1. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) diplomatic conflict management response for enhancing human security : the case of Mozambique.Seabelo Isaac Kgosi, 2020, doctoral dissertation Abstract: The focus of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the SADC diplomatic conflict management response mechanism for enhancing human security with specific reference to Mozambique between the years 2013 to 2017. The topic of the study aligns the research towards different diplomatic activities and legal matters, it employs a descriptive, desktop qualitative case study approach in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data on the SADC diplomatic conflict management response mechanism for enhancing human security in Mozambique. The study further evaluated the efficacy of SADC’s Organ on Politics, Defence and Security (OPDS) as a conflict prevention, mediation and resolution mechanism in any conflict that may arise in the Southern African region. The findings of the study are that SADC conflict prevention, mediation and resolution efforts are ineffective due to; a decision-making structure which promotes political patronage and sovereign interest over evidence based conflict resolution; weak mandate of the Secretariat whose role is to coordinate and implement the decisions of Summit and Council as opposed to initiating programs and initiatives that are binding on Member States; weak funding to the SADC Secretariat as a whole and conflict prevention, mediation and resolution in particular and SADC’s poor coordination with the AU and UN on conflict management. The study recommends that SADC Secretariat be restructured and turned into a Commission whose initiatives and programs should be binding on Member States. This will remove political patronage and bias and usher in independence and objectivity in decision-making, including in conflict prevention, mediation and resolution. Keywords: Mozambik, SADC, mehanizem za upravljanje konfliktov, učinkovitost, prestrukturiranje Published in ReVIS: 04.01.2022; Views: 1649; Downloads: 1070 Full text (3,02 MB) |
2. Obvladovanje krize in prenova poslovanja v podjetju X : diplomska nalogaMarko Nikolič, 2021, undergraduate thesis Keywords: inženiring poslovanja, prestrukturiranje, proizvodnja, reiženiring, krize v podjetju, prenova podjetja, vizija podjetja, predstavitev podjetja Published in ReVIS: 21.12.2021; Views: 1347; Downloads: 75 Full text (3,69 MB) |
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5. Institut poenostavljene prisilne poravnave : diplomsko deloPetra Šantak, 2016, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Postopek poenostavljene prisilne poravnave je v slovenskem pravnem sistemu dokaj nov institut, ki ga je leta 2013 uzakonila novela ZFPPIPP-E. V slovenskem pravnem sistemu poznamo dva glavna postopka zaradi insolventnosti, in sicer postopek prisilne poravnave ter stečajni postopek. Poglavitni namen postopka prisilne poravnave je izvedba ukrepov finančnega prestrukturiranja, s katerimi se zagotovi nadaljnje poslovanje dolžnikovega podjema in zagotovijo ugodnejši pogoji poplačila upnikov, kot če bi bil nad dolžnikom začet stečajni postopek. Medtem ko začetek stečajnega postopka ravno nasprotno pomeni konec dolžnikovega poslovanja z odprodajo njegovega premoženja. Pogoj za uvedbo insolvenčnih postopkov je nastop insolventnosti, ki nastopi ob prezadolženosti dolžnika. Postopek poenostavljene prisilne poravnave tako kot postopek redne prisilne poravnave spada med reorganizacijske postopke in pomeni poskus sanacije dolžnika do te mere, da dolžnik po uspešno končanem postopku nadaljuje s svojim poslovanjem prost dolgov. Keywords: prisilna poravnava, stečaj, stečajno pravo, prestrukturiranje, insolventnost, Slovenija, diplomske naloge, bolonjski program Published in ReVIS: 16.08.2018; Views: 3238; Downloads: 143 Full text (622,83 KB) |
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9. Pravni vidiki insolventnosti; s posebnim poudarkom na analizi ključnih prvin stečaja in prisilne poravnave Istrabenza : diplomsko deloAjda Jančar, 2015, undergraduate thesis Keywords: stečaj, prisilna poravnava, insolventnost, stečajni upravitelj, finančno prestrukturiranje, ZFPPIPP, Marina Invest d. o. o., Istrabenz, holding d. d. Published in ReVIS: 13.12.2017; Views: 3041; Downloads: 195 Full text (602,35 KB) |