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Avtorji:ID Dedjanski, Anja (Avtor)
ID Draginc, Andreja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
Datoteke:.pdf RAZ_Dedjanski_Anja_i2024.pdf (2,45 MB)
MD5: B9CCC1885C652BD257B0740EE55AAB95
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:UNM FZV - Univerza v Novem mestu - Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Opis:Izhodišča: Vročinski krči so konvulzivni napadi, ki se pojavijo pri otrocih kot odziv na hitro naraščanje telesne temperature, običajno nad 38 °C, pogosto zaradi infekcijskih bolezni. Vročinski krči so najpogostejši pri otrocih med 6. mesecem in 5. letom starosti, z vrhuncem med drugim in tretjim letom življenja. Vročinski krči, čeprav zastrašujoči za starše, večinoma ne povzročajo trajnih posledic ali nevroloških škod. Edukacija staršev o prepoznavanju in pravilnem odzivu na vročinske krče je ključna za zagotavljanje varnosti in zmanjšanje anksioznosti. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti zdravstveno vzgojo staršev ob pojavu ponovnih vročinskih krčev pri otroku. Metode: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu in deskriptivni metodi. Primarni podatki za analizo so pridobljeni s tehniko anketiranja. Vzorec je bil namenski. V raziskavo smo vključili starše otrok, ki so že imeli stik z vročinskimi krči. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili spletno anketiranje. Potekalo je po odprtokodni aplikaciji za spletno anketiranje na domeni v mesecu februarju 2024. Rezultati: Informacije o ukrepanju pri pojavu ponovnih vročinskih krčev je večina anketiranih staršev pridobila od zdravnika, manj kot polovica od medicinske sestre in manjši delež od svojcev in prijateljev. 63 % (68) anketiranih staršev je pri ponovnem pojavu vročinskih krčev pri otroku pridobilo informacije v pisni obliki preko brošur, letakov in pisnih navodil, 60 % (65) je bilo deležnih pridobivanja informacij v ustni obliki, tretjina je bila deležnih individualne zdravstvene vzgoje, prav tako jo je tretjina pridobila preko spleta in manjši delež preko enkratnega ali večkratnega srečanja, predavanj, v obliki podornih skupin za starše, preko skupinske zdravstvene vzgoje oz. praktičnih delavnic. Razprava: Z raziskavo ugotavljamo, da je večina anketiranih staršev dobro obveščena o tipičnih znakih vročinskih krčev, kot so zategnjenost mišic, trzanje telesa, neodzivnost, obrnjene oči, trzljaji v vseh okončinah, prenehanje dihanja, pobledelost ali pomodrela barva kože. Informacije so staršem najpogosteje predane v pisni obliki, kar kaže na potrebo po jasnih, dostopnih in lahko razumljivih pisnih materialih za starše. Ustna komunikacija in individualna zdravstvena vzgoja prav tako igrajo pomembno vlogo. Večina staršev kot primarni vir informacij o ukrepanju pri vročinskih krčih navaja zdravnike, sledijo medicinske sestre in nato druge vire, kot so sorodniki, prijatelji ali internet. Ugotavljamo, da je za učinkovito zdravstveno vzgojo o vročinskih krčih potrebno zagotoviti raznolike in dostopne informacijske vire, ki so prilagojeni potrebam in preferencam staršev.
Ključne besede:vročinski krči, povišana telesna temperatura, zdravstvena vzgoja, medicinska sestra, otrok.
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10570 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:198292739 Novo okno
Datum objave v ReVIS:31.05.2024
Število ogledov:325
Število prenosov:17
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Opis:Thesis: Febrile seizures are convulsions that occur in children as a response to fever, usually above 38°C, often due to infectious diseases. Febrile seizures are most common in children between the age of 6 months and 5 years old, the peak being between the age of 2 and 3. Although febrile seizures are scary for the parents, they usually do not cause permanent consequences or neurological damage. Educating the parents to recognize febrile seizures and to react correctly is key to ensuring safety and reduce anxiety. The purpose of this work is to study the health education of the parents at the reoccurrence of febrile seizures in their child. Methods: The research is based on the quantitative research approach and the descriptive method. Primary data for the analysis were acquired by means of questionnaires. The survey sample was purposeful. The survey included the parents of children, who had already had febrile seizures. The data was acquired by means of an online questionnaire, using an opensource application for online surveys at in February 2024. Results: The majority of the parents included in the survey acquired the information on how to react at the reoccurrence of febrile seizures from their doctor, less than half of them got the information from the nurse, and only a small percentage acquired the information from their family and friends. 63% (68) of the participants acquired the information in a written format through brochures, leaflets and written instructions, 60% (65) of the participants got the information in the form of oral instructions, a third of the participants took part in health education, a third of the participants got the information online, and only a small number of participants got the information through a one-time or repeated meetings or lectures of support groups for parents, group health education classes of practical workshops. Debate: The research shows that most of the participating parents are well-informed about the typical signs of febrile seizures, such as muscle stiffness, body twitching, unresponsiveness, eyes rolling backwards, twitching of the limbs, discontinuation of breathing, paleness or the skin turning blue. The parents most commonly acquire the information in a written form, which points to the need of clear, accessible and easy-to-understand written materials for parents. Oral communication and individual health education are very important, as well. Most of the parents cited their doctor as the primary source of information about how to react when febrile seizures occur. The doctors are followed by nurses as the source of information, and sources such as family, friends and the internet come third. We can conclude that in order to achieve an effective health education when it comes to febrile seizure, we need to ensure the availability of different and accessible information sources, which are adapted to the needs and preferences of the parents.
Ključne besede:febrile seizures, fever, health education, nurse, child.
