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Title:Vpliv kulturnih centrov za oblikovanje konzumentov kulture
Authors:ID Bilić, Tea (Author)
ID Pranjić, Kristina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 5711$$Tea_Bilic_DISERTACIJA.pdf (2,95 MB)
MD5: 72DF16624F5C3CC6F9DB9473DBE81702
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:UTJECAJ KULTURNIH CENTARA U KREIRANJU KULTURNIH KONZUMENATA SAŽETAK Kulturne centre u ovom istraživanju promatramo kao aktivne pokretače sinergije lokalne zajednice koji manifestiraju kazališne, likovne i glazbene djelatnosti, programe filmske kulture itd. Posjeduju kulturne resurse koji su sposobni mijenjati društvene postavke i oblikovati populaciju u kulturne konzumente. Cilj istraživanja bio je otkriti važnost kulturnih centara te odgovoriti na pitanje mogu li kulturni centri kreirati kulturne konzumente i koliki im je značaj u obogaćivanju kvalitete kulturnog života lokalne zajednice. Kvalitativni dio istraživanja obuhvaćao je provedbu fokus-grupe sa svrhom zahvaćanja stavova stanovnika u naselju u kojem je smješten centar o pitanjima utjecaja kulturnog centra, a kvantitativni dio činila je provedba ankete oblikovane na osnovi dosadašnjih spoznaja i rezultata fokus-grupe. Rezultati su pokazali da građani nakon posjeta programa u centru imaju osjećaj ispunjenosti, pripadnosti naselju te kvalitetno provedenog vremena. Također, smatraju da je implementiranje kulture u obrazovanje važno i da kulturni centri trebaju biti dio obrazovnog sustava. Zaključujemo da se provedenim istraživanjem potvrđuje hipoteza da kulturni centri mogu kreirati kulturne konzumente te utjecati na kvalitetu života i opći razvoj, i to kroz povećani broj programa za sugrađane putem odgoja i obrazovanja kroz umjetnost u kulturnim centrima. Sinteza istraživanja o dobrobiti kulture i umjetnosti u sprezi s kulturnim centrima te rezultata istraživanja, provedenog na primjeru Centra za kulturu i obrazovanje Susedgrad, rezultirala je kreiranjem Modela razvoja kulture u lokalnim zajednicama Grada Zagreba. Riječ je o modelu obrazovanja kroz kulturu i umjetnost u kulturnim centrima, što je ujedno i značajan aplikativni doprinos za stvaranje politika kulture i obrazovanja. Kroz Model se u korelaciju dovode trenutačni oblik školske nastave te kreativan i praktičan rad (kroz kulturu i umjetnost) u kulturnim centrima Grada Zagreba što dovodi do jačanja intelektualnih sposobnosti i poticanja emocionalnog razvoja. Time se kreiraju kulturni konzumenti sa svrhom jačanja socijalnog i kulturnog kapitala pojedinca što će u cijelosti imati kvalitetan odraz na svakodnevicu i razvoj društva.
Keywords:Ključne riječi: kultura, centri za kulturu, kulturno-umjetnički programi, kulturni konzumenti, obrazovanje kroz umjetnost, kulturni kapital, Model razvoja kulture u lokalnim zajednicama Grada Zagreba
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10275 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:18.01.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Utjecaj kulturnih centara u kreiranju kulturnih konzumenata
Abstract:THE IMPACT OF CULTURAL CENTERS ON THE CREATION OF CULTURAL CONSUMERS SUMMARY In this research, cultural centers are perceived as active synergy drivers of the local community that carry out theatrical, artistic, and musical activities, film culture programs, etc. They possess cultural resources that can change social settings and shape the population into cultural consumers. The aim of the research was to discover the importance of cultural centers and to answer the following questions: whether cultural centers can generate cultural consumers and how important they are in enriching the quality of the local community’s cultural life. A qualitative part of the research included a focus group (the aim was to capture the views of residents in the community where the center is located), which was being questioned about the impact of the cultural center; while the quantitative part comprised the implementation of a survey based on previous insight and the results of the focus group. The results showed that, after attending a program at the center, citizens experience a sense of fulfillment and belonging to the community and have a feeling of time well spent. Also, they believe it is important to incorporate culture into education and that cultural centers should be part of the educational system. In conclusion, the conducted research confirms the hypothesis that cultural centers can create cultural consumers and influence both the quality of life and the comprehensive development of society (that being accomplished through an increased number of programs for fellow citizens in cultural centers). The combination of research on the well-being of culture and art, along with cultural centers, and the results of the research conducted on the example of the Center for Culture and Education of Susedgrad, resulted in the creation of a Culture development model in local communities of the City of Zagreb. The following model of education through culture and art in cultural centers also makes significant applicative and policy-making contribution in the field of culture and education. This Model brings into correlation the current form of school teaching and creative and practical work (through culture and art) in the cultural centers of the City of Zagreb, which results in the strengthening of intellectual abilities and the encouragement of emotional development. This creates cultural consumers with the purpose of strengthening the social and cultural capital, which will have a good effect on everyday life and the development of society.
Keywords:Key words: culture, cultural centers, cultural and artistic programs, cultural consumers, education through art, cultural capital, Culture development model in local communities of the City of Zagreb
