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Splav v domeni politike in odločitev ženske, primerjava Slovenije in Poljske : diplomsko delo
Klara Sajevic, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Umetna prekinitev nosečnosti je še vedno zelo delikatna, kontroverzna in sporna tema, čeprav se v življenju s splavom sreča večina žensk. Je predmet burnih razprav med nasprotniki in zagovorniki. Dostop do splava tehta pravice ploda proti pravicam matere. Kljub temu da večina držav razvitega sveta stremi k izboljšanju položaja žensk in njihovih reproduktivnih pravic ter s tem enakopravnosti med spoloma, so države, ki s spreminjanjem že tako restriktivne zakonodaje nazadujejo. Tak primer je Republika Poljska. Kljub temu da je bil ob njenem vstopu v EU pogoj liberalizacija zakonodaje glede človekovih pravic, predvsem umetne prekinitve nosečnosti, se je le-ta odločila zakonodajo še bolj zaostriti. Diplomska naloga je osredotočena predvsem na dogajanje ob koncu leta 2020 in v začetku leta 2021, ko je poljsko ustavno sodišče spremenilo pogoje za umetno prekinitev nosečnosti. Ta je sedaj dovoljena le v primeru, da je v nevarnosti življenje in zdravje matere ter če je nosečnost posledica kaznivega dejanja posilstva ali incesta. Ena izmed tem je tudi kako slovenska pravna ureditev ureja umetno prekinitev nosečnosti, ter primerjava s precej manj obširno poljsko ureditvijo. Kljub trenutni pravni ureditvi na Poljskem je imela le-ta skozi svojo zgodovino precej raznolike poglede na splav. Zanimivo je to, da je bil v času komunizma splav dostopnejši kot v času demokracije, kar pa je verjetno posledica vpetosti Katoliške Cerkve v politično sfero
Keywords: umetna prekinitev nosečnosti, Slovenija, Poljska, restriktivna zakonodaja, liberalna zakonodaja, splav, protesti, pro-choice, pro-life
Published in ReVIS: 10.01.2022; Views: 1727; Downloads: 227
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Technology - mediated commuting: research on 2020 pandemic switch to remote work
Marsel Valiev, 2020, master's thesis

Abstract: In today's world more and more workflows take place online. Business meetings are replaced by conference calls and it is not necessary to print an important document to sign it, just click the mouse a couple of times. As a result of technical progress, many companies and employees have come to the conclusion that it is possible to interact quite comfortably on a remote basis, yet maintaining a high efficiency level. Remote work is a global trend which is not a surprise since such an approach to the organization of labor has many advantages the first of which is economic and environmental benefit. A company with a staff of remote employees does not need to maintain an office: spend on stationery, pay for utilities and rent. The employee saves money on travel, food and can get additional sleep in the morning, something we all need sometimes. It is usually difficult for an employee to maintain perfect balance between personal life and career in the traditional way. He spends a lot of time in public transportation or in a traffic jam, periodically lingers in the office and gets exhausted, when he is late to work, he gets nervous, and things just do not go well. What if it could all be different from how we used to do it? In this research, I set myself the task of highlighting the problem of how ineffective some of our actions are simply because we do some things the way we have beeen doing them for ages, rather than rethink and do them in the right way.
Keywords: Remote work, technology, industry 4.0, work-life balance, innovation.
Published in ReVIS: 30.09.2020; Views: 2060; Downloads: 107
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Household finance management effectiveness over the life cycle
Marta Musiał, original scientific article

Keywords: household finance, effectiveness, life cycle
Published in ReVIS: 01.02.2018; Views: 2323; Downloads: 75
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