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Authors:ID Hotko, Izidor (Author)
ID Laznik, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Hotko_Izidor_i2024.pdf (603,59 KB)
MD5: 88816223A4EF93A837A712623BDBD180
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Čustveno stabilen zdravstveni delavec je manj dovzeten za doživljanje negativnih čustev. Svoje delo opravlja bolj kakovostno in celovito, čustveno neravnovesje pa vodi v napake pri delu in s tem škoduje tako pacientu kot tudi delovni organizaciji. Namen naše raziskave je raziskati čustveno stabilnost med zdravstvenimi delavci v urgentni dejavnosti. Metoda: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodi raziskovanja in deskriptivni metodi dela. Za potrebe empiričnega dela smo s tehniko anketiranja zbrali podatke, ki smo jih nato strukturirali in analizirali, za teoretični del pa uporabili sekundarne vire, pridobljene s pomočjo pregleda strokovne in znanstvene literature. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 92 zaposlenih delavcev v zdravstveni negi s srednješolsko oziroma visokošolsko izobrazbo. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da več kot polovica anketirancev (55 %; 50) lahko obvlada stres na delovnem mestu. Izgorelost na delovnem mestu je občutila večina anketirancev (61 %; 56). Menimo, da je zaradi pomanjkanja možnosti pogovora s strokovnim osebjem v organizaciji večina zdravstvenih delavcev iz tega razloga že morala koristiti bolniški stalež. Pogovor s sodelavci in/ali nadrejenimi je zelo koristen in zdravstvenim delavcem pomaga pri obvladovanju svojih čustev. Organizacije premalo zagotavljajo dodatna usposabljanja na temo obvladovanja stresa in čustev v urgentni dejavnosti, kar se izvaja, pa ni zadovoljivo. Razprava: Čustvena stabilnost zdravstvenih delavcev v urgentni dejavnosti vpliva na pojav stresa, obvladovanje stresa in na pojav izgorelosti. Za zdravstvene delavce je torej nujno, da se naučijo različnih metod, ki jim bodo pomagale pri obvladovanju čustev ter posledično doživljanju stresa in izgorelosti na delovnem mestu.
Keywords:čustvena stabilnost, stres, izgorelost, zdravstveni delavci, urgentna dejavnost
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10561 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:197900803 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:24.05.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Background: An emotionally stable healthcare professional is less likely to experience negative emotions. He performs his work more qualitatively and comprehensively, while emotional imbalance leads to a lot of mistakes at work, and later harms both the patient and the work organization. The purpose of our research is to investigate emotional stability among healthcare professionals in emergency services. Method: The research was based on a quantitative research method and a descriptive method of work. For the needs of the empirical part, we used the survey technique to collect data, which we then structured and analysed, and for the theoretical part, we used secondary sources obtained by reviewing professional and scientific literature. In the research participated 92 employed healthcare professionals with secondary or higher education. Results: We found that more than half of the respondents (55%; 50) can handle stress at work. Most respondents (61%; 56) felt burnout at the workplace. We think that due to the impossibility of talking to the professional staff in the organization the majority of health workers have already had to use the sick leave. Talking to co-workers and/or supervisors is very helpful and helps healthcare professionals manage their emotions. Organizations do not provide enough additional training on the subject of managing stress and emotions in emergency services, and what is being done is not satisfactory. Discussion: The emotional stability of healthcare professionals in emergency services affects the occurrence of stress, stress management, and the occurrence of burnout. It is therefore essential for healthcare professionals to learn different methods that will help them manage their emotions and consequently experience stress and burnout at work.
Keywords:emotional stability, stress, burnout, healthcare professionals, emergency activity
