Ciljno iskanje oseb : magistrsko deloAleksander Volmajer, 2016, master's thesis
Abstract: Magistrsko delo Ciljno iskanje oseb obravnava iskanje oseb kot eno izmed pozabljenih ali zapostavljenih področij dela policije, katerega razvoj je vse od nastanka samostojne države R Slovenije obstal na začetni točki. Sam pojem iskanje oseb, ki predstavlja osnovo ali podlago za ciljno iskanje oseb, ostaja nepojasnjen in nedefiniran medtem, ko je pojem ciljnega iskanja oseb določen in zapisan kot intenzivna in načrtovana metoda dela za izsleditev posebej izbrane osebe, ki se jo išče zaradi prijetja. Vendar je med teorijo in prakso velika razlika. Šele zadnje leto ali dve posamezniki v policijskih vrstah načrtno in intenzivno iščejo iskane osebe, medtem ko je iskanje in prijetje oseb še vedno v 90 odstotkih stvar naključja. Morebiti je za zatečeno stanje potrebno iskati krivca na strani Policije in tistih, ki krojijo razvoj slovenske policije in oblikujejo njene strateške cilje, morebiti pa na strani organov pregona in pravosodja in njihovega mačehovskega odnosa do tega področja. Ciljno iskanje oseb je specifično področje dela, katerega bistvena značilnost je ali bi moralo biti tesno sodelovanje organov preiskave, pregona ter pravosodnih organov, čeprav temu ni tako. Izvajanje nalog iz tega področja predstavlja izključno samo zagotovitev obdolženčeve navzočnosti v kazenskem postopku in zagotovitev izvršitve kazni zapora in ne preiskovanje kaznivih dejanj. Težava pa je v tem, dana primer policija zaključek svojega dela vidi v podani kazenski ovadbi. Tožilstvo vidi zaključek svojega dela v izdani pravnomočni sodbi. Sodišče vidi zaključek svojega dela v izpeljanem sodnem postopku tako ali drugače. Nihče od teh treh ključnih akterjev ne vidi problema v trenutni situaciji. Izjema so le mediji, ki občasno polnijo časopisne in internetne strani z neuspehi slovenske policije, tožilstva in sodnega sistema pri iskanju obdolžencev ali obsojencev na begu ter s tem ustvarjajo popolnoma napačen pritisk na le-te. In prav zaradi teh pritiskov policija, tožilstvo in sodstvo na vrat in nos iščejo neke rešitve, namesto da bi s pravilnim pristopom in sodelovanjem vpeljali ciljno iskanje oseb v redno, strokovno in visoko učinkovito nalogo ne samo policije, temveč celotnega mehanizma od policije, tožilstva do sodišča.The master's thesis "Target search of persons" deals with the search of persons as one of the forgotten and neglected areas of the police department. This area of police work basically hasn't developed ever since Republic of Slovenia became an independent state. The basic notion of searching persons, providing the basis or a platform for a targeted search, remains unclear and undefined; however the definition of a targeted search of persons is set and is considered to be an intensive and planned work method to track down a specific person sought to be apprehended. There is however a major difference between theory and practice. It is true that in the past year or two several individuals in the ranks of the police department have begun to actively and intensively search for persons, yet the fact remains that in 90 % of the cases, the search and the apprehension are a matter of coincidence. One could blame the police department for the current stalemate situation, while some of the blame could be put on the shoulders of people responsible for the strategy and development of the Slovenian Police; one could also blame the enforcement authority and the justice department for their ignorant attitude towards this area of police work. Target search of persons is a specific area of work, which requires a full cooperation between the searching authority, enforcement authority and the judicialauthority. Unfortunately, that is currently not the case. The execution of tasks in this area includes only the assurance of the defendant's presence and the assurance of executing the prison sentence; it does not include the investigation of criminal acts. The problem is that the police sees its final results once the criminal charges have been issued. The public prosecutor's office concludes its work once a verdict has been reached. The court sees its final results one way or the other once all the courtproceedings have been concluded. The problem is that none of these three parties really recognize the seriousness of the current situation. The only exception are the media, which are quick to fill their newspaper or internet pages with headlines of how the police, the prosecutor's office or the judicial system failed to find defendants or convicts on the run, therefore creating unnecessary pressure for all parties involved. This kind of pressure then forces the police, the prosecutor's office and the court to frantically look for quick solutions instead of cooperating and choosing a proper approach such as implementing target search of persons to become a regular, professional and highly efficient task of not only the police department, but of the prosecutor's office and the court as well.
Keywords: tiralica, ciljno iskanje oseb, obdolženec, obsojenec, pooblastila, zakonodaja, človekove pravice
Published in ReVIS: 24.07.2018; Views: 4043; Downloads: 274
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