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Title:Vpliv telesne aktivnosti na duševno zdravje v povezavi s Covid-19 pri študentih na Visokošolskem zavodu Fizioterapevtika
Authors:Tovornik, Alja (Author)
Kresal, Friderika (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Tipology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Abstract:Uvod in namen: V magistrski nalogi predstavljamo pomen telesne aktivnosti za duševno zdravje, zlasti v kontekstu pandemije Covid-19. Namen je bil proučiti učinke telesne aktivnosti na telo in duševno zdravje ter oceniti vpliv pandemije. Cilj magistrske naloge je potrditi povezavo med telesno aktivnostjo in duševnim zdravjem ter vpliv pandemije na njiju. Metode: Uporabljen je anonimni anketni vprašalnik, sestavljen iz 28-ih vprašanj, ki je vseboval demografske podatke, dva standardizirana vprašalnika (Mednarodni vprašalnik telesne dejavnosti – IPAQ-SF in Vprašalnik duševnega zdravja – MHC-SF) ter vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na objektivno doživljanje razmer med Covid-19. Povezavo z vprašalnikom smo anketirancem poslali na njihove elektronske naslove. Rezultati: Telesna aktivnost ni statistično pomembno vplivala na duševno zdravje študentov. Prav tako ni statistično pomembnih razlik v telesni pripravljenosti in stopnji telesne aktivnosti pred in med pandemijo. Anketiranci občutenje stresa in kakovost življenja ocenjujejo v enaki meri kot pred pandemijo. Uporabnost: Rezultate raziskave lahko uporabimo kot ključen argument za implementacijo telesne aktivnosti vsakdana študentov in splošne populacije. Ukrepi za zdrav življenjski slog so še posebej pomembni v kriznih situacijah, kot je bila pandemija Covid-19. Omejitve: Majhen vzorec anketirancev in možna pristranskost. Raziskava je bila opravljena v času normaliziranja Covid-19 situacije.
Keywords:Telesna aktivnost, vadba, duševno zdravje, fizioterapija, Covid-19.
Year of publishing:2024
COBISS_ID:196457987 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf 2075$$vpliv_telesne_aktivnosti_na_dusevno_zdravje_v_povezavi_s_covid-19_pri_studentih_na_visokosolskem_zavodu_fizioterapevtika.pdf (1,34 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of physical activity on mental health in relation to Covid-19 among students at Higher Educational Institution Physiotherapeutica
Abstract:Introduction and purpose: This thesis explores the role of physical activity in enhancing mental health, with a particular focus on the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. It aims to elucidate the effects of physical activity on body and mental health, and to assess how the pandemic has influenced this dynamic. The aim of the thesis is to confirm the association between physical activity and mental health and the impact of the pandemic on both. Methods: The research utilized an anonymous 28-question survey, consisting of demographic data, two standardized questionnaires (International Physical Activity Questionnaire - IPAQ-SF and Mental Health Questionnaire - MHC-SF) and additional questions related to the objective experience of the Covid-19 situation. The survey link was sent to respondents via e-mail. Results: The study found that physical activity did not have a statistically significant effect on students’ mental health. Similarly, no notable differences were observed in the levels of physical fitness or physical activity before and during the pandemic. Participants reported that their perceived stress levels and quality of life at the same level as before the pandemic. Usability: The findings can be used as a key argument for implementing physical activity in the daily lives of students and the general population. Measures for a healthy lifestyle are especially important in times of crisis, such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Limitations: Small participant sample and potential bias. The survey was conducted during the normalization of the Covid-19 situation.
Keywords:Physical activity, exercise, mental health, physiotherapy, Covid-19.
