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Authors:ID Sedlar, Petra (Author)
ID Draginc, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 1336$$vloga_starsev_nedonosencka_na_oddelku_intenzivne_nege.pdf (1,64 MB)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Nedonošenček je novorojenček, ki se je rodil pred dopolnjenim 37. tednom gestacijske starosti. Od donošenega novorojenčka se razlikujejo po telesnih značilnostih. Spremljajo jih težave, ki so najbolj opazne pri dihanju, hranjenju ter pri termoregulaciji, saj sami niso zmožni uravnavati telesne temperature. Ker so hospitalizirani v enoti intenzivne nege, je stik med nedonošenčkom ter starši prekinjen. Starša prezgodnjega poroda nista načrtovala in sta postavljena v stresno situacijo. Tudi nedonošenčku manjka bližina staršev. Zato je vloga staršev v enoti intenzivne nege zelo pomembna. Starša se vključujeta v aktivnosti zdravstvene nege, navezujeta stik ter gradita odnos med nedonošenčkom in med njima. Z vključitvijo imata korist tako starša kot nedonošenček, saj se na ta način spoznavata, povezujeta in premagujeta negativne misli. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti vlogo staršev nedonošenčka na oddelku intenzivne nege. Metoda: Raziskava je temeljila na kvalitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu ter deskriptivni metodi dela. Primerni podatki za analizo so bili pridobljeni s tehniko anektiranja. V raziskavo so bili vključeni starši nedonošenčkov, ki so izpolnili vprašalnik, objavljen na spletni strani družabnega omrežja Facebook. Anektiranje je potekalo junija 2024. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 100 staršev. Rezultati: Največ anketiranih staršev, 31,2 % (97), je navezovalo stik z nedonošenčkom s pomočjo dotika, sledi kengurujčkanje, s katerim si je pomagalo 28 % (87) staršev, s pogovorom je stik navezalo 23,8 % (74) staršev, s petjem 12,5 % (39) staršev in z masažo 3,2 % (10) staršev. Več kot polovica staršev je stik z nedonošenčkom najlažje navezala s kengurujčkanjem. Največ staršev je stik navezovalo ob vsakem obisku v intenzivni negi, in sicer 65 % (75). V enoti intenzivne nege je bil največkrat uporabljen bočni položaj pri 51 % (51) nedonošenčkih, sledi hrbtni položaj s 33 % (33) in trebušni položaj s 16 % (16). Najprimernejši položaj nedonošenčka v inkubatorju je bočni položaj (PV=4,5). 29,2 % (99) staršev, meni, da se s kengurujčkanjem vez okrepi, 20,7 % (70) vseh staršev meni, da mati ob kengurujčkanju proizvaja več mleka. 27,4 % (93) staršev trdi, da se ob izvajanju kengurujčkanja zmanjša stres pri nedonošenčku in pri starših. 21,2 % (72) vseh staršev meni, da se izboljša uravnavanje termoregulacije nedonošenčka. 0,9 % (3) staršev je izbralo odgovor, da je večja možnost, da nedonošenček zboli za različnimi boleznimi in 1,6 % (2) anketiranih staršev, da se nedonošenčkovo zdravstveno stanje poslabša. Razprava: Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da je bila velika večina staršev vključenih v aktivnosti zdravstvene nege in je na tak način naveza tudi stik z nedonošenčkom. Najbolj so se povezali s pomočjo aktivnosti kengurujčkanje in pogovora. Najlažji način za navezovanje stika, kadar je nedonošenček v inkubatorju, je za starše dotik. Prav tako se najlažje povežejo z njim, kadar je ta nameščen v hrbtnem položaju. Kengurujčkanje so izvajali skoraj vsi starši vsaj enkrat dnevno, nekateri tudi večkrat.
Keywords:nedonošenček, starši, vloga staršev, enota intenzivne nege
Year of publishing:2024
Publication date in ReVIS:28.09.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Background: A premature baby is a newborn who was born before the 37th week of gestational age. They differ from a full-term newborn in physical characteristics. They are accompanied by problems, which are most noticeable in breathing, feeding and thermoregulation, since they are not able to regulate body temperature themselves. Because they are hospitalized in the intensive care unit, the contact between the premature baby and the parents is interrupted. The parents did not plan for the premature birth and are placed in a stressful situation. A premature baby also lacks the closeness of his parents. Therefore, the role of parents in the intensive care unit is very important. Parents get involved in nursing activities, establish contact and build a relationship between the premature baby and between them. Both the parents and the premature baby benefit from the inclusion, because in this way they get to know each other, connect and overcome negative thoughts. The purpose of the research was to examine the role of the parents of a premature baby in the intensive care unit. Method: The research was based on a quantitative research approach and a descriptive work method. The primary data for the analysis was obtained using the survey technique. The research was conducted in the form of a survey questionnaire, which was published on the social network Facebook. The survey took place in the month of June 2024. 100 parents participated in the survey. Results: Most of the parents surveyed, 31.2% (97), established contact with their premature baby by touch, followed by kangaroo petting, which was used by 28% (87) of parents, and 23.8% (74) of parents established contact by talking, with by singing 12.5% (39) of parents and by massage 3.2% (10) of parents. More than half of the parents found the easiest way to bond with their premature baby was kangarooing. The majority of parents established contact at each intensive care visit, namely 65% (75). In the intensive care unit, the lateral position was most often used in 51% (51) of premature infants, followed by the supine position with 33% (33) and the prone position with 16% (16). The most suitable position for a premature baby in the incubator is the lateral position (PV=4.5). 29.2% (99) of parents believe that kangarooing strengthens the bond, 20.7% (70) of all parents believe that the mother produces more milk when kangarooing. 27.4% (93) of parents claim that kangarooing reduces stress in the premature baby and in the parents. 21.2% (72) of all parents believe that the thermoregulation of a premature baby improves. 0.9% (3) of the parents chose the answer that there is a greater chance that the premature baby will suffer from various diseases and 1.6% (2) of the surveyed parents that the premature baby's health condition will worsen. Discussion: In the research, we found that the majority of parents were involved in nursing activities and with their help also made contact with the premature baby. They bonded the most through activities called kangaroo care and with conversation. The easiest way for parents to establish contact when a premature baby is in the incubator is through touch. It is also easiest to connect with it when it is placed in the supine position. Almost all parents practiced kangarooing at least once a day, some even more than once.
Keywords:premature baby, parents, role of parents, intensive care unit
