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Title:Stiske in težave staršev nedonošenčkov
Authors:ID Zotler, Barbara (Author)
ID Tul Mandić, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Zotler_Barbara_i2024.pdf (1,42 MB)
MD5: 9702C821C16F3E30C0CB4B019BB368A4
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: O prezgodnjem porodu govorimo, ko pride do poroda pred dopolnjenim 37. tednom nosečnosti. Prezgodnji porod sodi med najpogostejše zaplete med nosečnostjo, posledice pa so pri nedonošenčkih odvisne od višine nosečnosti ob rojstvu. Prezgodnje rojstvo in hospitalizacija v enoti intenzivne terapije novorojenčkov pomenita za starše nepričakovan in stresen dogodek. Metoda: Za zbiranje podatkov je bila uporabljena kvantitativna metoda deskriptivnega raziskovanja. Uporabljena je bila tehnika anketiranja. V anketi je anonimno sodelovalo 432 staršev nedonošenčkov. Do ankete so dostopali prek skupin na družabnih omrežij. Rezultati: Analizirali smo 432 anket; 431 anket je bilo izpolnjenih v celoti, v eni anketi je manjkala trenutna starost nedonošenčka. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave je bilo ugotovljeno, da se je polovica anketiranih staršev udeležila programov zgodnje nosečnosti ali tečajev šole za starše. Glede na način poroda (vaginalni porod ali carski rez) ni bilo zaznati razlik v doživljanju starševstva. Je pa pri starših, ki imajo gestacijsko mlajše nedonošenčke, zaznati več depresije in stresa. Glede na spol prav tako ni razlika – moški in ženske so enako dovzetni za razvoj stresa in depresije. Ugotovitve tudi kažejo, da zdravstveno osebje starše dovolj opolnomoči, da samozavestno poskrbijo za svoje nedonošenčke. Prav tako imeti nedonošenčka ni bilo dokazano kot nekaj negativnega za pomen samega partnerstva. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se je partnerski odnos po prezgodnjem porodu spremenil na bolje. Razprava: Kljub temu da imeti nedonošenčka lahko predstavlja za starše stres, se starše v bolnišnicah pri oskrbi dovolj opolnomoči, da izzive nedonošenosti sprejmejo in se znajo z njimi učinkovito spopadati.
Keywords:Stiske in težave, starši, nedonošenček, šola za starše, porodna izkušnja, porod, prezgodnji porod.
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10572 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:197989123 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:02.06.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Distress and problems of parents of premature babies
Abstract:Introduction: Preterm birth is when the birth occurs before 37 weeks gestation. Preterm birth is one of the most common complications during pregnancy and the consequences for premature babies depend on the stage of gestation at birth. Preterm birth and hospitalization in the neonatal intensive care unit is an unexpected and stressful event for parents. Methods: A quantitative descriptive research method was used to collect the data. A survey technique was used. A total of 432 parents of premature infants participated anonymously in the survey. The survey was accessed through social networking groups. Results: We analyzed 432 surveys; 431 were completed in full, and one survey was missing the current age of the preterm infant. The results showed that half of the parents surveyed had attended early pregnancy programs or schools for parents. No differences in the experience of parenthood were found according to the mode of delivery (vaginal birth or cesarean section). However, more depression and stress were observed in parents with gestationally younger premature babies. In terms of gender, both are equally susceptible to developing stress and depression. The findings also suggest that parents are sufficiently equipped by health personnel to confidently care for their preterm babies. Having a premature baby has also not been proven to be negative for the meaning of the partnership itself. It was found that the partner relationship changed for the better after premature birth. Discussion: Although having a premature baby can be stressful for parents, parents are sufficiently equipped in hospitals to accept the challenges of premature birth and to cope with them effectively.
Keywords:Difficulties and problems, parents, premature baby, school for parents, birth experience, childbirth, preterm birth.
