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Authors:ID Jakše, Majda (Author)
ID Bobič, Lovro (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Jakse_Majda_i2024.pdf (1,60 MB)
MD5: 09CB033092470EBCEA93CE4ED24BB0AA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Zlomi stegnenice predstavljajo velik delež hospitalizacij med vsemi primeri travmatskih zlomov. Velika večina teh bolnikov je starejših od 50 let, večja je pogostnost v ženski po-pulaciji. Zlomi stegnenice so razvrščeni glede na mesto zloma. Pri sprejemu pacienta z zlomljenim kolkom v bolnišnici gre za nenačrtovan dogodek, ki predstavlja za pacienta hud telesni in duševni stres, kar se odraža v njegovem reagiranju na okolje. Metode: Uporabljena je znanstvena metoda pregleda literature kvalitativnega značaja. Za iskanje tuje literature so uporabljene podatkovne baze PubMed, CINAHL, spletni brskalnik Google (Google scho-lar), ter baze podatkov slovenskih knjižnic COBISS. Pridobljeno literaturo in članke smo iskali z dolo-čenimi kriteriji, ki so vključevali angleški in slovenski jezik, časovno omejitev objavljene in dostopne literature na obdobje desetih let in sicer od leta 2010 do leta 2023. Iskana literatura vključuje znan-stvene in strokovne članke objavljene v znanstvenih revijah, zbornikih in drugih publikacijah. V izbor literature smo vključili recenzirane članke, pri katerih je mogoč dostop do polnega obsega besedila. Rezultati: Namen teoretičnega dela je predstavitev anatomije kolčnega sklepa, vrste zlomov stegne-nice, dejavnikov tveganja, ciljev zdravljenja, posebnosti zdravstvene nege pacienta, aktivnosti zdrav-stvene nege pri opazovanju pooperativnih zapletov ter zdravstvena nega bolnika po operaciji stegne-nice. Namen raziskovalnega dela je s pomočjo pregleda literature, objavljene med leti 2010 in 2023 preučiti vlogo diplomirane medicinske sestre pri obravnavi pacienta ob zlomu stegnenice, pri čemer je analizirana zdravstvena nega pred, med in po operativnem posegu. Ugotovljeno je, da ima medicin-ska sestra pomembno vlogo v vseh fazah, od sprejema pacienta z zlomom stegnenice do končnega odpusta iz bolnišnice ter nadaljnje rehabilitacije. Razprava: Medicinska sestra je ob sprejemu pacienta soočena s številnimi izzivi. Medicinska sestra se z njimi sooča ves čas bivanja pacienta v bolnišnici. Ustrezna medicinska nega in pravilna rehabilita-cija, včasih tudi kompleksno rehabilitacijsko zdravljenje pomaga izboljšati funkcionalno stanje in hitre-je doseči stanje, ki omogoča približno enako kvaliteto življenja, kot jo je imel poškodovanec pred poškodbo. Uporaba kliničnih poti, katerih izdelava temelji na sprejetih smernicah zdravljenja, nam omogoča izvajanje vseh potrebnih aktivnosti za poškodovanca z zlomom kolka med hospitalizacijo, pa tudi kasneje, po odpustu v drugo ustanovo ali domov. Veliko odprtih vprašanj ostaja glede ustreznega zdravljenja zlomov stegnenice. Potrebe po nadaljnjih raziskavah in pristopu, ki temelji na dokazih, niko-li ne moremo preveč poudariti v prizadevanju, da bi nadgradili svoje znanje o tej temi in posledično izboljšali klinične rezultate.
Keywords:stegnenica, poškodba stegnenice, zdravljenje poškodbe stegnenice, zdravstvena nega.
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10568 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:198103043 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:31.05.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Introduction: Fractures of the femur represent a large proportion of hospitalizations among all cases of traumatic fractures. The vast majority of these patients are older than 50 years, the frequ-ency is higher in the female population. Fractures of the femur are classified according to the loca-tion of the fracture. When a patient with a broken hip is admitted to the hospital, it is an unplanned event that represents severe physical and mental stress for the patient, which is reflected in his rea-ction to the environment. Methods: The scientific method of qualitative literature review is used. To search for foreign litera-ture, the databases PubMed, CINAHL, the Google web browser (Google scholar) and the databases of Slovenian libraries COBISS are used. The obtained literature and articles were searched using certain criteria, which included English and Slovenian languages, the time limit of published and acces-sible literature to a period of ten years, namely from 2010 to 2023. The searched literature includes scientific and professional articles published in scientific journals, anthologies and other publications. In the selection of literature, we have included peer-reviewed articles, where access to the full text is possible. Results: The purpose of the theoretical work is to present the anatomy of the hip joint, types of femur fractures, risk factors, treatment goals, specifics of patient nursing, nursing activities in obser-ving postoperative complications, and nursing patients after femur surgery. The purpose of the rese-arch work is to examine the role of a registered nurse in the treatment of a patient with a femur fracture, with the help of a review of the literature published between 2010 and 2023, analyzing nur-sing care before, during and after surgery. It is established that the nurse plays an important role in all phases, from the admission of a patient with a femur fracture to the final discharge from the hospital and further rehabilitation. Discussion: The nurse is faced with many challenges when admitting a patient. The nurse faces them throughout the patient's stay in the hospital. Adequate medical care and correct rehabilitation, some-times also complex rehabilitation treatment, help to improve the functional state and to reach a state more quickly, which allows approximately the same quality of life as the injured person had before the injury. The use of clinical pathways, the creation of which is based on accepted treatment guideli-nes, allows us to carry out all the necessary activities for the injured person with a hip fracture du-ring hospitalization, as well as later, after discharge to another institution or home. Many open questions remain regarding the appropriate treatment of femur fractures. The need for further rese-arch and an evidence-based approach can never be overemphasized in an effort to advance our knowledge on this topic and consequently improve clinical outcomes.
Keywords:femur, femur injury, treatment of femur injury, nursing.
