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Title:Razvoj kakovosti na svetu od 1960 do danes (časovna daljica)
Authors:ID Kukman, Tomaž (Author)
ID Gričar, Sergej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Kukman_Tomaz_2024.pdf (619,00 KB)
MD5: 16A692E00C146E83CA085BFA53183664
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FEI - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Abstract:V ospredju diplomske naloge sta kakovost in njen razvoj skozi čas, in sicer od leta 1960 do danes. V navezavi na to so posebej izpostavljene tudi tehnologija blockchain in kriptovalute. Pojma sta med seboj povezana. Kakovost je pomembna za življenje, zato je ne bi smeli zanemarjati, saj bi to lahko povzročilo zaplete. Dolgo časa je težavo predstavljal prenos denarja iz ene države v drugo – čim hitreje in brez velikih stroškov. Zaradi tega so se razvile tehnologije blockchain in kriptovalute, slednje so v zadnjih letih doživele visoko rast, kar je posledica razvoja tehnologije in pretirane inflacije v zadnjih letih. Na zadnjo so vplivali monetarni pritiski. Namen naloge je predstaviti razvoj kakovosti skozi leta, in sicer s proučevanjem literature in razvojem tehnologije blockchain ter kriptovalut. V ospredju bo prav tako predstavitev treh najbolj poznanih kriptovalut, ob tem pa tudi prikaz časovne osi in grafični prikaz višanja njihovih vrednosti skozi leta. Celoten tehnološki napredek in razvoj kakovosti sta prikazana z daljico, ustvarjeno v programu Miro. Zadnji del naloge v ospredje postavlja vpliv kriptovalut na kakovost življenja in njihov nadaljnji razvoj ter pomen na trgu.
Keywords:blockchain, časovna daljica, kakovost, kriptovalute, razvoj.
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10766 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:207916291 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:15.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The evolution of quality in the world from 1960 to today (timeline)
Abstract:The focus of the thesis is on quality and its development over time, from 1960 to the present. In connection with this, blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are also particularly highlighted. The two concepts are interrelated. Quality is important for life, so it should not be neglected, as this could lead to complications. For a long time, the problem was to transfer money from one country to another as quickly as possible and without great expense. As a result, blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies have developed, the latter of which have experienced high growth in recent years, as a result of the development of technology and excessive inflation in recent years. The latter was influenced by monetary pressures. The purpose of the task is to present the development of quality over the years, by studying the literature and the development of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. The focus will also be on the presentation of the three most famous cryptocurrencies, as well as a timeline and a graphical representation of the increase in their values over the years. The entire technological progress and development of quality is shown by the remote created in the Miro program. The last part of the task brings to the fore the impact of cryptocurrencies on the quality of life and their further development and importance in the market.
Keywords:blockchain, cryptocurrencies, development, quality, timeline.
