s čimer sta povezana boljše razumevanje obdobja po rojstvu otroka in počutje matere. Nato se osredotočimo na podporo materi v tem obdobju, predvsem s strani partnerja. Začnemo s podporo v nosečnosti, ki je dober temelj za podporo po rojstvu otroka, v nadaljevanju pa raziščemo vrste in načine podpore, s katero partner (in drugi) pomagajo materi v tem obdobju. Namen diplomske naloge je ugotoviti, katere vrste podpore matere prejemajo od svojih partnerjev, kako je (ne)prejemanje podpore s strani partnerja povezano s počutjem matere ter kako matere izražajo svoje potrebe partnerju. Velikokrat mislimo, da je podpora partnerja samoumevna in pravilna, vendar to ne drži, saj je veliko dejavnikov, ki so pomembni za razumevanje potreb in njihovo realizacijo. Ko podpore ni dovolj oziroma ni ustrezna, to vpliva na počutje matere. Velik pomen pri reševanju tega problema ima odprta in odkrita ter ustrezna komunikacija. Podpora partnerja pa ni edina, saj podpora drugih, kot so prijatelji in družinski člani, pomeni velik doprinos k dobremu počutju matere. Z intervjuji, ki smo jih opravili s šestimi intervjuvankami, smo ugotovili, da je podpora velikega pomena za počutje matere, saj (ne)prejemanje podpore negativno vpliva na počutje in partnerski odnos ter doživljanje stresa in drugih sprememb v tem obdobju. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je pomanjkanje komunikacije dejavnik, ki vpliva na razumevanje, prošnjo po pomoči in nudenje podpore.
Keywords:Poporodno obdobje, spremembe v poporodnem obdobju, podpora partnerja, potrebe, komunikacija, počutje, mama, partner.
Year of publishing:2023
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the thesis, we start by describing the postnatal period, the hormonal, physical and psychological changes, which take place in the maternal body. This is directly linked to a better understanding of the postnatal period and a well-being of a mother. Further on we focus on the support provided to the mother during this period, especially from her partner. We start with a support during the pregnancy, which is a good foundation for the support after childbirth, and afterwards we explore types and ways, in which a partner (and others) support a mother during postnatal period. The aim of the thesis is to find out what kind of support mothers receive from their partners, how (not) receiving support from their partner is related to their well-being and how mothers express their needs to their partner. With elaborating on this, we identify the importance and different ways of support, which mothers receive during this period. We often take partner’s support for granted, but this is not always the case, as there are many factors that are also important for understanding mother’s needs and their fulfillment. In case when there is not enough support or it is not adequate, this affects mother's well-being. Open, honest, and appropriate communication is crucial in solving aforementioned problem. However, a partner’s support is not the only support, as support from others, such as friends and family members, also represents a big contribution to a mother's well-being. Through the interviews we conducted with six women, we found out that support is of great importance for the mother's well-being. Not receiving a support negatively impacts several things, such as mother’s well-being, relationship between partners, as well as experiencing stress and other negative changes during this period. We also found that a lack of communication is an important factor that affects the feeling of being understood, willingness to ask for help and providing the needed support.
Keywords:Postnatal period, postnatal changes, partner’s support, mother’s needs, communication, well-being, mother, partner.
