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Title:Percepcija ilegalnih migracija u državama na području bivše Jugoslavije
Authors:ID Mirenić, Ana (Author)
ID Rončević, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Golob, Tea (Comentor)
Files:.pdf 6226$$Doktorska_disertacija_Ana_Mirenic.pdf (13,55 MB)
MD5: E76E1106B625A7D989504E3DCAC7AEC2
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Problem migracija nastalih zbog ratnih i drugih okolnosti u zemljama Jugozapadne Azije, prije svega Siriji, Iraku, Iranu, Afganistanu te njihov utjecaj na stvaranje javnog mnijenja i percepcije o kulturološkim razlikama i sigurnosnim rizicima osnovni je istraživači je zadatak doktorske disertacije „Percepcija ilegalnih migracija u republikama na području ex Jugoslavije“. Iz postavljenih ciljeva proizlaze sljedeće hipoteze: Hipoteza 1: U percepciji stanovništva o migrantima te utjecaju ilegalnih migracija na sigurnost društva najveću ulogu imaju mediji. Hipoteza 1 je istraživanjem u potpunosti potvrđena. Hipoteza 2: Zbog različitog stupnja razvoja i svoga statusa u odnosu na Europsku uniju postoji i različito javno mnijenje stanovnika država koje su nastale na području bivše Jugoslavije. Hipoteza 2 nije u potpunosti potvrđena. U prvom dijelu disertacije analizirali smo rezultate prve faze istraživanja provedene online anketom u kojoj je fokus bio na sigurnosnim i kulturološkim aspektima migrantske krize kroz percepciju stanovništva republika bivše Jugoslavije, kao i utjecaj medija na stvaranje mišljenja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da mediji imaju najveću ulogu u stvaranju percepcije stanovništva. U drugoj fazi istraživanja provedena je analiza medijskih objava na temu ilegalnih migranata na tzv. Balkanskoj ruti. I ovaj je dio istraživanja potvrdio kako mediji imaju iznimno veliki utjecaj na percepciju stanovništva uopće, pa tako i na poglede vezano za područje sigurnosti. Kroz treću fazu istraživanja u kojoj su provedeni polustrukturirani intervjui s ciljnim skupinama (mediji, civilne/nevladine organizacije, lokalne/regionalne/državne vlasti i predstavnici vojske/policije) generirani su podaci bazirani na sinergiji istraživanja stavova i mišljenja spomenutih društvenih skupina koji na različite načine mogu imati vezu s migrantima i migracijama. Treća faza istraživanja potvrđuje kako je fokus diskusije o migrantima snažniji u zemljama koje su imale više doticaja s migrantima. Isto tako, generalno gledajući, puno kritičniji prema migrantskoj populaciji su predstavnici lokalne samouprave, vojske i policije, nego predstavnici medija i nevladinih organizacija. Naravno, iznimaka i ovdje ima, što je pokazano u analizi rezultata.
Keywords:migranti, sigurnosni izazovi, migrantska kriza, Balkanska ruta, javno mnijenje, komunikacija, kulturološke razlike, migracije
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10040 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:27.10.2023
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Secondary language

Abstract:The problem of migrations caused by war and other circumstances in countries of Southwest Asia, primarily Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and their impact on shaping public opinion and perceptions about cultural differences and security risks is the primary research task of the doctoral dissertation "Perception of illegal migration in the republics of the ex-Yugoslavia". The following hypotheses emerge from the set goals: Hypothesis 1: The media play the biggest role in the population's perception of migrants and the impact of illegal migration on social security. Hypothesis 1 was fully confirmed by the research. Hypothesis 2: Due to the different levels of development and their status in relation to the European Union, public opinion varies across the countries that were created on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Hypothesis 2 was not fully confirmed. In the first part of the dissertation, we analyzed the results of the first phase of the research conducted with an online survey in which the focus was on the security and cultural aspects of the migrant crisis through the perception of the population of the republics of former Yugoslavia, as well as the influence of the media on the formation of opinions. The research showed that the media play the biggest role in shaping the perception of the population. In the second phase of the research, an analysis of media publications on the topic of illegal migrants on the so-called Balkan route. And this part of the research confirmed that the media has an extremely large influence on the perception of the population in general, and also on the views related to the area of security. Through the third phase of the research, in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with target groups (media, civil/non-governmental organizations, local/regional/state authorities and representatives of the military/police), data was generated based on the synergy of researching the attitudes and opinions of the mentioned social groups, which in different ways may have a connection with migrants and migrations. The third phase of the research confirms that the focus of the discussion on migrants is stronger in countries that have had more contact with migrants. Likewise, in general, representatives of local self-government, the army and the police are much more critical of the migrant population than representatives of the media and non-governmental organizations. Of course, there are exceptions here as well, as shown in the analysis of the results.
Keywords:migrants, security challenges, migrant crisis, Balkan route, public opinion, communication, cultural differences, migration
