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Title:Z robotiko podprta rehabilitacija zgornjega uda pri pacientih po možganski kapi
Authors:ID Jeršan, Anja (Author)
ID Georgiev, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 1930$$diploma_anja_jersan_pdfa.pdf (518,93 KB)
MD5: 2005172504BF8E33C00AE1F9136E19D8
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Uvod in namen: Možganska kap je opredeljena kot klinični sindrom, ki je posledica žariščne poškodbe možganov zaradi žilnega vzroka. Gre za akutno nevrološko motnjo ožilja z nenadnim ali hitrim pojavom znakov in simptomov. Ločimo ishemično in hemoragično možgansko kap. Najpogostejše posledice po možganski kapi so pareza, plegija, nenormalen mišični tonus, zmanjšana koordinacija, somatosenzorika, motnje govora, požiranja in motnje zavesti. Zaradi razvoja tehnologije je v rehabilitaciji prisotne vedno več robotike in robotskih naprav. Pomembno je zavedanje prednosti in slabosti pri uporabi robotike v rehabilitaciji, ter povezavo med rehabilitacijo zgornjega uda, teorijo rehabilitacije in rezultati. Namen diplomske naloge je bil preveriti učinkovitost z robotiko podprte rehabilitacije zgornjega uda pri pacientih po možganski kapi. Metode: Diplomska naloga temelji na sistematicˇnem pregledu literature, pridobljene s pomocˇjo elektronskih baz podatkov PEDro, PubMed, COBISS in Google učenjak. Rezultati: Vključitvenim in izključitvenim kriterijem je ustrezalo devet študij s podobnimi metodami ugotavljanja učinkovitosti z robotiko podprte rehabilitacije. Rezultati so pokazali večjo učinkovitost z robotiko podprte rehabilitacije zgornjega uda po možganski kapi v primerjavi s konvencionalno rehabilitacijo. Uporabnost: Diplomska naloga je namenjena vsem, ki želijo izvedeti več o robotiki v rehabilitaciji, in vsem, ki želijo robotiko vključiti v svojo rehabilitacijo po možganski kapi. Omejitve: Velika količina raziskav z malo preiskovanci. Ključne besede: možganska kap, robotika v rehabilitaciji, fizioterapija, nevrorehabilitacija, Tip dela: Diplomska naloga 1. stopnje; leto 2023, Fizioterapevtika, 25(43) str., 4 pregl., 3 sl., 40 vir. Mentor/ica (D. Georgiev), Recenzent (G. Omejec)
Keywords:možganska kap, robotika v rehabilitaciji, fizioterapija, nevrorehabilitacija
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10246 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:182499075 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:11.01.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Robotic-assisted rehabilitation of upper-limb after stroke
Abstract:Introduction and purpose: Stroke is defined as a clinical syndrome resulting from focal brain damage due to a vascular cause. It is an acute neurological vascular disorder with sudden or rapid onset of signs and symptoms. A distinction is made between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. The most common consequences after a stroke are paresis, plegia, abnormal muscle tone, reduced coordination, somatosensory, speech, swallowing and consciousness disorders. Due to the development of technology, more and more robotics and robotic devices are present in rehabilitation. It is important to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of using robotics in rehabilitation, as well as the connection between upper limb rehabilitation, rehabilitation theory and results. The aim of the thesis was to check the effectiveness of robotics-assisted rehabilitation of the upper limb in patients after stroke. Methods: The thesis is based on a systematic review of the literature obtained with the help of electronic databases PEDro, PubMed, COBISS and Google Scholar. Results: Nine studies with similar methods of determining the effectiveness of robotics-assisted rehabilitation were included in the research. The results showed a higher effectiveness of the robotic-assisted rehabilitation of the upper limb after stroke compared to conventional rehabilitation. Usability: The thesis is intended for anyone who wants to learn more about robotics in rehabilitation and anyone who wants to incorporate robotics into their stroke rehabilitation. Limitations: Large amount of research with few subjects. Key words: stroke, robotics in rehabilitation, physiotherapy, neurorehabilitation, Type: Graduation Thesis; year 2023, Fizioterapevtika, 25(43) p., 4 tab., 3 fig., 40 ref. Supervisor (D. Georgiev ), Reviewer (G. Omejec)
Keywords:stroke, robotics in rehabilitation, physiotherapy, neurorehabilitation
