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Title:Prekomerna telesna teža in debelost kot dejavnik pojava kroničnih bolezni
Authors:ID Veselič, Tina (Author)
ID Leskovic, Ljiljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 1320$$tina_veselic_magistrsko_delo.pdf (2,07 MB)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Prekomerna telesna teža in debelost sta v zadnjih dveh desetletjih v porastu in temu ni videti konca. Približno tretjina svetovne populacije je prekomerno hranjene ali debele. Čezmerna prehranjenost se določa z določitvijo indeksa telesne mase. Prekomerna telesna teža in debelost vplivata na pojav drugih kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni. Večji kot je indeks telesne mase, večja je verjetnost pojava zapletov povezanih z debelostjo, kot so diabetes, srčno-žilni zapleti, rakava obolenja in navsezadnje tudi povečana stopnja umrljivosti. Pomemben je tudi obseg pasu. Na pojav debelosti v največji meri vplivajo genetska predispozicija, prehrana, telesna dejavnost in motnje spanja. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti povezanost prekomerne telesne teže in debelosti s pojavom kroničnih bolezni. Metode: Uporabljen je bil kvantitativni raziskovali pristop z deskriptivno metodo dela. Za izdelavo teoretičnega dela smo uporabili sekundarne podatke, ki smo jih zbrali s pregledom domače in tuje strokovne in znanstvene literature. Primarne podatke smo zbrali s tehniko anketiranja. Anketiranje je potekalo med naključno izbranimi polnoletnimi prebivalci Slovenije. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 143 respondentov s prekomerno telesno težo ali debelostjo. Pridobljene podatke smo obdelali s pomočjo programa SPSS in jih grafično ter tabelarično predstavili s pomočjo aplikacije 1KA ter s računalniškim programom Microsoft Office Excel. Rezultati: Večina respondentov svoje zdravje ocenjuje kot dobro in nima nobene kronične bolezni. Manjšina respondentov dosega priporočene količine telesne dejavnosti. Po mnenju respondentov debelost najpogosteje vpliva na pojav visokega tlaka in bolezni srca ter predstavlja veliko tveganje za človekovo splošno zdravje. Večina ocenjuje, da obstaja povezava med debelostjo v otroštvu in v odrasli dobi. Prav tako večina pozna dejavnike, ki vplivajo na pojav prekomerne telesne teže in posledice, ki jih prekomerna telesna teža prinaša. V največji meri sta telovadba in dieta intervenciji, ki posamezniku najbolj učinkovito pripomorejo k izgubi telesne teže. Razprava: Debelost je potrebno obravnavati kot kronično bolezen, ki zahteva multidisciplinaren pristop. Zdravljenje pridruženih bolezni pa povzroča dodatne stroške zdravstvenega varstva. Zdravljenje debelosti temelji na spremembi življenjskega sloga, ki vključuje znižanje kaloričnega vnosa živil, povečanje telesne dejavnosti in vedenjske spremembe. Kot dodatek k spremembi življenjskega sloga je možno uporabiti farmakološka sredstva in kirurško zdravljenje. Bistveno vlogo v procesu hujšanja imajo medicinske sestre. S svojo podporo in znanjem pomagajo pacientom doseči cilje hujšanja. Ključnega pomena je preventiva in zdravstvena vzgoja populacije.
Keywords:prekomerna telesna teža, debelost, dejavnik tveganja, kronična obolenja, menedžment.
Year of publishing:2024
Publication date in ReVIS:28.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Overweight and obesity as a factor in the occurrence of chronic diseases
Abstract:Theoretical Background: Over the last two decades, excessive body weight and obesity have been on the rise, with no end in sight. Approximately one-third of the global population is overweight or obese. Excessive weight is determined by calculating the body mass index (BMI). Excessive body weight and obesity contribute to the occurrence of other chronic non-communicable diseases. The higher the BMI, the greater the likelihood of complications associated with obesity, such as diabetes, cardiovascular complications, cancer, and ultimately increased mortality rates. Waist circumference is also a significant factor. The primary factors influencing obesity are genetic predisposition, diet, physical activity, and sleep disorders. The aim of the study was to examine the corellation between excessive body weight and obesity, and the occurrence of chronic diseases. Methods: A quantitative research approach with a descriptive method was used. For the theoretical part, secondary data were collected through a review of domestic and foreign professional and scientific literature. Primary data were collected through surveying. The survey was conducted among randomly selected adult residents of Slovenia. The study included 143 respondents who were overweight or obese. The collected data were processed using the SPSS program and presented graphically and tabularly using the 1KA application and Microsoft Office Excel software. Results: Most respondents rate their health as good and do not have any chronic diseases. A minority of respondents meet the recommended amounts of physical activity. According to respondents, obesity most often brings about the occurrence of high blood pressure and heart disease and poses a significant risk to overall human health. The majority believe there is a connection between obesity in childhood and adulthood. Most respondents are also aware of the factors that influence excessive weight gain and the consequences it brings. Exercise and diet are the most effective interventions for weight loss. Discussion: Obesity should be treated as a chronic disease requiring a multidisciplinary approach. Treating associated diseases incurs additional healthcare costs. Obesity treatment is based on lifestyle changes, including reducing caloric intake, increasing physical activity, and behavioral changes. In addition to lifestyle changes, pharmacological agents and surgical treatments can be used. Nurses play a crucial role in the weight loss process. With their support and knowledge, they help patients achieve weight loss goals. Prevention and health education of the population are of paramount importance.
Keywords:excessive body weight, obesity, risk factor, chronic diseases, management.
