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Opazuj, razmisli, izumi, patentiraj : smernice za izumitelje
Urška Fric, 2019, other monographs and other completed works

Keywords: izumi, računalniški izumi, intelektualna lastnina, patenti, licence, start-up
Published in ReVIS: 27.08.2019; Views: 3268; Downloads: 20
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Priročnik za uspešen prenos tehnologij : praktični vodič za raziskovalce in pisarne za prenos znanja in tehnologij
Dolores Modic, Ana Hafner, Urška Fric, 2018, dictionary, encyclopaedia, lexicon, manual, atlas, map

Abstract: Technology transfer is a challenge. For every successful case of technology transfer, there are dozens and dozens of ideas that never make it out of the university lab or department. Yet, this is often not only due to reasons connected to the embryonic nature of inventure (being just too soon for industry to pick up) or being too basic; but often connected to the simple failure of matching the right people together. People involved in inventing and developing, those involved in “translating” the new idea into often incomprehensible “patent speak”, people involved in commercialization, those brave enough (or at least enough risk tolerant) to engage in spin-off creation, to people involved on the industry side, or those involved in designing new open access methods, all play a key role. Authors wish to address some of their concerns inside this Handbook. We begin with a simple question, which might be mind boggling for researchers: “Why bother with technology transfer?” Not only individual level benefits are pointed out, but also special emphasis is put on social or economic impacts. Then we try to guide the researchers through the technology transfer process, often offering real-life cases. Although Slovenia is still evolving its technology transfer system, authors firmly believe there are cases, that can teach us how to better the technology transfer results, either by being shining examples or simply failures, that can often teach us even more. We also provide boxes with relevant additional data on some specific interesting elements, including pointing out towards selected new IT solutions available, that can help deal with the intellectual property jungle. The note by Yuichi Harada also offers new ideas on valuable information universities can posses. A special section is dedicated to those thinking about start-ups. We end with some pragmatic suggestions for technology transfer staff. Authors hope that the Handbook might be of assistance to researchers that have interesting promising inventions, technology transfer practitioners, industry representatives interested in cooperating with faculty members or others that find this field exciting or of interest. We would also like to thank all those who participated in the making of this Handbook, especially also all three authors of initial notes, Takafumi Yamamoto, Yuichi Harada, Borut Likar and Mary Albertson. We re-print below also the original notes in English as well as the English translation of the note received in Slovenian.
Keywords: izumi, računalniški izumi, intelektualna lastnina, patenti, licence, start-up
Published in ReVIS: 28.09.2018; Views: 4409; Downloads: 159
.pdf Full text (5,81 MB)

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