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Title:Vpliv raztezanja in krepitve mišic kolka pri fizioterapevtski obravnavi iliotibialnega sindroma : pregled literature
Authors:ID Nešić, Žan (Author)
ID Hernja Rumpf, Tadeja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UAMEU - Alma Mater Europaea University
Abstract:Teoretično izhodišče: Preobremenitvena poškodba iliotibialnega trakta, poznana tudi kot iliotibialni sindrom, je ena najpogostejših poškodb zunanjega dela kolena. Pojavlja se predvsem pri tekačih, pa tudi kolesarjih in ostalih športnikih, pri katerih je prisotno dalj časa trajajoče iztegovanje in upogibanje kolena. Veliko govora je o različnih pristopih in uporabi intervencij pri fizioterapevtskem zdravljenju omenjene poškodbe, zato smo se na podlagi tega odločili raziskati vplive raztezanja in krepitve mišic kolka pri fizioterapevtski obravnavi iliotibialnega sindroma. Metode: Sistematičen pregled literature smo opravili s pomočjo podatkovnih baz Google Učenjak, PubMed, PEDro, Elsevier, Reserach Gate, s ključnimi besedami: »physiotherapy«, »iliotibial band syndrome«, »stretching«, »strengthening«, »hip muscles«. Ob tem smo uporabili naslednja vključitvena merila za izbor literature: prispevki v angleškem jeziku, brezplačni prispevki »v polnem besedilu«, objavljeni v obdobju med letoma 2014 in 2024, aktualnost besedila. Rezultati: V izbrani literaturi smo skupno našli 310 člankov. Po pregledu jih je ustrezalo 48 in po izključenih zadetkih jih je kriterijem ustrezalo 30. Po pregledanih člankih, ki smo jih izključili glede na kriterije, jih je na koncu ostalo samo še 5, ki smo jih potem tudi vključili v diplomsko delo. Raziskave so bile v korelaciji z vplivom raztezanja in krepitve mišic kolka v povezavi s fizioterapevtsko obravnavo iliotibialnega sindroma. Razprava in zaključek: V diplomskem delu smo ugotovili, da imata tako raztezanje kot krepitev mišic kolka (abduktorjev) pomembno vlogo pri obravnavi iliotibialnega sindroma in njegovih simptomov. V obeh primerih so študije pokazale predvsem zmanjšanje bolečine, povečanje mišične moči, povečanje obsega gibljivosti v kolčnem sklepu in izboljšanje funkcionalnosti spodnje ekstremitete.
Keywords:fizioterapija, iliotibialni sindrom, raztezanje, krepitev mišic kolka
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:Ž. Nešić
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:[6] f., 45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11206 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:219520771 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:17.12.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical background: Overuse injury of the iliotibial tract, also known as iliotibial syndrome, is one of the most common injuries in the outer part of the knee. It occurs mainly in runners, but also in cyclists and other athletes, where prolonged stretching and bending of the knee is involved. There is a lot of talk about different approaches and the use of interventions in the physiotherapeutic treatment of the mentioned injury, so based on this, we decided to investigate the impact of stretching and muscle strengthening in the physiotherapeutic treatment of iliotibial syndrome. Methods: We performed a systematic review of the literature using the Google Scholar, PubMed, PEDro, Elsevier, Research Gate, databases, using the keywords: "physiotherapy", "iliotibial band syndrome", "stretching", "strengthening", "hip muscles". In doing so, we used the following included criteria for literature selection: papers in English, free "full text" papers, papers published in the period between 2014 and 2024, topicality of the text. Results: We found a total of 310 articles in the selected literature. After the review, 48 of them matched, and after the excluded searches, according to the criteria, 30 of them matched. After the reviewed articles, which we excluded according to the criteria, then only 5 remained at the end, which we then included in the thesis. The latter research was correlated with the impact of stretching and strengthening of the hip muscles in connection with the physiotherapeutic treatment of iliotibial syndrome. Discussion and conclusion: In the thesis, we found that both stretching and strengthening of the hip muscles (abductors) play an important role in treating iliotibial syndrome and its symptoms. In both cases, the studies mainly showed a decrease in pain, an increase in muscle strength, an increase in the range of motion in the joint, and an improvement in the functionality of the lower extremities.
Keywords:physiotherapy, iliotibial syndrome, stretching, hip muscle strengthening
