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Authors:Koci Klopčič, Jasmina (Author)
Horvat Rauter, Barbara (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Stres in izgorelost sta tesno povezana pojma, še posebej v zahtevnih delovnih okoljih, kot je zdravstveni sektor. Stres, ki izvira iz visokih pričakovanj, časovnega pritiska in kompleksnih odločitev, lahko sčasoma pripelje do izgorelosti. Dolgotrajna izpostavljenost stresorjem lahko vodi do fizičnih, psihičnih in vedenjskih sprememb. Izgorelost se ne nanaša samo na fizično utrujenost, temveč predstavlja kompleksen psihološki odziv na pritiske in zahteve v delovnem okolju. Učinkovito obvladovanje stresa in preprečevanje izgorelosti zahteva celostni pristop, ki vključuje posameznikove sposobnosti obvladovanja stresa ter tudi organizacijske ukrepe za izboljšanje delovnih pogojev ter podpore zdravstvenim delavcem in sodelavcem. Metode: V raziskavi smo uporabili kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop ter deskriptivno metodo. Za potrebe empiričnega dela so bili zbrani, analizirani in sintetizirani primarni ter sekundarni viri. Primarni podatki za analizo so bili pridobljeni s tehniko anketiranja. Vir podatkov je bil tudi pregled domače in tuje literature ter internetnih baz (Cinahl, Cobiss, Medline, PubMed, Google Scholar). Rezultati: Na podlagi rezultatov naše študije smo prišli do zaključka, da je izgorelost med zdravstvenimi delavci in sodelavci zelo razširjena. Večina vprašanih meni, da je glavni razlog za izgorelost prekomerna delovna obremenjenost. Simptoma, ki ju največkrat občutijo, sta utrujenost in izčrpanost. Izgorelost preprečujejo s pomočjo pogovora s prijatelji in družino ter fizične aktivnosti. Povezave med izgorelostjo in delovno dobo nismo mogli potrditi, saj smo zajeli premajhen vzorec oseb, mlajših od 24 let. Razprava: Kljub temu da se izgorelost pojavlja pri različnih poklicih, je bila naša raziskava osredotočena na zdravstvene delavce in sodelavce. Ugotovili smo, da je pojavnost simptomatike izgorelosti med zdravstvenimi delavci in sodelavci visoka, kar lahko negativno vpliva na njihovo zdravje, kakovost dela in varnost pacientov. Zato je pomembno, da se zavedamo tega problema in uvedemo ukrepe za preprečevanje ter zdravljenje izgorelosti pri zdravstvenih delavcih in sodelavcih. Ti ukrepi lahko vključujejo izobraževanje o izgorelosti, spodbujanje samozavedanja in samozdravljenja, organizacijske spremembe ter podporo zdravstvenim delavcem in sodelavcem v njihovem delovnem okolju. Naša raziskava lahko služi kot osnova za nadaljnje raziskave in ukrepe za izboljšanje zdravja ter dobrega počutja zdravstvenih delavcev in sodelavcev.
Keywords:stres, izgorelost, simptomi, zdravstveni delavci, zdravstveni sodelavci
Year of publishing:2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical background: Stress and burnout are closely related concepts, especially in demanding work environments, such as the healthcare sector. The stress that stems from high expectations, time pressure, and complex decisions can over time lead to burnout. Long-term exposure to stressors can lead to physical, mental, and behavioral changes. Not only does burnout relate to physical tiredness but it also represents a complex psychological response to pressures and demands of the work environment. Efficient stress management and prevention of burnout requires a holistic approach that incorporates an individual’s management of stress and also the implementation of measures within the organization for the improvement of working conditions and support for healthcare professionals and their coworkers. Methods: We used a quantitative research approach and a descriptive method in the research. For the needs of the empirical work, primary and secondary sources were collected, analyzed, and synthesized. Primary data for the analysis were obtained using the interview technique. An in-depth literature review of foreign and domestic literature also served as a source of data (Cinahl, Cobiss, Medline, PubMed, Google Scholar). Results: Based on the results of our study, we can conclude that burnout among healthcare professionals and their coworkers is widespread. Most of the respondents believe that the main reason for burnout is excessive workload. The most common symptoms felt by workers suffering from burnout are fatigue and exhaustion. The respondents prevent burnout with the help of conversations they have with friends and with physical activities. We could not confirm a connection between working age and burnout as the sample of individuals under 24 years of age was too small. Discussion: Despite burnout appearing in different professions, our research was focused on healthcare professionals and their coworkers. We found that the incidence of symptoms among healthcare professionals and their coworkers is high, which can negatively affect their health, quality of work, and the safety of the patients. It is of utmost importance that we are aware of this problem and that we introduce measures for the prevention and treatment of burnout in healthcare professionals and their coworkers. The measures may encompass education about burnout, promotion of self-awareness and self-treatment, organizational change, and support for health professionals and their coworkers in their working environment. Our study can serve as a basis for further research and for measures to improve the health and well-being of healthcare professionals and their coworkers.
Keywords:stress, burnout, symptoms, health workers, coworkers
