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Postavitev wifi omrežja v manjšem podjetju
Gašper Robida, 2020

Abstract: V diplomskem delu sem najprej predstavil omrežja in protokole, potrebne za njegovo delovanje, nadaljeval pa z opisom delovanja brezžičnega omrežja. Posebej so predstavljeni varnostni protokoli, ki jih brezžično omrežje uporablja za zagotavljanje varnosti podatkov uporabnikov. Velik del diplomske naloge prestavlja tudi konfiguracija brezžičnega omrežja s produkti proizvajalca Ruckus. Z mrežno tehnologijo Mesh sem odgovoril na zelo pomembno vprašanje: kaj storiti, če ne moremo zagotoviti internetnega priključka za vsako dostopno točko. Slednjo tehnologijo sem uporabil tudi v svoji konfiguraciji brezžičnega sistema. V sklepnem delu diplomske naloge je opisan program SurveyPro, ki je namenjen izvajanju meritev pokritosti brezžičnega signala in dejanskih meritev v podjetju, v katerem je postavljeno brezžično omrežje. Meritve pokažejo pokritost brezžičnega signala z grafičnim prikazom na tlorisu, ki ga pred začetkom izvajanja meritev ustrezno kalibriramo. Slednje je za stranko ključnega pomena, saj je to končna informacija, ali je brezžično omrežje ustrezno postavljeno in ali je pokritost po vseh prostorih ustrezna.
Found in: ključnih besedah
Keywords: Wi-Fi, protokol, varnost, signal, omrežja, Ruckus, dostopna točka
Published: 11.09.2020; Views: 2458; Downloads: 167
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Modelling human cardiorespiratory system through heart-rate variability
Albert Zorko, 2020

Abstract: The modern computer resources and the data analysis methods allow for a biomedical data to be examined in a more detail than ever. The heart rate variability (HRV) is an easily accessible vital signal that offers a range of useful information about the person under a study. One such application regards an automatical determining whether a person is awake or asleep from the HRV data only. This is of an importance not just for medical but also for practical applications, such as a traffic safety or smart homes. In this doctoral work we study the HRV data of 75 healthy individuals of a varying age and sex, recorded with a microsecond precision. We employ the empirical fact that heart and respiration cycles couples differently during a sleep and awake period. Namely, a respiratory modulation of a heart rhythm or a respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) is more pronounced while asleep, as both sleep and RSA are connected to a strong vagal activity. Therefore, the onset of sleep can be recognized or perhaps even predicted by a carefully examining the cardio-respiratory coupling. We show that the above can indeed be used, at least in principle, to design an algorithmic method to automatically determine the state of a person's consciousness from the HRV data only. On the methodological front we rely on quantifying the (self)similarity among the shapelets, the short chunks of the HRV time series, that allow for a consistent comparison among and within the time series. To establish a better benchmark, we also carry out a comprehensive analysis of the overall HRV dynamics depending on age and sex. Our results include: (i) that a distinctive patterns of the HRV dynamics are consistent across age and sex, (ii) that they are not only an indicative of sleep and awake, but allow to pinpoint the change from awake to sleep and vice versa almost immediately, (iii) that the shapelet analysis is a viable tool to examine these data with a great precision. We conclude that a more systematic analysis involving more subjects could lead to a practical method for the prediction of the onset of sleep.
Found in: ključnih besedah
Keywords: algoritem, EKG, Holter, vzorčna entropija, razmerje signal-šum, klasifikacija
Published: 18.09.2020; Views: 2159; Downloads: 216
.pdf Fulltext (5,09 MB)

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