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Vzgojne strategije, ki otrokom pomagajo pri prilagajanju na starševsko ločitev in sobivanje s svojim novim skrbnikom : diplomska naloga
Daria Miroshnikova, 2020, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: The aim of the bachelor’s thesis “Upbringing Strategies Helping Children Adapt to Parental Separation and Cohabitation with Their New Caregivers” is to reveal the universal strategies that help children go through the divorce, accept the family structure change, and adapt to new caregivers. The author’s findings can help psychosocial help professionals in their work with parents and children on the problems arising from the family structure change. The practices combined as a result of the research work are intended to secure the children’s best interests. Presenting upbringing methods that have proved to be appropriate for children's behavior correction, the author refers to positive discipline methods because those are designed to impact on the child mildly and respectfully. The content of the thesis comprises three parts – theoretical chapter, empirical chapter, and the conclusions-and-suggestions chapter where the author summarizes the data from the first two chapters and comes out with her recommendations and proposals. The introduction and conclusion chapter makes this thesis complete research work. In the theoretical chapter, the author presents and compares general approaches to children’s upbringing and behavior correction and the most commonly used theories and practices. The author describes varieties of family structures and researches the significance of the stability in satisfying the children's needs. The author reveals the major effects of divorce on children. She examines normal and pathologic adjustment reactions and researches strategies of new caregivers’ integration into the family, difficulties caregivers face during the merge, and conflicts that arise in young families. In the empirical chapter of the thesis, the author presents the essential parts of the interviews with adults who have lived through parental divorce and adaptation to new caregivers in their childhood and with divorced parents who have integrated their new partners into their families with children and can now give their feedback on how those processes could be facilitated for children. The analysis of the interviews shows that stability and the sense of security provided by the primary caregivers play a major role in the process of adaptation to the family structure change. It also shows that gradual merging is a preferable way of new caregivers’ integration. Furthermore, caregivers must act with respect and attunement to the children whereupon the positive discipline methods provide the best results.
Keywords: divorce, child, adaptation, integration, stepparent, attachment theory, parenting, positive discipline, stability, child-friendly
Published in ReVIS: 13.08.2021; Views: 1435; Downloads: 90
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