1. The Prespa agreement for accession in the European Union and NATO : master’s thesisMonika Gjorgjievska, 2020, master's thesis Abstract: The underlying research rationale of this master thesis has been driven by the interest sparked by the historic settlement of the long-standing dispute between North Macedonia and Greece with the Prespa Agreement signed in 2018. The dispute over the name between Skopje and Athens, especially its settlement, continues to draw attention and curiosity both in academia and in practice. In light of these developments, this research explores the diplomatic relations between North Macedonia and Greece through both contemporary and historical lens. Based on analysis of literature, reports and media sources, this research tries to answer two key questions: (1) What is the genesis of the relationships between North Macedonia and Greece and has Prespa Agreement speed up the process of EU accession process? (2) The Interim Accord between Athens and Skopje was signed in 1995. Why was it not possible to reach a compromise and sign the Prespa Agreement at that time?. The Prespa Agreement was signed on the Greek side of the Prespa lake on June 17th 2018 and is named by the location where the name issue was officially ended. The official name of the Prespa Agreement is “Final Agreement for the settlement of the differences as described in the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 817 (1993) and 845 (1993), the termination of the Interim Accord of 1995, and the establishment of a Strategic Partnership between the Parties”. The Prespa Agreement is supposed to be a solution to differences set in the resolutions 817 and 845 from 1993, likewise the Interim Accord from 1995, signed in New York. On the other side of the lake, were present representatives from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union. The presence of the organizations mentioned above gives high importance for Western Balkans countries. This research aims to understand and explain both sides of the story, the mutual standing points, as well as their differences. Keywords: North Macedonia, Greece, Macedonia, name dispute, history, self–determination, international organizations, agreement, foreign policy, diplomacy, human rights Published in ReVIS: 09.02.2022; Views: 1702; Downloads: 70 Full text (845,22 KB) |
2. Technologies and Innovations in Regional Development : the European Union and its strategies2022, scientific monograph Abstract: The subsequent volume revolves around the Social-Fields-Approach (SOFIA) as an approach to conceptualisation and operationalisation for the purpose of empirical research. It contributes a new perspective and approach in research on innovation. We believe that SOFIA can have implications for both academic research and practical applications in reshaping the existing instruments and governance arrangements in innovation policy. Whilst aplying SOFIA, we urge researchers to leverage the plurality of different qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method approaches in innovation studies, including less conventional methods, such as QCA (Ragin, 2008). Diligent application of SOFIA can also subsequently lead to the development of high-level theoretical contributions. Keywords: technological development, innovations, open innovation, innovation 2.0, regional development, technologies, Regional Policy, circular economy, European Union, EU Published in ReVIS: 12.01.2022; Views: 1437; Downloads: 88 Full text (7,09 MB) |
3. Primerjava implementacije javnih politik zaposlovanja mladih na območju Mestne občine Nova Gorica in Občine Ajdovščina : diplomska naloga visokošolskega univerzitetnega študijskega programa prve stopnjeMaruša Istenič, 2017, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomska naloga preučuje implementacijo javnih politik zaposlovanja mladih na območju
Mestne občine Nova Gorica in Občine Ajdovščina. Namen je, da se na podlagi pozitivnih praks
iz ene občine predlaga ukrepe v drugi občini in obratno.
Diplomsko nalogo sestavljata dva dela. Teoretični del predstavlja pojme javne politike, policy
analize, njen potek in zakonodajne ureditve zaposlovanja mladih v Sloveniji. To so tudi
izhodišča za nadaljnjo analizo in kasneje primerjavo javnih politik.
Empirični del diplomske naloge predstavlja po poteku policy analize dva pristopa k
preučevanju. Prvi pristop je »od zgoraj navzdol«, pri katerem smo predstavili javnopolitične
igralce na področju zaposlovanja mladih in javne politike, ki jih sprejemajo. Preučili smo
javnopolitične igralce vse od nivoja Evropske unije, državnega nivoja in kasneje konkretne
javne politike občin Nova Gorica in Ajdovščina. Pri drugem pristopu »od spodaj navzgor« smo
informacije pridobili z intervjuji s ključnimi državnimi in civilnodružbenimi igralci v
preučevanih občinah.
