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Title:Trženje v podjetju Anni računalniška oprema, d.o.o.
Authors:Šutar, Patricia (Author)
Erjavec, Karmen (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FEI - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Abstract:Trženje je pomemben del dejavnosti podjetja. To vključuje celoten proces, ki podjetju pomaga s prepoznavo na trgu, pridobivanjem kupcev in tudi prodajo izdelkov ali storitev. Na ta način je podjetju dana možnost, da predstavi tako sebe kot tudi svoje izdelke in storitve z namenom uresničevanja želj kupcev. Trženje obsega več sestavin, od raziskovanja porabnika, z namenom pridobivanja informacij, kaj trg potrebuje, do tržnih raziskav, segmentiranja in pozicioniranja ter trženjskega spleta. Podjetje, ki se bo na trgu predstavilo boljše kot konkurenčno, bo imelo nato lahko tudi večjo prepoznavnost in s tem tudi večji vpliv na ljudi. Pravilen pristop tako pomaga podjetju pri rasti in tudi dobičkonosnosti, ki jo za svoj obstoj potrebuje. Namen diplomske naloge je analizirati trženje podjetja Anni in prepoznati možne izboljšave na tem področju. Rezultati kažejo, da je trženje podjetja Anni dobro, vendar se ga lahko še izboljša, npr. z večjo aktivnostjo na družbenih omrežjih. Poglobljeni intervju s predstavnikom oddelka trženja podjetja Anni je pokazal, da se zaposleni ukvarjajo s ključnimi sestavinami za izboljševanje trženja, saj redno analizirajo trg, ocenjujejo konkurenco, rešujejo probleme pri tržnih raziskavah, iščejo prave izdelke za svojo ciljno skupino in posvečajo veliko časa tržnemu komuniciranju.
Keywords:trženje v podjetju, analiza trženja, prepoznava podjetja, nakupne navade, učinkovitost promocije
Year of publishing:2024
COBISS_ID:193932547 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Sutar_Patricia_i2024.pdf (1,83 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Marketing in Anni computer equipment, d.o.o.
Abstract:Marketing is an important part of the company's activities. This includes the entire process that helps the company with recognition in the market, acquisition of customers and also sales of products or services. In this way, the company is given the opportunity to present itself as well as its products and services with the aim of fulfilling the wishes of customers. Marketing includes several components, from researching the consumer himself, with the aim of obtaining information about what the market needs, to market research, segmentation and positioning, and the marketing mix. A company that presents itself on the market better than its competitors will then be able to have greater visibility and thus a greater influence on people. The right approach thus helps the company to grow and also the profitability it needs for its existence. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the marketing of Anni and identify possible improvements in this area. The results show that Anni's marketing is good but can be improved, e.g. greater activity on social networks. An in-depth interview with the representative of the company's marketing department, Anni, showed that employees deal with the key ingredients for improving marketing, as they regularly analyze the market, evaluate the competition, solve problems in market research, find the right products for their target group and devote a lot of time to marketing communication.
Keywords:marketing in the company, marketing analysis, company recognition, purchasing habits, effectiveness of promotion
