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Title:Obravnava anksioznih motenj z vedenjsko kognitivno terapijo : diplomska naloga
Authors:ID Korbar Horvat, Tjaša (Author)
ID Šifrar, Edina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Diplomska_naloga_Tjasa_Korbar_Horvat.pdf (2,93 MB)
MD5: AF38F78817DB46BF4B3F2FB94057FF38
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi raziskujemo obravnavo anksioznih motenj z vedenjsko kognitivno terapijo v strokovni literaturi z obravnavanega področja ter s pomočjo neposredne izkušnje posameznikov, ki so jim diagnosticirali katero izmed anksioznih motenj, ki so jo zdravili z vedenjsko kognitivno terapijo oziroma s svetovanjem. V empiričnem delu tako izvedemo kvalitativno raziskavo s petimi polstrukturiranimi intervjuji, s katerimi preverjamo opažanja in izkušnje izbranih posameznikov v povezavi z delovanjem vedenjsko kognitivne terapije na anksiozno simptomatiko ter posledično na posameznikovo delovanje. Izbrana tema je aktualna zaradi prekrivanja dveh pomembnih dejavnikov: visoke pojavnosti anksioznih motenj in kratkotrajne terapije, usmerjene predvsem na reševanje trenutnih težav, kakršna je vedenjsko kognitivna terapija. Kratkotrajna oblika terapije v današnjem času, ko večina stremi k hitremu doseganju učinkovitih rezultatov, predstavlja prednost. Rezultati empiričnega dela potrjujejo izsledke teoretičnih izhodišč, da so anksiozne motnje prisotne v visokem številu in tedaj, ko so nezdravljene, slabšajo kvaliteto posameznikovega življenja. Vedenjsko kognitivna terapija se je izkazala za učinkovito pri odpravi anksioznih motenj, torej za učinkovito pri zmanjševanju intenzivnosti anksiozne simptomatike na obvladljivo raven, ki ne onemogoča posameznikovega delovanja tako v teoriji kot v kvalitativni raziskavi. Raziskovanci po zaključeni terapiji opažajo pomembno izboljšanje kvalitete življenja, ponovno opravljajo vsakodnevne obveznosti in aktivnosti brez stiske ter se vključujejo v družabno življenje. Z diplomsko nalogo želimo spodbuditi posameznike, ki se soočajo z anksioznimi motnjami, da se odločijo za pravočasno iskanje primerne oblike pomoči, saj lahko le tako zmanjšajo ali preprečijo negativne posledice neprepoznanih oziroma nezdravljenih anksioznih motenj, ki se lahko zaključijo tudi s samomorom
Keywords:anksioznost, motnje, vedenjsko kognitivna terapija, delovanje, kvaliteta življenja, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Korbar Horvat
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:91 str., [49] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10702 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:151356419 New window
Note:Študijski program Psihosocialna pomoč;
Publication date in ReVIS:29.07.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the bachelor’s thesis, we research the treatment of anxiety disorders with behavioral cognitive therapy in the expert literature from the discussed field and through the direct experience of individuals who were diagnosed with any of the anxiety disorders that were treated with behavioral cognitive therapy or counseling. In the empirical part, we conduct a qualitative research with five semi–structured interviews, with which we check the observations and experiences of selected individuals in connection with the effect of behavioral cognitive therapy on anxiety symptoms and, consequently, on the individual's performance. The selected topic is relevant because of the overlapping of two important factors: the high incidence of anxiety disorders and short–term therapy, aimed primarily at solving current problems, such as behavioral cognitive therapy. The short–term form of therapy is an advantage in today's time when most people strive to achieve effective results quickly. The results of the empirical work confirm the results of the theoretical starting points that anxiety disorders are present in high numbers and, when they are untreated, worsen the quality of an individual's life. Behavioral cognitive therapy has proven to be effective in eliminating anxiety disorders, i.e. effective in reducing the intensity of anxiety symptoms to a manageable level that does not impede the individual's functioning both in theory and in qualitative research. After completing the therapy, the researchers noticed a significant improvement in the quality of life. Again, they perform their daily obligations and activities without difficulty and are involved in social life. Through this thesis, we want to encourage individuals who face anxiety disorders to decide to seek a suitable form of help promptly because this is the only way they can reduce or prevent the negative consequences of unrecognized or untreated anxiety disorders which can also end in suicide.
Keywords:anxiety, anxiety disorders, behavioral cognitive therapy, techniques, action, impact
