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Title:Negativni vpliv dehidracije pri starejših odraslih
Authors:ID Žabkar, Rok (Author)
ID Amon, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 2124$$zabkar_rok_diplomska_naloga.pdf (1015,67 KB)
MD5: 3C89720160B56577A76E77C00C926BDA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Dehidracija je v današnjem svetu zelo prisotna in ima velik vpliv na zdravje ljudi. S pomanjkanjem vnosa tekočine v telo se srečujejo predvsem starejši odrasli, saj imajo zaradi zdravstvenih težav otežen dostop do tekočine oz. prepozno občutijo potrebo po žeji. Kljub zavedanju, kako problematično je pomanjkanje vode v telesu, to področje ostaja premalo raziskano in brez konkretnih smernic, kako pristopiti k zdravljenju oz. preprečiti sam nastanek dehidracije. Pregled literature je pokazal, da je dehidracija globalen problem ter se z njo srečujejo predvsem v bolnišnicah in domovih za ostarele. Ugotovili smo, da ima pomanjkanje tekočine negativen vpliv tako na pojav bolezni pri zdravih ljudeh kot tudi negativno vpliva na sam potek zdravljenja pri kronično bolnih ljudeh. Opazili smo, da nikjer ni jasno definiranega zlatega standarda za dokazovanje dehidracije. Prav tako niso določene niti specifične smernice za preprečevanje nastanka dehidracije. Menimo, da bi morala zdravstvena stroka postaviti jasno definicijo dehidracije ter določiti smernice za zadostno hidracijo starejših odraslih. Predlagamo tudi, da bi stroka natančno določila količino vode oz. tekočine, ki bi jo morali predvsem starejši odrasli v zdravstveni oskrbi upoštevati za preprečevanje dehidracije.
Keywords:hidracija, dehidracija, starejši odrasli
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10546 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:197253123 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:21.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Negative effect of dehydration in the elderly
Abstract:Dehydration is largely present in today's world and has a great impact on people's health. The lack of fluid intake in the body is mainly present in the elderly, as they have difficulty accessing fluid or feel the need for thirst too late due to their health problems. Despite the awareness of how problematic a lack of water in the body is, this area remains under-researched and without concrete guidelines on how to approach its treatment or prevent dehydration. The review of the literature showed that dehydration is a global problem and is mainly encountered in hospitals and retirement homes. It was established that the lack of fluid has a negative impact both on the onset of disease in healthy people and on the course of treatment in chronically ill. It was noted that there is no clearly defined gold standard for evidence of dehydration. There are also no specific guidelines for preventing dehydration. We believe that the medical profession should establish a clear definition of dehydration and guidelines for adequate hydration of the elderly. We also suggest that the profession should precisely determine the amount of water or fluids, which should be considered especially by the elderly in health care to prevent dehydration.
Keywords:hydration, dehydration, elderly
