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Paternity suit : bachelor thesis
Kazim Umut Toker, 2018, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: This study focuses on the paternity suit which is one of the ways to establish the paternity between the natural child and his/her father. The aim of this study is to emphasize the importance of paternity suit and examine the reforms on paternity suit brought about by Turkish Civil Code, no. 4721. Within the scope of the study, the statements and opinions of the doctrine mentioned, the changes made in the legislation during the process were emphasized, comparisons were made with the Turkish Civil Code no. 743 and Supreme Court's decisions on the concerned portions were included. The paternity between the natural child and the father was subject to the same provisions as the relationship between the legitimate child and the father at this point after the regulations were made. Paternity suit, which is considered to be a retroactive constitutive lawsuit, aims to establish a paternity (lineage) relationship between the natural child and the father. The mother can claim material and immaterial compensation apart from or along with the paternity suit from the father or his successors. The plaintiff of the paternity suit is either the mother or the child; the defendant is the father or his successors if he is deceased. The suit is notified to the public prosecutor and the treasury, to the trustee if it is filed by the mother, to the mother if it is filed by the trustee. Those who are notified of the case, are allowed participation in the proceedings as a secondary intervening party or they can also remain indifferent. Paternity suit is filed in a one-year period of prescription as of the date of birth, at the Civil Court of First Instance located in the parties' residential area when the child is born if the parties reside in Turkey. Moreover, the law issued presumption of paternity in favour of the plaintiff. However; the plantiff may confute and rebut this presumption. In the cases where the presumption is nondemonstrable, either the mother or the child must directly prove the paternity of the plaintiff. The principle of ex officio examination is effective in paternity suit. Therefore, the judge freely appraises the demonstrations. The presumption of paternity, may be proven by cognisance, brief, definitive judgment and any kind of proof; however, it is impossible to tender an oath. Paternity, on the other hand, may be proven by expert examining. Experts determine paternity by full blood examination and similarity examination. DNA tests, a type of full blood examinations, are a much more reliable method for the determination of paternity compared to blood groups and similarity examinations. Thus, the determination of paternity through DNA tests is accurate. Paternity suit can be called off if the plaintiff withdraws the lawsuit. However; the lawsuit does not terminate when the defendant accepts the lawsuit and there is not a possibility of settlement of claim. In the event that the defendant's paternity is determined in the paternity suit, the child takes the mother's surname; earns the citizenship and heirship of the father. As a rule, the mother has the custody of the child. The mother and the father cover the maintenance and education expenses of the child. The mother and the father are obliged to help, respect and understand each other, which is required for the peace and integrity of the family. Whether or not it is possible to renew the adjudication is clear after the verdict was given, by taking into account the data obtained by the methods such as DNA tests and so on, against a verdict that was definitive by the end of the paternity suit in a period where these methods were not used.
Keywords: paternity suit, medical data, Turkish civil code, family law, civil law, ugotavljanje očetovstva, družinsko pravo, civilno pravo
Published in ReVIS: 19.03.2020; Views: 3317; Downloads: 118
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