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Title:Obravnava pacientov z rupturo labruma kolčnega sklepa
Authors:ID Humar, Anja (Author)
ID Omejec, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 2316$$oddaja_v_2._pregled_plagiata_po_recenziji_-_26.11.24_pdfa.pdf (642,93 KB)
MD5: D3BF37738CAFE81AA6FD7D10132C8CA3
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Ruptura labruma kolčnega sklepa je pogosta poškodba, ki nastane zaradi različnih vzrokov, kot so utesnitveni sindrom, travme ali degenerativne spremembe. Labrum prispeva k stabilnosti kolčnega sklepa, saj izboljšuje prileganje glavice stegnenice v sklepno ponvico, s tem pa omogoča enakomerno razporeditev obremenitev in ohranjanje sinovialne tekočine znotraj sklepa. Ko pride do poškodbe labruma, se pojavijo simptomi, kot so bolečina in omejena gibljivost. Pogoste so tudi mehanske težave, kot sta pokanje in zaskočitev, kar bistevno vpliva na funkcionalnost sklepa. Diagnoza rupture labruma temelji na anamnezi, kliničnem pregledu in slikovni diagnostiki, pri čemer je MR s kontrastom najzaneslivejša metoda za potrditev poškodbe. Pri manjših poškodbah ali ob odsotnosti večjih strukturnih nepravilnosti je prva izbira konzervativno zdravljenje, ki vključuje počitek, NSAID ter fizioterapijo. Kadar konzervativno zdravljenje ne prinese ustreznih rezultatov, predvsem pri pacientih z večjimi rupturami ali dodatnimi anatomskimi nepravilnostmi, kot sta displazija ali ustenitveni sindrom, je potrebno razmisliti o operativnem posegu, pri čemer je artroskopsko popravilo labruma najpogostjša metoda. Pomembno je poudariti, da kombinacija operativnega posega z ustrezno predoperativno in postoperativno fizioterapijo še dodatno prispeva k boljšim funkcionalnim izidom. Pravilno načrtovana rehabilitacija izboljša mišično stabilnost in nadzor nad gibljivostjo kolka, kar dolgoročno vodi k uspešnejšemu okrevanju in zmanjšanju tveganja za ponovitev težav. V diplomski nalogi smo s pregledom literature analizirali učinkovitost konzervativnega zdravljenja pacientov z ruptruo labruma kolčnega sklepa ter primerjali učinkovitost operativnega in konzervativnega zdravljenja. Ugotovili smo, da konzervativni pristop uspešno zmanjšuje bolečino in izboljšuje funkcionalnost pri manjših poškodbah, medtem ko operativni poseg prinaša boljše dolgoročne rezultate, zlasti pri večjih rupturah. Naši zaključki potrjujejo, da je konzervativno zdrevljenje učinkovito na kratek rok, vednar pri večjih poškodbah pogosto zahteva operativni poseg za dolgoročno izboljšanje. Analiza v diplomski nalogi lahko bistveno pripomore k boljšemu odločanju med konzervativnim in operativnim pristopom ter s tem izboljša klinično prakso pri zdravljenju pacientov z rupturo labruma kolčnega sklepa.
Keywords:ruptura labruma kolka, konzervativno zdravljenje, fizioterapija, operativno zdravljenje
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11143 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:10.12.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Treatment of patients with acetabular labral tear
Abstract:The rupture of the hip joint labrum is a common injury caused by various factors such as impingement syndrome, trauma, or degenerative changes. The labrum contributes to the stability of the hip joint by improving the fit of the femoral head in the acetabulum, thus ensuring even load distribution and maintaining the presence of synovial fluid within the joint. When the labrum is injured, symptoms such as pain and limited mobility arise. Mechanical issues like clicking and locking are also common, significantly affecting the joint's functionality. Diagnosis of labral tears is based on medical history, clinical examination, and imaging, with MR arthrography being the most reliable method for confirming the injury. For minor tears or in the absence of significant structural abnormalities, conservative treatment is the first choice, which includes rest, NSAIDs, and physical therapy. When conservative treatment fails to deliver adequate results, especially in patients with larger tears or additional anatomical abnormalities like dysplasia or impingement syndrome, surgical intervention must be considered, with arthroscopic labral repair being the most common method. It is important to emphasize that combining surgical intervention with appropriate preoperative and postoperative physical therapy further contributes to improved functional outcomes. A well-structured rehabilitation program enhances muscular stability and control over hip mobility, which leads to better long-term recovery and a reduced risk of recurrent issues. In this thesis, we reviewed literature to analyze the effectiveness of conservative treatment for patients with labral tears of the hip joint and compared the outcomes of conservative and surgical treatments. We found that conservative treatment effectively reduces pain and improves functionality in minor injuries, while surgical intervention yields better long-term results, particularly in cases of more significant tears. Our conclusions confirm that conservative treatment is effective in the short term, but larger injuries often require surgical intervention for long-term improvement. The analysis in this thesis can significantly contribute to better decision-making between conservative and surgical approaches, thereby improving clinical practice in treating patients with labral tears of the hip joint.
Keywords:hip labral tear, conservative treatment, physiotherapy, surgical treatment
