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The dynamic of employee population of different characteristics in principal - agent model based relationship with employer : doctoral dissertation
Mirko Talajić, 2022, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: V današnjem času je dinamika sprememb takšna, da moramo najti inovativne in kreativne načine za obvladovanje sprememb, a se tudi prilagajati pogostosti teh sprememb. Dinamika sprememb v vedenju ljudi, njihovem odnosu do dela in kaj jih motivira, so postale glavne preokupacije vodilnih v organizaciji, ki se zavedajo, da kakovostno vodenje ljudi in njihova motivacija naredijo organizacijo učinkovitejšo in nenazadnje uspešnejšo na trgu. Ključno je zavedanje, da strategija upravljanja z ljudmi ne more biti enaka za vse, ampak jo je treba prilagoditi različnim vrstam zaposlenih. Zato so v doktorski disertaciji vsi zaposleni v organizaciji razdeljeni na tri tipe, ki so si vsi homogeni po stopnji zavzetosti za organizacijo, odnosu do dela in motivaciji. Z definiranjem funkcij uporabnosti in plačila za vsako vrsto zaposlenih se modelira vedenje vsake vrste skozi čas (dolgoročno in kratkoročno). Proces modeliranja in analize rezultatov je podprt z uporabo osnovnih principov teorije iger, evolucijske teorije iger in dinamike replikatorja. Dobljeni rezultati kažejo, da se lahko organizacija, če pozna izhodiščno populacijsko strukturo svojih zaposlenih, pravočasno odloči in usmeri gibanje strukture k želenemu stabilnemu stanju, kjer so stroški optimalni. Razvit metodološki okvir odpira številne možnosti, vključno z dodajanjem novih spremenljivk, za razširitev modela, kar posledično odpira možnost podrobnejših analiz in konkretnejših usmeritev pri sprejemanju še boljših odločitev, ki se odražajo v boljših organizacijskih rezultatih.
Keywords: principal - agent model, evolucijsko stabilne strategije, replikatorska dinamika, tip zaposlenega, zavzetost
Published in ReVIS: 25.04.2023; Views: 710; Downloads: 49
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A decision support system for identity and access management : doktorska disertacija
Miljenko Hajnić, 2022, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Managing redeployment of employees is a complex and highly demanding process for a company’s decision-makers in the human resources department since it requires fast responsiveness, in particular when there is a huge amount of requests and activities required to answer the organizational needs. Redeployment requires multiple evaluations of employees and organizational units involving many attributes, such as education, skills, work experience, and distance from the workplace, to name a few. Consequently, every redeployment task causes a new cycle of granting new access rights to the company’s application software. Since the whole granting access procedure can take from several hours up to several days, depending on the number of IT administrators and the number of employees’ user accounts that have to be appropriately configured, the cost of employee redeployment is directly reflected through the overhead expense for employees while they wait for their user account to be updated, and in the meantime, the company’s income will be lower than the projected one. To address this problem, this doctoral thesis focuses on the importance of key service interoperability and the development of software components that enable the integration of the decision model with Human Resources Management software and Identity and Access Management software into the decision support system in order to increase the company’s efficiency and effectiveness. Key service interoperability was achieved by first developing a decision support model using the Decision EXpert (DEX) method. The developed DEX model was applied for a logical base in the development of the web-based application. We developed a custom web-based application that evaluates multiple entities at once and proposes several appropriate alternatives ranked by three novel algorithms that we developed for three different contexts of employee redeployments. Our web-based application is a software prototype designed for easy integration with other business applications involved in the process of employee redeployment. Finally, we performed several process simulations to conceptually test the possibility, feasibility and profitability of software improvements and integrations.
Keywords: decision support, decision expert, human resources, redeployment, identity and access management
Published in ReVIS: 25.02.2022; Views: 1111; Downloads: 92
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