Ugotovili smo, da je Občina Ajdovščina veliko prej zaznala problematiko zaposlovanja mladih
kot pomembno in prej začela z ukrepi reševanja. Leta 2012 je sprejela Strategijo za mlade v
občini Ajdovščina, v občini Nova Gorica pa je strategija v fazi obravnave. Kot razliko opažamo
pomanjkanje civilnodružbenih igralcev, ki bi se ukvarjali s tematiko in izvajali sprejete javne
politike v Novi Gorici. V občini Ajdovščina se s tem področjem bolj konkretno ukvarjajo
organizacije Mladinski svet in Inštitut za mladinsko politiko. Dostop do političnih odločevalcev
bolje ocenjujejo v Ajdovščini, predvsem z vidika upoštevanja predlogov in ne toliko možnosti
predlogov. Kot rešitev v občini Nova Gorica vidimo predvsem možnost spodbud za
participacijo mladih v institucijah (obuditev Mladinskega sveta), ki bi vodila tudi do boljše
implementacije sprejetih ukrepov na področju zaposlovanja mladih in večjega nadzora. Keywords: zaposlovanje mladih, implementacija javnih politik, Mestna občina Nova Gorica, Občina Ajdovščina, policy analiza, diplomske naloge Published in ReVIS: 29.07.2021; Views: 1353; Downloads: 72 Full text (1,20 MB) |
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5. Impact of circular economy as the EUʼs ambitious policyUrška Fric, 2019, original scientific article Abstract: The article describes the role of legislative and legal framework which brought about a new approach to waste management through the concept of circular economy, and its drivers. We explicitly focus on the impact of ambitious EU environmental policy and its financial support from the European Commission (EC) which helped social actors recognize not only the ecological, but also the economic and social benefits of the circular economy. Over 50 actions under the “Circular Economy Action Plan” launched in 2015 have been delivered or are being implemented in this period in European Union (EU). Through overview of the EU’s ambitious policy, best practice of the circular economy in the world and status quo in circular economy at EU level we also show the circular economy is nowadays a crucial megatrend and there is still needed to increase up action at EU level, provide the competitive advantage it brings to EU economy and close the loop. Beside impact of ambitious EU environmental policy article focuses on the Cultural Political Economy (CPE) approach as a political economy approach with the purpose for explaining the role of legislative and legal framework as a mechanism for selection and retention of the paradigm of circular economy. Keywords: circular economy, European Commision, policy, Europe 2020, Cultural Political Economy, status quo Published in ReVIS: 06.07.2020; Views: 2698; Downloads: 81 Full text (351,50 KB) |
6. Public policy instrument evaluation in service of enabling grand strategy discourse : case of Horizon 2020 key indicatorsAlenka Pandiloska Jurak, 2019, original scientific article Abstract: The purpose of the article is to illustrate the problem of public policy evaluation in regards to the availability of the information. By that, we want to warn about the issue of a disabled discourse of relevant social groups and institutions in the European Union. For this article, we evaluate public policy instrument H2020. The evaluation covers the availability of the data, that should enable interim and ex-post evaluation. The article offers a soulution to the emerging issue. Through the prism of Cultural political economy, the evaluation results also indicate the issue of Europe 2020 instruments retention. Consistency and transparency are not needed only throughout the different policies and strategy goals but also throughout their retention to assure the set goals. Keywords: Cultural Political Economy, Europe 2020, evaluation, discourse, horizon, indicators, policy analysis Published in ReVIS: 06.07.2020; Views: 2314; Downloads: 69 Full text (308,19 KB) |
7. The measurement of innovation for management, research and policyCristian Gangaliuc, 2019, review article Abstract: This paper is a literature review regarding the known practices of measuring innovation, for policy, research or management purposes. Article is deliberating on the importance of known and most notable methodologies, such as innovation survey, interviews, case studies and mixed research. The following methodologies are presented with regard to their strong and weak points, to perform an objective evaluation and exemplification. Alongside methodologies, paper concentrates on the practices of innovation measurement, such as approaches taken by the OECD and EU assessments, presenting the possible angles that can be conceptualized during conceptualization and innovation measurement. The article ends with the presentation of the concept of Management of Innovation, that is a growing paradigm that emphasizes the ability of an actor to innovate rather than its development outcomes. Following the line of presented methodologies, approaches and considerations, conclusions outline that innovation is becoming more and more a social phenomenon, rather than a purely technical one. That presents an opportunity to build practices of including innovation into the semiotic and economic dialogue of national and supranational bodies, and not limit the policy of innovation to regional or national strategies. Keywords: innovation, innovation measurement, management of innovation, Cultural Political Economy, Europe 2020, strategy, policy Published in ReVIS: 06.07.2020; Views: 3074; Downloads: 75 Full text (244,35 KB) |
8. Cultural political economy of Europe 2020 : Jean Monnet chair CPE 2020 and its impactBorut Rončević, 2019, original scientific article Abstract: The main goal of the grand strategy Europe 2020 is to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Implementation of such grand strategy is an arduous process, which has so far more often than not resulted in implementation deficit. The article follows the Cultural Political Economy approach and is based on a premise that to successfully implement a grand strategy of Europe 2020 and its successor strategies, we need to construe the strategy as a hegemonic discourse that needs to pass the evolutionary mechanisms of variation, selection and retention. Possible mechanism of retention of Europe 2020 is the innovative educational that was developed and tested in Jean Monnet Chair project Cultural Political Economy of Europe 2020. The approach can contribute to awareness of EU grand strategies and their implementation through other programmatic documents and advance interdisciplinary EU studies dealing with the phenomenon of EU implementation deficit. Keywords: Jean Monnet Chair, Cultural Political Economy, Europe 2020, methodology, policy impact Published in ReVIS: 06.07.2020; Views: 2508; Downloads: 79 Full text (131,06 KB) |
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