Repository of colleges and higher education institutions

Statistics of ReVIS
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The table includes keywords of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Keywords are sorted by the frequency, with most frequent keywords at the top. Most frequent keywords may tell what this mentor's research fields and interests are.

Person: Tanja Devetak

Together there are 59 keywords, that are appearing 74 times.
2 of them (3.39 % of all) appear more than once, together appearing 17 times (22.97 % of all appearances).

11x64.71%diplomske naloge
1xmodna kolekcija, pletenje, tipografija, barvne kombinacije, torbice, vzorci, plise, organske oblike, teksturiranje, modni oblikovalci, origami, pokrivala, zgodovina pliseja, modni oblikovalci pokrival, zadrga, tekstilni materiali, multifunkcionalnost, videz, Gehry, arhitektura, tehnike tiska, fizikalni pojavi, svetila, tekstura, oblikovalci svetil, Bauhaus, tekstilni vzorci, zgodovina pokrival, okraševanje kože, blagovna znamka, quilt, identiteta, tržne raziskave, punk, anketni vprašalnik, visual perception, fabric, ustvarjalnost, umetna inteligenca, art therapy, fashion therapy, colour, kolekcija torbic, srajce, podoba telesa, telo skozi čas, estetika telesa, lepotni ideali, odnos med telesom in oblačilom, analiza, zaštita okoliša, tradicionalna oblačila, slovenska noša, suvremena moda, održivi dizajn, konzumacija, tekstilna površina