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Authors:ID Gajić, Dejan (Author)
ID Erjavec, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Gajic_Dejan_i2024.pdf (1,23 MB)
MD5: FF0492E9FC5C395749321FE410B0781F
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:POVZETEK Teoretična izhodišča: V Sloveniji populacija starejših od 65 let obsega 19 % vseh prebivalcev, delež starejših pa se stalno povečuje, kar se odraža tudi pri intervencijah v predbolnišnični NMP. Komunikacija s starejšimi odraslimi je zaradi upada kognitivnih sposobnosti in pogostega nevrološkega deficita otežena, pojavlja se več komunikacijskih ovir tako na strani pacienta kakor tudi na strani zdravstvenega delavca. Namen diplomske naloge je bil identificirati komunikacijske ovire v komunikaciji s starejšimi odraslimi v predbolnišnični NMP ter prepoznati tehnike komunikacije, ki jih uporabljajo zaposleni v predbolnišnični NMP pri komunikaciji s starejšimi odraslimi. Ugotoviti smo želeli, kakšne so možnosti za izobraževanje s področja komunikacije s starejšimi odraslimi zaposlenimi v predbolnišnični NMP. Metode: V teoretičnem delu smo naredili pregled domače in tuje znanstvene in strokovne literature, ki smo jo pridobili iz bibliografskih baz (CINAHL, PubMed, COBISS). Primarne podatke za empirični del smo pridobili s kvantitativnim deskriptivnim raziskovalnim pristopom s tehniko anketiranja. Na anketni vprašalnik je odgovorilo 162 zdravstvenih delavcev v predbolnišnični NMP. Rezultati: Ker je pri starejših odraslih verbalna komunikacija ali njeno razumevanje okrnjeno, je potrebno, da zdravstveni delavci ustrezno uporabljajo neverbalno komunikacijo, kot so stisk roke, dotik, gibanje telesa, mimika obraza ali kretnje rok. Poleg tega uporabljajo še očesni stik, nasmeh, ohranjanje bližine, premikanje obrvi in prikimavanje ter aktivno poslušanje. Pri komunikaciji morajo zdravstveni delavci večkrat preveriti, ali je pacient ustrezno razumel sporočilo. Raziskava je pokazala, da anketiranci ugotavljajo, da jim različne oblike izobraževanj niso ponudile zadostnih znanj s področja komunikacije s starejšimi odraslimi, hkrati menijo, da sami razpolagajo z zadostnimi znanji s področja komunikacije s starejšimi odraslimi. Razprava: Raziskava je pokazala, da zdravstveni delavci v predbolnišnični NMP kot najpogostejše komunikacijske ovire prepoznavajo ovire na strani pacienta, redkeje pa so komunikacijske ovire na strani zdravstvenega delavca. Anketirani so med elementi verbalne komunikacije izpostavili predvsem jakost in razločnost govora pri naglušnih starejših odraslih ter udobno namestitev pacienta, odstranitev motečih dejavnikov in zagotovitev ustrezne svetlobe. Očesni stik je bil prepoznan kot pomembna tehnika neverbalne komunikacije. Anketirani se zavedajo tudi pomena pridobivanja znanj s področja komunikacije s starejšim odraslim v predbolnišnični NMP, a bi bilo zaradi pomanjkanja usposabljanj treba uvesti dodatna izobraževanja s področja komunikacije s starejšimi odraslimi v predbolnišnični NMP.
Keywords:Ključne besede: zdravstvo, elementi komunikacije, govor, izobraževanje.
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10567 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:198030851 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:31.05.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:ABSTRACT Theoretical starting points: In Slovenia, the population of elderly adults over 65 comprises 19% of the total number of inhabitants but their percentage is increasing constantly, which is reflected in pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Communication with elderly adults is difficult due to the decrease in their cognitive abilities and frequent neurological deficiencies, and several communication barriers appear both on the side of the patient as well as on the side of the healthcare professional. The purpose of the diploma thesis was to identify barriers to communication with elderly adults in pre-hospital EMS and recognize the techniques of communication that the employees in pre-hospital EMS use in communication with elderly adults. We wished to determine the possibilities for training in the field of communication with elderly adults employed in pre-hospital EMS. Methods: In the theoretical part, we reviewed domestic and foreign scientific and professional literature, which we obtained from bibliographical databases (CINAHL, PubMed, COBISS). The primary data for the empirical part were obtained through a quantitative descriptive research approach using the survey technique. The questionnaire was answered by 162 healthcare professionals in pre-hospital EMS. Results: Because verbal communication or the understanding thereof in elderly adults is diminished, healthcare professionals use appropriate non-verbal communication techniques, such as shaking hands, touch, body movement, facial expressions, or hand gesticulation. Additionally, eye contact, smiling, physical closeness, eyebrow movement, nodding, and active listening are employed. During communication, healthcare professionals must often check if the patient has understood the message appropriately. The research demonstrated that respondents find that various training programs have not provided them with sufficient knowledge of the field of communication with elderly adults, but at the same time, they believe that they possess adequate knowledge of the field of communication with elderly adults. Discussion: The study has shown that healthcare professionals in pre-hospital EMS most commonly recognize communication barriers on the side of the patient but less often on the side of the healthcare employee. Among the elements of verbal communication, respondents outlined specifically the strength and clarity of speech with hearing-impaired elderly adults, as well as a comfortable placement of the patient, the removal of factors of disturbance, and ensuring adequate lighting. Eye contact was recognized as a crucial technique of non-verbal communication. The respondents are aware of the importance of acquiring knowledge in the field of communication with elderly adults in pre-hospital EMS. However, they would, due to deficient training, prefer to have additional training from the field of communication with elderly adults in pre-hospital EMS.
Keywords:Keywords: Healthcare, elements of communication, speech, training.
