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Title:Družbena omrežja in svet alternativnih resnic
Authors:ID Krajnik, Larisa (Author)
ID Reichenberg, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 685EFE3339D2A9C6E948E1E03934AA88
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Diplomska naloga temelji na, po oceni mnogih, zelo aktualni temi, in sicer temi družbenih omrežij in z njimi povezanimi prirejenimi resnicami. Dandanes ima skoraj vsak posameznik odprt uporabniški račun na vsaj eni od mnogih družbenih aplikacij, ki so namenjene združevanju ljudi na daljavo, deljenju raznih vsebin in informacij, zabavi itd. Te pa imajo tudi svojo temno plat, ki na osebo včasih močno vpliva, če se ji prepusti brez kritičnega premisleka. V aplikacijah svoja življenja namreč zelo hitro in enostavno prilagodimo določenim standardom in pričakovanjem s pomočjo filtrov, manipulacijo svetlobe in informacij. Posledice so za posameznika lahko vse prej kot zanemarljive. Do končnih ugotovitev smo prišli s pregledovanjem strokovne literature in empiričnim raziskovanjem, ki smo ga izvedli v obliki socialnega eksperimenta, ankete in intervjuja. Pri prvih dveh metodah so v raziskavi sodelovali uporabniki družbenih omrežij Facebook in Instragram, torej predvsem mlajša generacija med 15. in 25. letom, intervju pa smo opravili s srednješolsko strokovno delavko. Rezultati so pokazali pričakovano in sicer, da nekdo z minimalnim trudom lahko ljudi prepriča, da je laž pravzaprav resnica, če le ve kje je meja. V primeru, da z nečem zapretirava ga znanci, kaj hitro razkrinkajo. Tekom raziskovanja pa smo prišli tudi do spodbudne ugotovitve in sicer, da so mlajše generacije vse bolje seznanjene s težavami, povezanimi s prekomerno uporabo družbenih omrežjih in se pred njihovim nastankom že znajo do neke mere zaščititi, v primeru pojava težav pa si tudi ustrezno pomagati.
Keywords:družbena omrežja, mladostniki, manipulacija, izkrivljanje resnice, težave
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10510 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:09.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Social media and the world of alternative truths
Abstract:The diploma thesis is based on, according to many, a very current topic, namely the topic of social networks and the fabricated truths associated with them. Nowadays, almost every individual has an open user account on at least one of the many social applications that are intended to bring people together remotely, share various content and information, have fun, etc. But these also have their dark side, which sometimes has a strong effect on a person if he indulges in them without critical consideration. In applications, we adapt our lives very quickly and easily to certain standards and expectations with the help of filters, manipulation of light and information. The consequences for the individual can be anything but negligible. We came to the final conclusions by reviewing professional literature and empirical research, which we carried out in the form of a social experiment, survey and interview. In the first two methods participated users of the social networks Facebook and Instagram, i.e. mainly the younger generation between the ages of 15 and 25, and we conducted an interview with a high school professional. The results showed as expected, namely that someone with minimal effort can convince people that a lie is actually the truth, if only they know where to draw the line. If that is not the case acquaintances quickly expose it. In the course of the research, we also came to an encouraging conclusion, that the younger generations are increasingly aware of the problems associated with the excessive use of social networks and already know how to protect themselves to some extent against their occurrence, and in the event of problems, they can also provide appropriate help.
Keywords:social networks, adolescents, manipulation, distort of the truth, problems
